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The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret: The Increasingly Soon Return of Todd Margaret
Episode 0, Season 3

Fun preview of unexpected new season
When I first streamed through seasons 1 & 2 of The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret and saw that the last season ended several years ago, I never imagined we would get to see one more season of the darkly comedic gem. David Cross plays this role to perfection. Todd Margaret is in a since a bumbling fool, but it takes a certain amount of wit to portray this type of idiocy to perfection. He creates the most cringe-worthy moments of foot-in-mouth you will see on a show, and yet it's hard to turn away. Cross and Horgan do a create job in this short special recapping the beautiful train wreck that was Todd Margaret (while throwing down some cold ones).

The Time Machine

You Must Realize this a great film
What ever happened to people going to or seeing a movie to escape or to just enjoy the thing. What's with this overanalyzing, picky this picky that. Unless you get paid to critique acting and whether or not this movie compliments the book then enjoy. The reality is that this film is a surrealistic ride that takes you places you couldnt imagine. It has plenty of action enough acting. It's an awesome film.

Super Troopers

Hilarious, start of new comedy writing team
When I saw the preview for Super Troopers, it looked funny but then again I've been fooled before. This movie was hilarious especially the part with the Swedish or German car thiefs and the dude humping the bear. I enjoyed this movie from the beginning to end and I hope that Broken Lizard will make many more movies!

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