
IMDb member since November 2019
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    4 years, 6 months



One of the greatest shows of the 90's
I've been a fan of this show since it premiered in the last 1980's. I used to watch it with my aunt every week and we looked forward to the laughs. I didn't always understand what was going on but Roseanne and Dan always made me laugh.

Now that I'm old I still watch the re-runs on TV Land and CMT and it still makes me laugh just as much. I think what I always loved about the show is how it mimicked real life. Not everyone lives in a beautiful home with an unlimited cash flow and the Conners were just like the rest of us - living paycheck to paycheck and trying to find a way not to get the lights shut off. The show did a great job with serious and social topics through the years, I just wish at times they didn't focus so much on women's lib and making men out to be useless and dumb.

The first few seasons are the very best because Roseanne, in real life, did not become a diva yet but the middle seasons are very good too. The majority of season 8 and all of season 9 are just train wrecks. The series really should have ended with season 7 because the final 2 seasons just because so outlandish and weird that it was clear Roseanne was just doing these things because she could. Her real life craziness was now taking over the show.

If you've never watched the show before I highly recommend it, but maybe just skip seasons 8 and 9 so it does not leave you with a bad taste in your mouth.

Last Man Standing

The premise for this show does not work at all, yet I still can't stop watching it.
Mike Baxter is a misogynistic racist that pushes his alt-right views on everyone. He does whatever he wants and says whatever he wants and suffers no consequences. He is the perfect example of a man that overcompensates in every aspect of his life to make up for shortcomings elsewhere. Everything always goes his way no matter how mean and awful he is.

His wife, Vanessa is a high-functioning alcoholic that does whatever her husband says and drowns her sorrows in wine. Any self respecting woman would have left him years ago but she seems to stay for the kids and the money.

Kristin, the Baxter's eldest daughter was initially a teenage mother but has blossomed into the same kind of person her father is, only with a far left viewpoint. She browbeats her opinionated hippie husband to do whatever she wants. She also holds her job only because her father is her boss.

The middle Baxter child is Mandy. Mandy is a fashionista that is not the sharpest tool in the shed. She coasted through the majority of her life with her looks and by sleeping around. Mandy, however, has the biggest heart in the Baxter household and truly loves her family and wants good things for them. Mandy is being portrayed by a new much less talented actress beginning in season 7.

The youngest Baxter is Eve. She is a militant version of her father and is probably more racist than Mike. She believes she is better than everyone and can say and do whatever she pleases.

By far, the best character on the show is Kyle Anderson. Kyle is Mandy's husband and is as kind hearted and he is dimwitted. Kyle would give you the shirt off his back and would run into a burning building to save you. Mike treats his son in law like garbage and constantly puts him down no matter how much love Kyle shows him. The entire family treats him like garbage in fact, except Mandy.

Lastly is Ryan, Mike's other son in law and Kristin's husband. He is as pushy with his liberal views as Mike is with his alt-right views. Ryan cares more about causes than his own family. He is the worst.

Well that is the Baxter family. I know they sound awful, and really they are. Aside from Kyle and Mandy they are just awful people. But the show is funny and is never boring. Isn't that what we want in entertainment?

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