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For All Mankind

Great footage, but the missions are all over the place without really telling us. If you don't have a little knowledge beforhand, like Apollo 13, you're pretty much left in the dark which mission is which and may think it was just 1 mission to the moon (and back obviously). Started to really dawn on me when Apollo 13 had that breathing problem (which was solved in a jiffy in this documentary) and then a crew was going for a moonlanding ( which obviously Appolo 13 never did. But hey when you hear the name Neil Armstrong you are pretty much back on course. Ah okay great i am seeings Apollo 11 and the first moonlanding at the moment : )

Footage: 8.5 Overall Docu : 6.


60.000 votes, close to 30.000 gave it a 10. Yeah that's very honest voting.
That being said, i loved 1883, but i give it 7 stars in the end. My main issue: The girl's philosophical monologe like 3 times an episode pretty much ruined it for making it a solid 8. The overall production looks solid and gorgious though. Maybe too dramatic at times and situations created to get the story going are forgiven.


why did they even make this?
If i watch films like this i always wonder if they struck a deal; "If you do this movie, we support you in one of your following projects you have trouble getting funded" or it is a multiple movie deal. Do one great one, two or more crap ones.


haters gonna hate
I avoided this movie for years because of all the negativity generated by the lovers of the original(s).

Glad i finally watched it. As a Ghostbuster movie it delivers perfectly.... Ghost and busting Ghost. I liked Ghostbusters Afterlife as well, but in all fairness it does not contain that much Busting and the ending of that one is basically just the ending of the original. This one here has the spirit of the original.

Fistful of Vengeance

Another in yellow urine dipped filter movie
Such a shame a lot of movies and series use this filter nowadays. A normal blue sky is not done anymore i guess.

A kick ass HDR TV is pretty much useless when they use this filter lol.

But even without the filter this movie is mediocre at best. I liked the series a lot, but this flick has a completely different feeling.


Fun movie regardless the usual dumb stuff to keep the movie going.
They should have used a different poison for one. It might have worked sitting on a chair doing research, but not when going in full attack kicking ass mode .

Kinda bugged me the whole way through, but hey it's a movie.

Most annoying bit: The girl taking way too long trying to make the gun work. Beyond stupid! A faster edit needed.

Gave it a 7 because 6 isn't doing the movie justice. Overall it is a quality production.

Jungle Cruise

ok movie, too dominant soundtrack
Every once in a while it happens, a too dominant and bombastic soundtrack.

It's ok if you don't notice it and becomes part of the movie, but it's a problem when you do. Every action scene has it, telling you what you should feel. Like you are not able to do it yourself. Works with Indiana Jones, but not with this movie.


See the trailer, seen the movie
That pretty much sums it all up.

Still amazes me they put trailers out like this.

Watch closely and the order of events is very clear.

Almost like reading a book and skip right to the ending It even tells you about the overall quality: poor.

And oops it has kids with big parts. Often a downer as well

ZZZzzZZZzzZZZ. Oh wait, you need to stay awake...sorry my bad.


In the end a pointless movie
-Why is there no backup / spare parts / replacement for the "CDRA" ? You are on a trip to Mars and you bet on 1 horse? That's pretty stupid! Right away i said to myself: Oh God not this road again! Don't insult the viewers intelligence because you can't tell the story otherwise!

-Stowaway explanation? That plot ended up on the cutting room floor or something? Being the movies titlle and all....

-An oxigen tank holds enough oxigen for months?

  • When going outside the spacecraft and climb a pole you don't secure yourself like any other normal climber would do? ( dito for the retrieved oxigen tank)

-For me the movie ended abruptly and i am sure i wasn't the only one!

I hate it when filmmakers take the easy road just to keep the story going and underestimate or even ignore the viewers intelligence.

P.s wouldn't it have been a better movie if the stowaway (when told) wasn't ok with his sacrifice and not such a gentle understanding nice guy?

Promising Young Woman

They lost the nerve at the very end
I kept waiting for her to slice his throat or stab him in the chest multiple times, while the pillow was on her face and that it was all an act. (she did fake the being drunk routine the whole movie, that's why). Also we never get to see her dead face. Since she was so messed up, i even thought perhaps she even acted it all out till the very morning :) But Nope!

Uptill then i gave it a solid 7.9. (almost every movie takes the easy road sometimes to keep the story going, even if it is illogical for people to do something stupid or convenient. For me the biggest one was the phone with the video. (which is a videotape) lot of trouble to convert that and send that around via mobile. And even that is weird as it not smartphones as we now today)

Good acting throughout the movie though.

7 stars.


Einstein you little devil!
Not in this movie! (They even mention Back to the Future!)

The dog in this movie is lost in time and left behind.

I know it is a movie, but it ruined the whole movie for me.

I am all for bad stuff happening if needed, instead of all that Disney happy happy stuff, but in this case it felt really bad and unneeded

So sad, especially because the dog made the sad lonely crying sound before it finally disappeared.

The whole movie i kept hoping he would have 1 pill left and returned to save the dog. Obviously that never happened.

Too bad they can't do some reshoots anymore and change that.

If you can ignore the dog part it is a good movie.

Really it a 2 part movie, the second part being the best and getting interesting.


Not as good as i remember
All i can say is that around 2005, when i first watched Primer i thought it was great. Always remembered this title as being a special movie. But now more then 15 years later on a second watch? It's a mysterie to me why i thought it was ever special in the first place. Now all i see is a movie that pretends to be more then it really is. Perhaps i have seen way better stuff during these 15 years??

Coming 2 America

More like Coming to Zamunda
Boring and uninspired movie, even the funny mistakes at the end aren't funny. Pretty much sums up the movie: A redundant and unnecessary part 2. Only thing funny at times is Wesley Snipes as General Izzi. The rest is rehashing . Throwing in a dozen familiar faces doesn't make a good movie either. Just toned down stuff from the original to get a PG13 rating.

sidenote: How about a bloody DNA test first? :)

The Head

Cold, but no steamy breath to be seen.
If there is one way to tell it is cold it would be your breathing. Of course it doesn't always directly show irl , but no visible breath at all is too weird when in the freezing cold. My brain said: eh what?, but how? Does not Compute!

Ok to pass the time with i guess, other than that mediocre at best. Also a few hours too long.


it's not THAT bad!
I have seen far far worse, so the 1, 2 and 3 stars people give it are to be ignored if it were up to me. Reminded me of an 80's and early 90's sci-fi before all the CGI kicked in. This movie obviously has CGI and stuff in it, but it is kept to a minimum. A low budget flick, probably shot in 6 weeks tops and it shows. Predictable, acting not all that good, but that's what you get when you have a small budget, little time, cheapish set, silly childish gun props and a weak script. I still had an ok time watching this even when they had to cut some corners to get there. What did bug me though is the fact they pretty much ignore even today's technology. i for one can't get passed the fact they still have to clean and sweep the floor manually on a spaceship ;)

4.5 stars gave 5 because IMDb still not allowing decimal ratings for individuele users.

The Good Place

Good when there's nothing else to watch.
I liked it. but not worth 8+ stars.

Season 1 was good, after going downhill. What bugged me the most? The unbelievable love relationship between Eleanor and Chidi. Damn what were they thinking? No love chemistry or what so ever.

Homeland: Prisoners of War
Episode 12, Season 8

i am sorry but NO
This was not a good way to finish a series. Season was fine for being in it's 8th and final season, untill the final few episodes. You can tell they had trouble finishing it. It makes absolutely no sense. Weakest point for me this final season must be the gullible Vice President, later President. How did he ever become Vice President in the first place? Is it mandatory to have those in a show? Guess he kept the story moving forward that way.

And sorry but: '2 years later' ?? Talk about having trouble finishing a story... No way they would ever trust her.

10/10 voters have a few screws loose. Blinded bye fandom? There are plenty of things that make absolutely no sense or even sound logical to do or happen. (even for tv shows)

Final ep 4/10, but overal series 7/10 as it was bloody entertaining


Goes downhill as the seasons pass
Season 1 i loved. Season 2 is good. Season 3 still ok but pushing it a bit. Season 4 just enough to be interested for season 5. Season 5 episodes 1-8 ? what the hell happened? Even the actors look bored and out of character at times. It all looks beautiful, but when there is little left to tell it is all meaningless. It has become dull and formulaic. Zzzzzz.

Too bad you can't rate per season and others rarely re-rate after initial voting. The Current 8.4 rating for the whole series is wayyyy off.

Legends of Tomorrow: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five
Episode 1, Season 5

In the end...
Shows like this are all superhero soaps made for teens and / or simple minded people, who apparently never come into contact with better stuff. (sorry)

Anyway this 5-parter that has it's conclusion here was the worst of the bunch.

Just wanted to see if i made the right decision all those years ago by watching this 5 for 1 in a bag cross-over...and i was right. Damn it's mediocre at best.

Looks like it gets more kids oriented each new season.

The only thing i loved about this 5-parter was seeing The Smallville part. That put a Smile on my face :)


Suspension of disbelief only goes so far
One full episode was enough for me, but to be honest i wanted to quit after that silly wardance already.Probably Jason Momoa's own idea or one of the reasons that convinced him doing this show...blinded i guess hehe. No need to watch more, it's obvious where this is going (or not) Time is limited, so better not waste it by hoping this show will change to your liking...it won't!

Anyway. I really, really, really tried to get past them being blind, but it is so poorly done that it becomes unbelievable. Why not just say that there are only 2 million people left after a virus and ditch the whole blindness part? Would have been fine by me. Or make them deaf for all i care. Anything but blind! How did they manage to build all those houses, make perfect cloths and stay clear from predators etc? Blind people can adapt, sure, but to this level and survive and not becoming extinct? They just act too much like seeing people...sorry. They go to war in the hills with axes and swords? I probably slit my brothers throat when chopping away like that LOL, or at least tear a muscle when i fall from a slight height as you can't predict when you hit the ground. (muscle memory etc) . For Pete's sake give them all at least a stick or cane when moving around. One of the first things i would do if blind. It are not worker-ants recognizing each other by smell! And why even bother putting on warpaint if you are all blind? Scare of some bears, as it is perhaps some smelly dirt they can't stand? Anyone's guess. So many questions, so little credibility.

How this got to be a series is beyond me. There many steps before something goes into production, so many sleepless nights to think it all over, to tweak and mold the product, and they managed to come up with this?! What a waste as it all looks beautiful.

3 stars for the trouble, because the locations look stunning Hear Hear!

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