
IMDb member since November 2019
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The Skeleton Twins

Beautiful and accurate portrayal of a sibling relationship
I think many people may find this film hard to relate to, but for the people who do it will really strike true. The sibling dynamic really reminded me of my own relationship with my brother--from the mouthing song lyrics to random poking to putting makeup on him to strange jokes/characters that don't make sense to anyone else. I've never seen a film that so accurately portrayed that type of relationship. Bill Hader was exceptional, with a subtle and nuanced performance (but then again I think he's great in everything he does). Kristen Wiig was also fantastic, and their chemistry really brought life to the film.

I think people who relate to the things the film deals with (depression, sibling relationships, dysfunctional family) will really love this movie, while those who can't see themselves reflected in any of the characters or situations might get less out of it. But so it goes for most movies, I suppose.

Doctor Who: The Husbands of River Song

If you didn't love the Doctor x River Song, you will love them now
Call me blasphemous but I was never a huge fan of River Song. She didn't get all that much screen time so we never saw her relationship with the Doctor build. I didn't find their romance believable, so it felt more like a plot device than anything else. A cool plot device (figures, it's Doctor Who) but a plot device nonetheless. This episode changed everything. We get to see their dynamic and their romance in action, and how good of a team they make. We get to know River a bit better. Not to mention the fact that the screenwriting is excellent--this is an wonderfully funny episode.

Lately Capaldi has been growing on me, climbing the ranks and getting closer and closer to David Tennant's long held top spot of being my favorite Doctor, and, I have to say, this episode finally pushed him to the top. Capaldi's an incredibly nuanced actor who plays the role in a way that's tragic and heartbreaking, yet somehow still charming and hilarious. He makes the Doctor feel more alien and more human at the same time, if that's even possible. As other people have mentioned, this episode is really funny but really sad, with a perfect conclusion that connects back to the day the Doctor first met River. A round of applause to the writers, Alex Kingston, and Peter Capaldi. Well done.

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