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House of the Dragon: The Heirs of the Dragon
Episode 1, Season 1

Solid start - promising, let's see
I don't want to give this show a 10 just yet, because who are we kidding we've only seen one episode, and while the start looks promising I'm waiting to see the level of the screen writing on the long run.

However having said that, for the moment, the acting looks pretty decent from everyone, sound track is really good, screen play as well, cgi is good, basically everything is solid. I did see another comment about this show saying that there are only 3 main "3D" characters that are actually interesting and could really develop, and I have to admit I concur with them. The amount of characters introduced leaves a little to be desired for future seasons. In the sense, inevitably we know those 3 characters will die at some point. The question is more then who do we bring in then? I just hope they can introduce those characters in an organic way.

Anyway, solid start overall, let's see what comes in the next few episodes.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part V
Episode 5, Season 1

A taster of what we've been looking for
This episode was kind of a make or break episode for me ngl. I started watching the show with high expectations, only to be a little disappointed. I however did blame the fact that it's a new show and they needed to set the scene, in the hope that the next episodes were going to be better. However as the show progressed i was getting more and more disappointed, to the point where, well, finally, this episode was kind of the make or break episode of this series. If i don't like it, i would loose interest and stop watching it. Boy, I was not disappointed.

Overall I will say that this episode is by far the best one of the series so far. The flash backs are really nice, I mean of course Anakin looks a little older but i'm not putting too much weight on it, because afterall this is made 15 years after the movies and you cant do much about it. I honestly don't care it's a minor detail.

The plot for this episode was much better built, and I really enjoyed it, the idea also of making reva one of the younglings, which i guess is a classic in hollywood cinema, is still a nice touch and a nice plotline to have added in. I wont lie however overall i have been very disappointed in the way they have built her character arc and the lines they've given her. They mostly feel cheesy and cringy at times, with unrealistic mannerisms. A note for the future would be to try to build her a little differently. Also please don't give her plot armour...

Having said that, I absolutely loved her battle with darth vader, between the music, the special effects and the acting, just actually everything, this is EXACTLY why I wanted to watch this show. I wanted to see this.

Im honestly now excited to see what the future will bring for this show, and while it has it's faults, it's still a nice show to watch and enjoy. Solid 8/10.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part III
Episode 3, Season 1

Dialog is disappointing.
It felt like they kind of rushed the plot.

I mean spoiler alert, but that meeting between obi-wan and darth vader was waaaaaaay too early. I feel like they should have built up to it a lot more, and kind of left that last encounter as a treat at the end of the series.

On top of that, the dialog they chose for this scene are pretty pathetic. I mean come on... Last time anakin saw obi wan saw each other the dude left him to die and be burnt... You need to write a good dialog, and especially character arc for anakin. I mean while anakin is half robot, he still has emotions. They really needed ask the questions: "what is anakin feeling?" "why does he feel that way?" "how can we express that?" which i feel they didn't really look into.

Having said that I have spent the last 30 minutes thinking about it, and I am honestly unsure of psychologically how someone in anakin's spot would react, and what a potential dialog could look like. But a professional would most likely have been able to voice that. Anyway, this went on a bit of a rant.

The rest of the episode still holds up in a satisfactory fashion, with decent music, plotline (ish) and visual effects.

Top Gun: Maverick

What more can you ask from Top Gun Maverick
Honestly, what more can you ask from this movie?

Nostalgic and classic but still fresh. Breathtaking camerawork, on point acting, and good plot line. I'm not even gonna to talk about the score which was just phenomenal.

Honestly if you're gonna make a sequel to an 80s movie, this should absolutely be the golden standard. Taking the best from 80s nostalgia and adapting it to the 21st century in the most seamless well. A must see, and impossible not to give it a 10/10.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

A tale of 2 stories
I've honestly had a really hard time deciding how I feel about this show, and at the end of it, I'm a little left with a feeling of "what could have been" and well, as the title says a tale of stories.

Let' start with the plot. I honestly thought that the plot idea overall was relatively decent. Leia gets kidnapped and Obi-wan has to find her and bring her home, all the while meeting back against his old friend, now foe darth vader. However having said that I was left a little disappointed by their B-story and how they integrated it in. The idea of having this extra character in who was originally a youngling who survived and then planned her entire revenge around joining this inquisition order was spicy, and a concept, which while a classic of hollywood, I really liked. However the decisions they made her take/they direction they took with her are so painfully bad. Like why did she want to kill luke when we know she's a "good" character? I won't lie also there were some episodes also which were reeeeally painfully bad, with massive plot holes and just unrealistic scenarios, and making obi-wan and darth vader meet way too early in the show. On top of that it felt like they didnt follow through with the story well enough. So overall, the concept was nice, the execution of the plot ideas into an actual plot were terrible.

EDIT: been thinking a bit about it, and actually i feel like it would have made more sense to actually get Reva to try to kill the grand inquisitor rather than try luke which made no sense. Then at that point They could have had a sense of duality between 2 rivalries while they alternate between the pairs' duels. Maybe the only way that the grand inquisitor dies, is if she kills him too? Could have been a nice plot twist no?

Dialogs. Oh boy. I mean they were really bad at times. Hey, i mean at least for the prequel fans it'll give them something to reminisce eh? Ahah No but jokes aside, it was bad for a large part of the show, with unrealistic decisions and reactions to events. Having said that, they picked themselves up a little towards the end of the show with the final dialog between darth vader and obi-wan being absolutely top notch. We really get a glimpse into how they were feeling and so forth. Again a tale of 2 stories.

Soundtrack: What do you expect from star wars in terms of sound track? You expect something top notch, and in this case, I felt they did a pretty solid job with music. Nothing to complain about but nothing extraordinary.

Acting: Decent enough for everyone, although the bad dialogs really did not serve them well. Heartfelt moment though for the last dialog between darth and obi. Really felt like the two of them gave a great performance there. Seeing a broken obi-wan, and a darth vader who while we see glimmers of annakin, we know he is long gone, was absolutely phenomenal. Again, a tale of 2 stories. No other major comments to that regard.

I think that's more or less what I wanted to say about this show. I want to give this show a 6.8/10 (which on imdb will appear as a 7) but I have a reason why i don't consider it a 7. If a show is a 7, for me, it has to hit all the criteria of a good show in a satisfactory fashion. As in, the plot has to be satisfactory, the dialogs, the acting, music, lighting and so forth also satisfactory. While there were flashes of brilliance in all those areas, i felt in some moments the plot was all too underwhelming, and because of those underwhelming moments, i really don't feel like I can give them a 7. I can give close but not a 7.


well written an engaging
Halston is a fascinating series, which is well written and engaging. The acting is also on point with Ewan McGregor, who portrays the man very well. My only regret with this series and unfortuantely also with a lot of series and movies, is why producers, or directors, always find it necessary to add sex scenes to the series. They add nothing plot wise, probably are not enjoyed by the actors and make it rather awkward when watching it with family, or friends... Game of thrones is for example another one of those great series, which i feel is ruined by adding unnecessary sex scenes...

Teenage Bounty Hunters

I dont know where to begin, but this show is horrendous. Once you take out the actual plot line, everything about it, was just one step too much. I really enjoy exaggerated shows where the comedy is maybe a little forced, and the characters decisions relatively dumb, for the plot, like The Office, or Brooklyn 99, but this was too much. Actually i managed to find 2 key places it demonstrates what they're lacking.

First let's start with the characters and the setting. The characters feel wayyyyy too forced, the decisions unnatural and it feels like the writers had no idea how to make the plot work together, and so had to make the characters VERY dumb in a similar fashion to Insatiable, yet pushed even further. Furthermore it portrays the entirety of the bible belt as just a bunch of naive, dumb and over the top religious, yet hypocritical people. And finally also completely misinterprets christianity in probably one of the worst ways I have ever seen.

Finally the acting. Man, this just feels like a high school of some terrible theater piece... Some scenes just want to make me cringe so hard at the acting. Its like you can feel in the show that the director said: "look tired here" or "feel happy here" and not at all natural. One scene that really pops to mind is episode 2 when the 2 girls go to the drugstore to buy some heated thing (idek what it was), anyway, the girls to show that they're tired immediately just sigh, like in a classic home made high school theater piece. It does not at all feel natural, just simply like the director told them to be tired.


Absolutely incredible
This is honestly one of the best mini-series i have ever seen. Just astonishing.

The acting first was great. I was a little sceptical af first as to how the show was going to be considering Jonah Hill makes mostly cheesy comedies, be he really gave one of the best performances i have seen in a long time. Same with Emma Stone. Fabulous from both of them.

Now the plot. Absolutely creative and original. This alternate future set around the 80s is well built and gives us a sense of deja-vu with back to the future and inception. The plot idea is genius. Character development is phenomenal. Thats really something i find lacking in a lot of movies and shows today, but here this is done to perfection. Nearly got me teary, and i am not one to usually feel emotions with movies and shows.

As for the themes, they are so refreshingly original, focused around family and friends, and how we should treat each other. Furthermore this receives an additional plus for not adding any racial or political agenda to the plot. I find that all too annoying to be forced a propaganda clip down your throat, when all you wanted was a nice quiet movie. This really should set the bar for what movies and shows should aspire for.

I would give this mini series an 11/10, but its not possible!

The Man in the High Castle

There are ups and downs
First of all i wish to say that the above rating is for all 4 seasons combined, some seasons are better, and others are worse. I will review each one here:

Season 1: 8/10 Season 1 was great. You really get blown away by it. I am really a history geek, but i believe we've all at some point asked ourselves, what would have happened if ww2 was won by the Nazis? The first season really gives us food for thought about what the possible outcome could have been, and honestly it scares the living hell out of me because of how immoral, and violent it is. This season really focuses on on this "what if" scenario, however, if you look at the trailer you'll realise they talk about some movies depicting the allies winning the war. It honestly kind of breaks the whole series because of its unrealism. But its important to note that with this season one is so absorbed into the world, that one forgets a bit that storyline.

Season 2: 9.9/10 Alright this one was incredible. No argument. They focus a little less on the "allies winning the war" movies, and more on the actual "real world plot", notably with Hitler's death, the power struggle, and the Japan & Germany diplomacy play which was excellent and very captivating. It was truly amazing. I am lost for words. The trailer quality really reflects that season's quality. Acting and screenwriting was incredible. It is without doubt that the are worthy of the 2 emmys they won with this season.

Season 3: 2/10 This one was honestly pretty terrible. While in season 1 and 2 one is captivated by the whole world, this one is just terrible. They set the focus more on the movies and the possibility of an alternate universe, and the new Führer wanting to march men across... Not at all what we wanted...

Season 4: 8/10 Mixed feeling. That is the only word to describe this season compared to the previous one. It was really captivating, with the twists and turns from season 2, and they distanced a bit themselves from the alternate world thing (even though they still have it, its better incorporated), which really just makes the whole thing much more enjoyable even though it should still be completely removed. but then theres 2 climaxes: The first one with the Himmler assassination, and the independence of the US was great, though, i wished they had spend a little more screen time on that. The second climax as also good, though that last scene with the people moving through that portal killed it. Im honestly expecting a season 5 to be just like season 3, and a total waste of money from the producers.

Though in general, this is definitely something to see. The alternate world idea is fantastic, loved it!.

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