
IMDb member since June 2006
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    17 years


Lisey's Story

What a drag
Nice artistic direction but the pacing sucks... so hard to keep going without falling asleep.

Jojo Rabbit

It's an amazing movie, it's unfortunate the USA propaganda
Beautifully movie , makes you laugh and cry. Show the humanity at a time of war. The American flags at the end ... what the hell is that everyone knows the soviets took Berlin. I am European and it's sad how American propaganda machine is still ruining amazing movies.

Superman: Red Son

Feminist Woke propaganda
Like everyone said it deviates from the original story to be just another American movie full of feminist bs


Wait so you cancel swamp thing and renew this ???
This is such a bad written show and acting is ... you have to see it to believe it. Swamp thing who had high ratings and was a hit everywhere is canceled . 'No wonder marvel is higher than DC

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