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El guardián invisible

The Baztan Trilogy Review: Part Police Procedural, Part Family Drama Set In The Navarre Spain
Based on the novels of Spanish writer Dolores Redondo, the Baztan trilogy (which consist of "The Invisible Guardian", "The Legacy Of The Bones", and "Offering To The Storm") is currently available on NetFlix. The films are produced by Peter Nadermann (who also did the Stieg Larrson Millennium trilogy-- "Girl With A Dragon Tattoo' etc). He definitely knows how to translate a noir novel for the screen

The compelling series is part police procedural and part family drama. As the story opens, Detective Amaia Salazar returns to her hometown in Elizondo (which is in the Navarre region of Spain). She is there to investigate a serial killer. Little does Amaia realize how much she'll learn about her own past in the process. An added bonus of the series is learning about the history of the area (which I knew nothing about). The town of Elizondo is almost it's own character with expansive shots of the local village (homes, bridges, churches, etc) as well as expansive overhead views of teh valley surrounding the area. There are lots of long drives through the dark woods. it seems to rain there a lot.

Marta Etura does a excellent job as Amaia Salazar. She's someone we can root for (despite her many flaws). All of the supporting characters-- Amaia's husband James, her family (especially Auntie) as well as her coworkers are interesting to watch.

My only criticism is that the movies are a bit long and the pace slow at times. We sometimes follow story threads which dont lead anywhere. Hang in there though. The ending is worth the ride. If you liked "Silence Of The Lambs" give the Baztan Trilogy a try

Cities of the Underworld

What's Hidden Under Your Feet?
I watched the first season last month on Amazon Prime and I am hooked. I plan to watch the others next. Each episode investigates the underground in one city and adds historical insights. Who knew there was so much under our feet-- be they natural caves, water systems, sewage systems, secret underground meeting places, metro systems, military installations, etc. Truly fascinating. i cant say enough good things about this series.

Into the Dark

Into The Dark Season 2: Definitely Check Out "Pilgrim" And "Nasty Piece Of Work"
The sophomore season (like season 1) continues to be a fixed lot. You never know what you'll get with each entry., There were two excellent movies this season- "Pilgrim" and "A Nasty Piece Of Work". Definitely check them out. I also enjoyed "Delivered" and "Good Boy". For fans of Pooka, hes back with an all star cast (Felicia Day, Will Wheaton) in "Pooka Lives". Will there be a season 3 of "Into The Dark"? I cant find anything online about it but I would not be surprised if its canceled (as many shows have been due to Covid-19).

The Purge

The Purge Season 2: What Happens The Other 364 Days Of The Year?
Season 2 of "The Purge" gave me what i was looking for. That is "what happens during the other 365 days of the year"? This season focuses on four main characters. We see what impact this dystopian society has on regular people. The beginning of the season was a bit slow but definitely picked up towards the end.

The TV series has been officially canceled by the USA Network but have no fear. The last Purge movie named "The Forever Purge" was scheduled for release in 2020. The 'Rona has forced it to move to July 2021. Probably a good idea anyway. Watching "The Purge" is definitely not as entertaining when you're in the middle of something worse.


Wentworth Season 8: Slower Overall But Still My Favorite
After being obsessed with "Wentworth" for seven seasons, 8 seems slower to me. Most of my favorite main characters are gone. There are some new ones but they dont have the same punch. Luckily one of the most important is back. And I wont spoil anything else for you. Just watch it. As usual, the season ends on a cliffhanger. It wasnt as exciting as last year's prison siege but we still have one main character's life in jeopardy. Are you still invested in "Wentworth" after all these years?

"Wentworth" is ALREADY Australia's longest running drams series Next year it will hit 100 episodes. The TV series it's based on, "Prisoner", ran from 1979 to 1986. It had a whopping 692 episodes. Wow!. "Wentworth" will release a ninth and final season mid 2021. I hope they pull out all the stops and go out on a high note. The ladies of "Wentworth" and the fans definitely deserve it.


Created Pre Covid-19 But The Similarities Are Thought Provoking
Shockingly violent, the death toll mounts in episode 1 and beyond. No one is safe in this world. Think of it as "Game Of Thrones" for comic book nerds. Visually, the series is very appealing. There's always something cool to look at. Having said all that, the pace of the show is a bit slow. "Utopia" only has eight episodes but could have benefited from some more trimming. It seems like a lot of time passes without much going on.

You'll notice there is a disclaimer at the beginning of each episode. It says that the show is a work of fiction and 'not based on actual, related or current events". Despite being in the works for years, this series happened to arrive during the pandemic. I'm not sure if that's really good timing or the worst timing ever. It is impossible not to draw parallels between "Utopia" and current events. Let's just hope the QAnon and anti-vaxxer folks dont use this show to bolster their agenda. Lord knows they already believe stuff far crazier than this.

The door is left wide open for a season 2. Are you game or have you seen enough of "Utopia"? I personally think I'm good stopping here. There are plenty enough dreadful things happening now in the real world. Watching a shows about them too is a bit much. Maybe I'll feel different at a later date.

The Umbrella Academy

Saving The World From The Apocalypse... Again
A fun season where we get to learn a bit more about each of the Hargreeves silings. Standouts this season include: Five and Vanya. Excellent job by Aidan Gallagher and Ellen Page. Kate Walsh as The Handler also delightfully hams it up in every scene. Her outfits are to DIE FOR. The show is worth watching for her if nothing else. Great acting, great cinematography and great musical choices make "Umbrella Academy" a must see. I really hope there's a season 3. Please don't let the story end here.


"Dark" Deserves Your Full Attention
What began as a who-dun-it murder mystery became the best time travel show EVER on television. I cant recommend it more highly. Helpful Hint: It is best to go in with as little knowledge of the show as possible. And yes, you're gong to need to take notes.


The Delores Show
Sadly, I found season 3 to be a bit lacking. Even though the stakes are high, the plot doesnt seem as compelling. There are lots of unneededly complicated story lines. "Westwold" raises lots of philosophical questions such as "What does it mean to be human?" and "Does anyone have free will?"-- but they largely go unanswered. All the main characters (Delores, Charlotte, Maeve, Bernard, William) have largely separate story lines. I like them best when they interact (either working together or trying to kill each another). Don't get me wrong. There are some MAJOR positives about season 3. The biggest is Evan Rachel Wood. Her portrayal of damsel-in-distress-turned-world-destroyer Delores is the highlight of the series. I would follow her army anywhere. The show is also visually stunning. The sci fi elements this season are top notch. The fight scenes and car chases are excellent. I just wish there was a more cohesive story to match. "Westworld" has been renewed for a season 4. Where can they go from here given the final state of the characters? And can they attract an audience that's interested enough to tune back in? Time will tell.


In Troubling Times, This Revenge Fantasy Is Just What The Doctor Ordered
Amazon's new series about 1970's Nazi hunters is a wild ride. "Hunters" has one of the best opening sequences out there and keeps the audience invested until the closing credits. Al Pacino (as Myer Offerman) is great (as always). My favorite quote from him: "Living well is not the best revenge. Revenge is the best revenge." The supporting cast is also excellent. Standouts include killer nun Sister Harriet (Kate Mulvany) and married weapons experts Morty and Mindy (Saul Rubinek and Carol Kane)-.

There has been some controversy around the show (especially the human chess scenes). Creator David Weir says he wrote this story as a homage to his own grandparents who survived the concentration camps. I too am confused about how real life tragedies should be handled when they're converted into entertainment. Do shows like "Inglorious Bastards" or "The Man In The High Castle" belittle the real life suffering of millions of people (or do they impress upon younger viewers the horrors of the past)? I'm not sure what the answer is. I do think we need to look at the show's genre though. "Hunters" is not meant to be a documentary. It's a drama with grindhouse elements (and some comedy thrown in). And grindhouse movies such as Quentin Tarantino's "Death Proof are completely over the top with gore and violence.

All things considered, I still very much enjoyed "Hunters". In troubling times, this revenge fantasy is just what the doctor ordered.


Madame Daugeron Will Scare The Hell Out Of You
Marianne" might be one of NetFlix's best horror series (right after "The Haunting Of Hill House" to which it is often compared). Both are about unresolved childhood drama that comes back to haunt you. With just eight 40-ish minute episodes, "Marianne" a super fast watch. Yes, the show is in French. Just turn on the subtitles. It's WELL worth a watch. Everything about "Marianne" clicks. The aerial scenes of the coastal town, the lighthouse and the waves crashing against the shore really add to the atmosphere. The cinematography is great. There are lots of shots of holes-- holes in books, holes in the ground, holes in the wall etc. The mythology is novel and interesting. All of the actors are excellent. Madame Daugeron will scare the pants off of you. Mireille Herbstmeyer's performance is riveting. She is now near the top of my list of favorite horror villains. My only criticism of the series is that we didnt see more of her. Poor Emma. Have you learned nothing from Anne Wilkes in "Misery"? If your number 1 fan wants you to keep writing, you keep writing!


A Perfect Sendoff For My Favorite Space Bounty Hunters
After five seasons, SyFy's "Killjoys" has come to a close. I must say, I've really enjoyed the ride. The show was such a surprise hit due to its compelling mythology, excellent acting and it just looks like everyone is having so much fun. The relationships between people are messy and complicated. But somehow they all end up (sometimes begrudingly) loving each other. "Killjoys" has a number of strong female leads (which is sadly in short supply in many scifi series). It also has a number of queer roles (even more unusual in scifi shows). The great thing about all of these characters is that their gender/sexual identity/sexual orientation is not the main focus. Instead it's who they are as people. Are they loyal? Are they trustworthy? Are they willing to sacrifice it all to save humanity from an ancient evil entity?

The finale was almost perfect IMHO. It ties up all the loose ends with each character's arc. Sadly, I'd like to see more but all good things must come to an end. Hannah- John Kamen has a busy schedule with movie and TV roles (including NetFlix's"The Stranger"). And Aaron Ashmore (Johnny) is currently playing Uncle Duncan on another fun NetFlix show "Locke & Key". Luke Macfarlane has a movie on Hallmark and I'm not sure what all else.

I second Dutch's closing comment. "I'm going to miss this (too)". Think there's a chance we could ever get a standalone via (ala "Firefly")?

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

Cheerleader By Day, Queen Of Hell By Night
"Chilling Adventures of Sabrina" season 3 delivers another action packed season as teenage Sabrina tries to juggle being a high school student and Queen of Hell. Lot's of new characters are introduced this time around including: Caliban (the Prince Of Hell), newcomer Robin Goodfellow some pagans and a number of new witches (including Mambo Marie). I'm happy to see that Ambrose and Prudence get to play a bigger role this season. Michelle Gomez as Lillith/Madam Satan/Mary Wardwell continues to delight. And the aunties Zelda (Miranda Otto) and Hilda (Lucy Davis) round out this EXCELLENT cast. I continue to enjoy the humor of the show. When trying to explain why Lillith still looks like Ms Wardwell she says "a face like this is hard to beat". I also enjoyed the crossovers with Riverdale. One of the Southside Serpents visits the bookstore and is promptly eaten by Spider Hilda. Too funny!

Locke & Key

A Magical Journey Awaits
"Locke & Key" is a fun magical ride. Fans of the comics may be disappointed in the tonal shift. Instead of horror, NetFlix went with fantasy and YA drama. Think "Sabrina" or "Stranger Things" but a bit lighter. The series also suffers from too many episodes. The 10 total could have been shaved down by a few. Overall though I still very much enjoyed "Locke & Key". The set design and special effects are beautiful. The story is novel. I liked the interactions between the siblings and their various friends. I also liked the flashbacks to teenage Rendell and his cohort. Sherri Saum (from "The Fosters") hit it out of the park as Ellie. Laysla De Oliveira is also delightfully evil as the Woman In The Well/Dodge. Will there be a season 2? If so, count me in.

October Faction

Monster Hunting Runs In The Family
"October Faction" is surprisingly enjoyable. The cast, story line and cinematography are all great. Sure the show is about monster hunters but the real meat of the series is the Allen family. The kids playing Viv and Geoffrey are great. I'm invested in what happens to them. I just hope there's a second season so we can see what happens next.

Lost in Space

The Strength Of Family
NetFlix's "Lost In Space" continues to be a surprisingly compelling show. The music and specific effects are excellent-- loved those dinosaurs. All of the action revolves of course around the Robinson family. and their commitment to each other. Anything is possible if they all work together. This season corrects one of the big issues from last time around. Dr Smith in season 1 was a generally unlikeable character. I'm happy to report they have humanized her (thanks to the help of some flashbacks and her (sorta) helping the Robinsons). The show is a bit slow at times but the positive far out weights the negative. If you're looking for a feel good family adventure with some heavy scifi thrown in, check out "Lost In Space". I'm not sure if there will a season 3. If so, my only request is that they give Debbie The Chicken more screen time. We need more Debbie!.


Crazy Has A New Zip Code
Season 2 of "You" is produced by NetFlix (instead of the Lifetime channel). The move from NY to Los Angeles is a welcome change. LA culture is practically another character. Penn Badgley continues to hit it out of the park as Joe/Will. He goes through every possible emotion in his role. We sympathize with Joe at times but am never fully in his camp given his horrible behavior. Victoria Pedretti (of "The Haunting Of Hill House") is equally great as his love interest who is strangely named "Love". This season is not as twisty as the first but I still enjoy seeing what kind of trouble our favorite stalker gets into. Let's just say he's met his match this time around.

Vis a vis

The Most Brutal Prison Show On Television... And I LOVE It!
"Locked Up/Vis A Vis" continues to thrill in season 3. The change in location and new characters adds a fresh new spin on an already bat sh$% crazy show. The characters are compelling, the pace is fast and the plot rivals any soap opera. Shocking deaths and revelations are guaranteed. Think "Game Of Thrones" but behind bars... and in Spain.

I Am the Night

The Fascinating Story Of The Hodel Family And The Black Dahlia Murder
Patti Jenkins (of "Wonder Woman") delivers another masterpiece. The actors are great and the story is completely mesmerizing. "I Am The Night" is one of those rare cases where the truth is MUCH stranger than fiction. It begins as the story of a girl Fauna Hodel (played by India Eisley) looking for her birth mother. And with the help of reporter Jay Singletary (Chris Pine) it turns into the uncovering a possible serial killer. I dont know if Hodel killed Elizabeth Short but the facts presented point to his guilt. Any way you slice it, George Hodel was a horrible human being. Besides the TV series, check out the companion podcast "The Root of Evil". It's hosted by Fauna's daughters Yvette and Rasha. It depicts the intergenerational trauma that is visited upon this family because of George. It might be even be more interesting than the TV series (and that's saying a lot).


HBO's "Watchmen" is the weirdest show on television and I love it!
There's nothing like it in terms of visuals or plot. This new interpretation of the source material really gives us something to think about-- systemic racist, generational trauma and the corrupting effects of great power. As we learned from Spider-Man "With great power comes great responsibility". And I know Regina King already has an Oscar, two Emmys and a Golden Globe but she needs some more awards for this. Her believability and depth of character really sold the show for me. I dont think they will do a sequel to "Watchman" but if they did, I'd be all

Castle Rock

I loved season 2!
Stephen King adaptations are a mixed bag but "Castle Rock" is definitely a winner. Somehow this "Misery/Salem's Lot" mashup works. Despite a slow start, the show progresses like gangbusters in the final episodes. Lizzy Capland (from "Masters Of Sex") shines as the emotionally disturbed Annie Wilkes. I initially wasnt sure how I would feel about THIS Annie (because I love Kathy Bates' interpretation). But Lizzy knocks it out of the park. Annie here is a sympathetic character. She knows she's mentally ill but doesnt do terrible things out of some sort of evil intent. She's trying to hold on to her tenuous grasp of reality. Capland should seriously be nominated for some awards. Elsie Fisher (from "Eight Grade") is also great as her daughter Joy. Their totally bizarre relationship and their need for each other is palpable. Annie's backstory is revealed in the episode "The Laughing Place". We get to see where her catch phrase "I'm your number 1 fan" comes from as well as some of her other strange mannerisms. We see less of the Merrill clan (Pops, Nadia, Abdi, Ace, Chris) but everything fits nicely together when they hook up with Annie. I won't give away the rest of the show's secrets. Watch it for yourself and see what ya think. There are tons of Easter eggs and season 1 callbacks to thrill King fans.

Jessica Jones

What Does It Mean To Be A Superhero?
I'm very happy "Jessica Jones" got a final season before being shut down (like the other NetFlix Marvel shows). I enjoyed season 3 overall. Rachel Taylor as Trish and Carrie Anne Moss as Jeri gave award worthy performances. The villain of Foolkiller was sufficiently scary even though he wasnt super. The story did lag a bit in the middle but I'm OK with that. This season raises interesting questions about what it means to be super. Does that mean one can take the law into their own hands and become a vigilante? Trish says "yes". Jessica says "no". And if so, who gets to decide who lives and dies? I understand Trish's rage but it is a slippery slope. It seems that violence had become Trish's latest addiction. That's very dangerous for her and everyone around her (be they guilty or innocent). I would liked to have seen a more upbeat ending but that's probably not true to Jessica Jones (the character and the series0.

The Code

Come For Lucy Lawless, Stay For An Intriguing Political Thriller
"The Code" is full of political intrigue. No one is what they appear to be. Just when ya think you have one mystery solved, another deeper one appears. And with only six episodes, it's a quick watch. Ashley Zukerman knocks it out of the park as autistic hacker Jess. He deserves all the awards. Plus Lucy Lawless is involved (and I'll watch anything with her in it). There is apparently a season 2 which aired in 2016. i dont think its available in the US yet though.

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