
IMDb member since June 2006
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Falling for Christmas

George Young is the worst
My God....where does on even begin with this complete dumpster fire. Lindsay Lohan is the only reason to watch this but for all of 5 minutes. The acting is literally Middle School. Just god awful. How in the name of Sam Hill does George Young get any acting gigs. He's absolutely dreadful. By far the worst actor I've seen in all my life. He's actually nauseating to watch. The plot is all over the place and of course highly predictable. Jack Wagner should never be in anything other than a Soap. Do yourself a favor. Give yourself an enema with Windex. It will be more exhilarating than this absolute garbage.

It's a Christmas Thing

Insert a hot needle in your eye.
Do yourself a favor and just stick a hot needle on your eye. It will be less painful than watching this God awful garbage. The movie starts like your supposed to know what's going on. No introduction. A girl writes a stupid letter and it becomes National news?! Come on. Who wrote this? A 5 year old. Scattered disjointed nonsensical plot that is so insipid. Absolutely no connection with the characters but we don't really care because they're so shallow. The acting, and I use that term loosely, is just....dreadful. The chick with the beret has a terrible "French" accent and I literally wanted to punch her square in the face. Do yourself a favor....wet your butt cheeks and sit on a steel toilet seat in Alaska. It will be less painful.

The Wonder Years: Square Dance
Episode 15, Season 2

So good because it's real
This is one of these "uncomfortable" episodes that hits you between the eyes. It's really, raw and honest. I think everyone had this experience with someone in school. I genuinely felt so sorry for Margaret. She's just a quirky kid who I would enjoy in adulthood. The peer pressure is really what got to Kevin. Kevin is basically a d!ck in this episode yet I understand why. It's true what adult Kevin said at the end. You do forget those you were trying to impress yet remember the uncomfortable encounters. I can honestly relate to this episode because I've been on both sides of this situation several times.

Call the Midwife: Episode #6.3
Episode 3, Season 6

Hate is a strong word but..
Thank goodness Sister Ursula is gone. I honestly think I would have stopped watching CTMW if she stayed. Her character totally went against the grain of the show. I honestly don't think I've hated a character on show more than her.

Downton Abbey: A New Era

Tired stories
Overall I enjoyed this movie. However it's time to say goodbye to the Crawley clan. The storyline of the movie making was OK but the whole French Villa was just, stupid. To think a guy who only spent 2 days with Violet and bequeth a Villa is fanciful. Add to this that Robert may be a bastard is just plain dumb. Thankfully Elizabeth McGovern has very limited screen time. Kevin Doyle steals the show as Mr. Mosley.

This Is Us: Us
Episode 18, Season 6

Big let down
Boring episode that spent too much time in the past. No proper send off for Rebecca. Not showing any of the funeral or eulogies was a really odd choice. Only saving grace was Beth, Nicky, Toby and William. The tens here are all people connected to the show, obviously. Should have finished last week.

This Is Us: The Train
Episode 17, Season 6

I've been a frequent critic of TIU..but this...!
This episode is one of the best I've seen on TV. So well written without the Schmultz. The focus on the Big 3 was great because after all the show was about them. The train idea was beautiful with all the little nods to Jack before we see him. The fact that Jack gave his life to someone who cures Alzhemers was a bit clichéd but we can forgive them!!


What an absolute load of drivel. Historical inaccurate, terrible acting, boring storyline. No doubt Ms. Rhimes is just trying to rewrite history by showing POC's in high society. The only POC's were waiting on the rich white folks. The conversations are completely boring. This is just an attempt at Wokeism. Do yourself a favor and give this a miss.

This Is Us: Day of the Wedding
Episode 13, Season 6

Boring, clichéd, predictable.
This was a very disappointing episode. It dragged and was boring. I have to laugh at people who allegedly cried at this episode. It was full of clichés and so predictable. If this is a hint of the final episode I sure hope the writers get better.

Fawlty Towers: The Kipper and the Corpse
Episode 4, Season 2

Comic genius
This is by far the best episode of the series. In fact I'd go as far as to say it's the funniest episode of any TV series ever. The farce, the lines, the acting are all pure comedy gold. John Cleese is at his finest as is Andrew Sachs.

This Is Us: The Guitar Man
Episode 8, Season 6

Just. End. It.
TIU has become insufferable. They are just dragging this out with a boring, dull storyline. So glad this is the last season. I'm just staying with it because I want to see what happens but honestly I could just watch the finale and probably not miss anything.

This Is Us: Heart and Soul
Episode 5, Season 6

STOP calling Kate, Bug.
The bond between Kate and Rebecca is annoying af. Whoever came up with the idea of calling her Bug should be fired. It's the most annoying and insulting nickname on the planet.

Randall is his usual annoying self.

Other than that, not a bad episode.

This Is Us: One Giant Leap
Episode 2, Season 6

Terrible storyline. This was a complete snooze fest. The writers are just grasping at straws . Anyone rating this high is either paid or delusional. The dinner scene was just awful and uncomfortable.

Home Sweet Home Alone

Painful. In all the wrong ways.
This is like a bad car crash. You just can't look away. From a completely implausible plot line to terrible acting, overused cliches, horrible corny lines, it's a complete cluster.

What's really aggravating is the kid is a complete d**k and you find yourself rooting for the "bad" guys. It's worth watching once to appreciate the original. Never again though.

The Farmer and the Belle: Saving Santaland

About as much fun as a steel toilet seat in Alaska
Terrible acting, weak story line, predictable ending. Guy gets girl, guy loses girl, guy gets girl back. If you're suffering from insomnia be sure to watch. Not sure how this got the greenlight. It boasts John Schneider as a lead but he's in it for 5 minutes. Jenn Gotzen I'd absolutely dreadful. How she was cast is beyond belief.

The Bishop's Wife

A classic Christmas movie
This is an absolutely delightful movie. Niven and Grant are perfect together. There's a great mix of comedy, romance and sentiment. It's by far one of our family favorites and we watch it every year.

The Morning Show: The Interview
Episode 10, Season 1

One of the best TV episodes of ALL time
This episode has everything. Intrigue, twists, brilliant acting. Riveting episode. Aniston and Witherspoon give Emmy winning performances. I was on the edge of my seat.

Only Murders in the Building

Boring and repetitive
I tried to like it, I really did. It is so slow and drags. The dialog and plot is very repetitive, especially Selena Gomez's frequently I'll timed dropping of the F bomb just for shock value. Can't see how they are dragging this out over 5 episodes. The plot seems to be going nowhere.

Fawlty Towers

It doesn't get better than Fawlty
A comedy classic. Far and away the best comedy ever. Superb writing and brilliant acting. If you don't like this show, you must be German. No sense of humor.

The Wonder Years: Goodbye
Episode 20, Season 3

Best episode of the series - top 5 in Television
This is just an outstanding episode in every way. Steven Gilborn is just phenomenal as Mr. Collins. The chemistry between him and Kevin is amazing. The storyline is completely believable and relatable in so many ways. The ending with the music from Linda Ronstadt is the cherry on top. This is hands down the best episode of the entire series. In fact, it may be one of the top five episodes of any series on TV. Ever. An absolute must watch.

The Heart of Christmas

Dreadful infomercial
Shut this garbage off after 20 minutes. Terrible acting, totally depressing and not Christmas related at all. Just a huge infomercial for St.. Jude. BTW, the kid dies and the parents are now divorced. Kinda kills the whole theme of the movie.

Engaging Father Christmas

Decent sequel...but...
How in Holy Hades does Nevis Unipan get any acting jobs. She is just terrible. She talks like she has a mouthful of marbles. The girl who played Julia in the first movie was great. No idea why she was replaced. If you're reading this Nevis or her parents, do yourself a favor and get acting lessons. Oh, and a good dentist.

The Mandalorian: Chapter 16: The Rescue
Episode 8, Season 2

Without a doubt
Best piece of entertainment I've seen, ever in my 58 years on this planet. Just brilliant.

Christmas at Grand Valley

Danica can't even save this if she was in a bikini
This is one huge snooze fest. The dialogue is repetitive (the main character says "I'm just doing my job" about 38 times. The shopkeeper sounds like Harvey Fierstein. She must have smoked 5 packs a day in her youth. The entire plot drags and drags and drags. It truly is about a 20 minute story stretched out to an hour and a half. I feel bad for the actors with this lousy dialogue. The only saving grace is Dan Lauria and Danica. I kept watching only in the hopes of seeing Danica in a bikini....alas that didn't happen. It appears this was just a vehicle to get Dan and Danica back together on screen. Of course, it is the typical recycled Hallmark plot with the inevitable ending. Be sure to watch it after some strong coffee to stay awake.

Hillbilly Elegy

You may want to slit your own wrists
What a depressing pile of garage. If you feel like getting totally depressed for 2 hours, by all means watch this train wreck. Not even Glenn Close can save this pile of hot trash.

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