
IMDb member since December 2019
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    IMDb Member
    4 years, 5 months



TENSE, TENSE, and uh... TENSE!
Christopher Nolan has surprised me once again. Seeing that this is one of his lower rated works, I wasn't sure how I'd like it. However...

This is probably the MOST tense, anxiety-inducing war movie I have ever seen, hands down. The score by Hans Zimmer adds to the overall helpless feeling you'll get. The inconceivable-ness of 400,000 human beings ACTUALLY having experienced that, unbelievable.

Instead of character development, we are thrown straight into the action and see countless young soldiers doing everything in their power to just survive, and I think that suits this movie better. I was not watching just the stories of the "main" characters...

I was witnessing the miracle of Dunkirk.

Criminal Minds

Looks very promising
(2 episodes in) This review is subject to change over the course of this season. As someone who just couldn't finish those final seasons of criminal minds since the quality took a bit of a downturn, trust me when I say this has been as good as the trailer hyped it up to be. Will it be anything special? That remains to be seen, but so far there is a solid foundation and it's a breath of fresh air for the BAU.

Something about this just seems fresh. The more realistic tone, the lighting, and the ACTING is great as always. This has a lot of promise, really hope it sticks the landing.

Solid 8 for now.

The Flash

The first season of The Flash is stellar TV, and absolutely amazing. Season two is decent but they have never been able to compete with the first season. The pacing and writing of season one is so much better, and it's actually one of my favorite seasons of any show. I would easily rate it a 9/10 or 10/10.

WandaVision: On a Very Special Episode...
Episode 5, Season 1

Worth the wait
For what I get to watch now, waiting two to three episodes of still fun content is ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT. This show showed who has patience and who doesn't. It showed who's in this for the instant gratification, and who's in this for the long haul, and a build up that is absolutely paying off like I never expected.

WandaVision: We Interrupt This Program
Episode 4, Season 1

Dear everyone who rated the entire show 1 Star...
You are really looking like fools now huh. I never once lost confidence in this show, and my god this episode delivered. There's really nothing else I can say, this is amazing TV and outstanding by Marvel. Easily a 10/10 episode.

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