
IMDb member since June 2006
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    IMDb Member
    17 years


Edge of Seventeen

Could have been better
It could just be me, but I failed to appreciate the way in which this movie was developed. It seems to me that it creates a very hollow idea that in the gay community we can only rely on other gay people, yet at the same time that they cannot be trusted. I first saw this movie when I was still well in the closet and its portrayal of coming out terrified me. I would say this movie focuses on all the wrong parts of coming out. Yes it is difficult, and yes many times those you care about won't react how you would like, but there is an inherent freedom that comes along with it. I would like to tell the creators how much coming out has changed since they did it. My straight guy friends were the most important aspect of my coming out, supportive and always ready to help protect me from the worse parts of gay life. Please stop instilling fear in the young masses!

Get Real

Searingly applicable
I cannot say enough about the power of this movie. With my own struggle with my sexuality, as well as the hiding that so many like me are forced into, this movie brought me to tears. There are so many things I wish could be different, both in my life and in how the movie played out, but both are surprisingly pleasant even as they are. I cannot say that this is the greatest piece of cinema ever created, from dialog to production values, many parts of the movie are askew (not to mention the often indecipherable British mumbling!), but it has given me hope that as a gay teenager I will someday find the type of love I am looking for.

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