
IMDb member since December 2019
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    IMDb Member
    4 years, 5 months


Yo Soy Franky

Interesting series, made slecially for kids and young teens. It shows the energetic robot Franky which "bombastic" life is always on the edge because there are bad persons that want to make her their own and they think that she doesn't deserve a normal teen life which her "mom" (creator) really wants to let her in. Obviously it contains falling in love with a good, cute guy in the new school where she studies. She has also new friends there. Enemies also, as well one girl and her best friend (the girl also likes the boy that Franky likes) but her best friend really likes the enemy so he helps her destroy Franky emotionally when the other enemies try to do that she stops feeling anything at all.

Física o química

I really loved this series. It contains teen struggling with their lives, trying to find a solution for different problems, not just their ones. It has a lot of love and a path of acceptance that they all start to walk in, to the final episode. It has many surprising events. One thing is never changed - the name of the school (Zurbaran). The teachers, for sure, are changing (some of them). They also experience crazy emotions and events in their life.


The plot
The plot and the actors are amazing. Peter doing his job and any other young actor around..they just show how they realise their dreams - with passion, love and music. And a bit of mystery haha

Señales del fin del mundo

Adore it!
Adore the story of the clones, the songs and everything. I always remember this series but I really hoped I'll see a second season (for years) but it never happened.


Unbelievably Good
One of my favourite horror movies. Contains it all. It has this ressure in the actors that can only make you observe more and more :))

Soy Luna

Good series
Ok "salad" then why you don't just go and watch horrors?Nowadays, horror movies are so boring..

Los protegidos

If the full series were uploaded online, I would give more than 9 stars

Like, la leyenda

Amazing production
Entertaining, interesting and lovely. A tv novel about young teens and their family and high-school problems. It also contains important themes for any teen - drugs, mystery, romances, complicated decisions, secrets and reveals of secrets (some even after many years). You won't regret if you take a look.

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