
IMDb member since June 2006
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    17 years


The Night Train to Kathmandu

I Love this Movie
Like a lot of people who have commented on this film, i also saw this movie when i was 8-10 yrs. My grandfather had found it at an old movie rental and we watched it together. I was mesmerized, and now that i'm older...i have fond memories. For a long time, i forgot what it was called. All i could remember was something about a "train"! I was looking up on Milla, when i say the movie.....ahhhh! Was i surprised. So, now me and the film are reunited. I love this movie for the mystery and romance...the scenery rocks. Milla is beautiful in the movie and the music is great. It isn't too long...and the time moves quickly when watching it. I love it!

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