
IMDb member since January 2020
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Night of the Creeps

Finally I have been searching for this movie for yrs. I had the name all wrong. Lol My dad recorded and labeled. Had a library of all the 80s and 90s horror movies. This was the only one I couldn't remember the dang name. My dad was going to give me a copy. Then he died a few yrs ago. I have really been on the hunt for this. I love this movie. One of the best B movies. Top 5 for me!

Blood Red Sky

Finally a new Vampire flick that's even better than just a quick watch. This movie was great on every level.

Lizzie Borden Took an Ax

Love it
By far the best one I have seen so far. Christina Ricci does a fantastic job. Not garbage like Kristen Stewarts version. It should be called Lezzie ;)

Exterminadores do Além Contra a Loira do Banheiro

Awesome film
This was a fun movie. I was so surprised how long it was, and the action/special effects kept coming. I had a few good laughs as its not a serious movie. Yet it was nice n bloody/gore just the way i like it! The actors did a marvelous job ;) Very underrated film for sure.

Howard the Duck

Silly movie
Love this silly fun movie. Adult humor yet children can watch and wont get it. Still seem so innocent. Been watching this since the 80s. Wouldn't change it for nothing.


Snooze fest
Kristen Stewart is a horrible actress, but I watched this anyway. It was soooo boring. Movie made absolutely no sense. Can't hear or understand the dialogue. The story was all over the place. If u watch the Christina Ricci version. It will Rock your world. This one sank like a rock!!

Double Dragon

Great cast
Love this movie. I think its very underrated. Look how innocent and silly it is. Good vs evil. No sex scenes or cursing. So many cute adorable cast members. All of which I still watch to this day. Especially in a time where humanity needs to be wiped out and will wipe itself out in due time. People are horrible just like in this movie. Always wanting the power and control. Very selfish everyone is. These movies help me escape to a better place in time.

I Am Number Four

This is such an underrated movie. I watched it today for the first time. I really enjoyed it so much. Everyone should watch at least once for sure.

Too Close

I watch shows like this allll of the time. Im a fan of Emma Watson, but this show just sucks. So boring. They certainly could have left out the sex scenes that weren't necessary. It was like rape by her own husband. She told him to wait but he did it anyway ugh not cool.

Iliza Shlesinger: Confirmed Kills

On point
She is hilarious and on point as usual. Great show until the very end. She could have left out the shark tank bit. It was stupid and Shark Tank is stupid itself. That's why I gave 8 of 10 :)


I found this one pretty funny and dumb as heck. There was no sense of urgency. To escape or kill the zombies. Just a very blahhhhhh movie. Best part was the board in the country battle. Lol.

Who's Harry Crumb?

Great cast in this movie. So Love Candy in everything. He's always so funny. I love these types of movies. Just don't make em like this anymore!

Surviving Death

This show helps me sleep! Especially since it's all fake. I've seen documentaries of how all this stuff is faked. The fact that people actually believe it's real. Humors me. Lol But there's a sucker born every minute!! 😁 They try so hard to fool people in this show. I hope they didn't fool you!


Seen Brian Krause stars in this. So I thought I would try it. Thinking it was a movie. Soon found out It's a pretty bad tv show. Every scene is like an amateur audition. The dialogue is soooo bad, it makes no sense most of the time. To much contradiction! Im blown away, like who wrote this? Did they not proof read it or what?! You have to decipher this show. Hahaha

Straight A's

Actually was pretty good
I wasn't sure what to expect. Ended up being a good movie. The end left a little to be desired,but overall not a deal breaker. Deserves atleast one chance at watching.

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!

This movie is ridiculously not possible. But it's funny, I like it very much.

The Trial of the Chicago 7

Boring and dull
2 stars for the great cast they wasted on this film. It started out like a goofy comedy, but quickly became dull and boring. This movie never became entertaining, and I'm very easily entertained trust me. I binge stuff like this quite often! This one I had to turn off. So dumb I couldn't finish it.

Fear the Walking Dead

What happened?
This show started off real good. The first 3 seasons were great! Loved it! Then bam here comes lame morgan" which I couldn't stand from TWD" the whole 4th season was him and his bs! Just started the 5th season and it's about the same bs. The only good thing so far is Strand found Daniel. But the dialogue has gotten so horrible. I feel like Im watching a dam soap opera!

Boyz in the Wood

Not to bad
This movie had some funny parts. I thought it was original. Something a little different for once. The only thing I hated was the sound track! They could've used something more suitable.

Evil Eye

Snooze fest
This movie was like pulling teeth. What was an average length movie. Felt like hours. A good first 5 minutes. Then nothing but corny dialogue and bad acting til 1.20 then I turned it off. The camera shots and graffics were great! But that's it.


Started out good
As another reviewer said. The fist episode made this show seem quite promising. Then the 2nd had such a crap ending. The 3 Rd started out quite boring for some time. I haven't done much with the 4th currently, but it doesn't look like it's getting much better if any.


I love this short show. Has lots of good actors and great comedy. It's flipping hilarious seriously!! My opinion it's underrated. I never heard of it before. Just lucked up on it while I was chilling.

1275 Days

It's ok
This doc is about a bunch of lowlife people. From the criminals, to the family and friends. Whether someone was killed during the break in or not. They were all destined for jail or prison eventually. Maybe even death! My old hometown is full of families just like these. None of this shocks or surprises me. People do however need to realize, kicking someone's door in. Is something you should never ever do! In the end they all got what they deserved!

Cold Case Files

I like it
This show is entertaining to me. I thought it was done well. Not sure if the stories are accurate. But i enjoyed it very much.

The Secret of Crickley Hall

Some known actors i like. Thought it was a cute heartfelt movie!

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