
IMDb member since July 2006
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Totally fake CGI. How can anyone fall for it?
There are some things I can never understand. Such as this movie. What if I were to create a really really cheap and crappy looking Dino and crocodile polygon model in Maya and then proceed to cut and paste that into an amateur video clip having people scream and getting eaten by the same thing? How can anyone even believe that an utterly fake CGI dinocroc that looks completely out of place, would influence the events in this movie? I know that its B-grade, low budget and all but the producers could do better than making a piece of crap that no one will ever seen see or sit through. It just does'nt make sense. Are people really so stupid that they would sit through this? Apparently so. For laughs? No, this thing isn't even worth laughing at.

Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie

What the hell?
First of all, Power rangers are themselves bad but this is unbelievable. The first movie should appeal to children under the age of 8 and had one decent villain followed by the worst $0.02 CGI transformation sequence in the history of mankind. However, compared to this, that movie seems like the Godfather. Nothing will make sense if for some unfortunate reason you find yourself watching this. It is pure and utter garbage and is'nt funny no matter how you try to look at it. Its disgusting. Its not a movie. Its not a show. Its guano. Most people wont watch it anyway so why am I wasting time writing this? I don't know. The only thing I don't understand is why this is'nt in the bottom 20 list? Make that bottom 5.

Predator 2

Extremely underrated.
WTF is wrong with people? Predator-1 had more Arnie than Predator. This movie simply has more Predator. It also greatly expanded the Predator universe and franchise. It introduced a whole new bunch of Pred weapons, tactics and behavior which never ever seemed out of place and were perfect fits. It explored their race further. All these were added to full effect in the AvP and AvP-2 PC games which were smash hits so imagine how horrible it would be if this movie never happened? The urban (steel jungle?) setting contrasts against the previous jungle setting and is a major plus for this movie. This movie was also extremely realistic and gory. All in all, this movie is fantastic and a few ignorant critics just want to bring it down by comparing it with the uniqueness of the original.

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