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The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers

Unfortunate History
This movie is excellent in its execution. There are definitely some facts revealed that I did not know of. I did not know how high level he was, which makes his crimes even more offensive. He is trying to apologize for his past. It is narrated by Ellsberg himself, which definitely compromises its credibility, since he is a criminal. However, it is still about a man that should have been executed for treason. Now, unfortunately, he is considered a hero by left wing anti-Americans. That is really sad. Anyone who actually approves of him is not an American. I agree that the war on Viet Nam was wrong, but do NOT agree that a high-level government official should betray his country.

Viva Laughlin

This may be the WORST television show EVER made!!! Forget the bad acting. Forget the bad plot and story. It's a television musical! How much worse can it get? Melanie Griffith looks like a jack-o-lantern with all of the surgery she has had. The rest of the cast is a bunch of nobodies you have never heard of and should never have to hear from again. I mean really, breaking into song after almost every scene? What a nightmare! This show has to go!! I can't believe they pre-empted "Without a Trace" for this garbage. Who wrote this garbage? CBS should be ashamed of themselves for airing this junk! Is CBS really this desperate? It is AWFUL! Cancel, cancel, cancel, PLEASE!


Beutiful photography, great music!
This movie is beautifully photographed and the music is brilliant (Phillip Glass is one of the greatest composers of all time and possibly the greatest modern composer ever). However, I could have done without the tree-hugger propaganda. The producers seem to yearn for a return to the dark ages. They are anti-technology, anti-military and anti-progress. If it were up to them, we would have no cars, planes, oil, elcetricity, or nuclear power. It almost seems like an old Soviet propaganda film about the evils of Capitalism. But, if you can put aside the environmental ignorance, its a beautiful piece of artwork that will stimulate the senses.

Led Zeppelin DVD

Perhaps the greatest music DVD ever!!!!
After waiting years for a definitive collection of Led Zeppelin perfomances on video, fans have finally been rewarded with what is undoubtedly the greatest concert video ever! Much better than the dismal "Song Remains the Same", this video includes performances from no less than 5 different venues spanning a decade. It also includes rare interviews and TV appearances. The sound quality is amazing, considering the source material used. And the video quality is even more impressive. This is an ABSOLUTE MUST for any Led Zeppelin fan.

Saturday Night Fever

One of the worst movies ever made!!!
This is one of the worst movies ever made. Bad acting, bad plot, and worst of all, it started the worst trend ever in the music industry---DISCO!!! Every now and then I buy the soundtrack and burn it for old times' sake.


This is the WORST DeNiro movie ever made!!!! I can't believe he even made it. I won't even waste my time going into detail. See for yourself. I hated it, and I'm a huge DeNiro fan. Until I saw this, I though it was impossible for him to make a bad movie. 1/10 (only because you can't give 0 stars).

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