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Tiger King

'Twas boring and repetitive.
This wasn't that good honestly. I was expecting edge of your seat, can't stop binge watching kind of series but it was pretty meh. Took several days to watch it, just didn't hold my interest. Basically it's a bunch of losers and psychopaths accusing each other of doing ish, it gets boring and repetitive and you walk away from the series with a few less brain cells.

Like a Boss

It's predictable but isn't as bad as everyone's making it out to be
So I'm not a huge comedy fan but I enjoyed this. Yes there were some lame jokes but overall the theater was laughing the entire movie. It was enjoyable and I never felt bored. Predictable? Sure. But the movie wasn't as bad as everyone is making it out to be.

The Laundromat

It was okay, but jumped around too much.
This movie was very confusing and it jumped around too much. All the side character stories didn't connect well. I was expecting more. This was a semi flop for sure.

Under the Silver Lake

Interesting, requires several viewings to really get it.
This movie was actually pretty interesting and kept me engrossed from the beginning. However there was a lot of stuff that wasn't explained and was left up for interpretation. Just gave me an uneasy feeling the whole time, but I think that was the point. I'd imagine that you'd need multiple viewings to "get" it, which I have not done yet. If you like creepy, weird, nutty thrillers then this is for you.

The Lion King

Snoozefest, just a blatant pretentious money grub.
Disney did an incredible disservice to its animated predecessor. Have you ever heard the term, if it ain't broke, don't fix it? If only Disney had done that.

This was nothing for than a blatant money grub. It was an exact replica of the previous movie. There was nothing special about it. The big death, which is supposed to be the most emotional moment in the movie, left me with a bored, ho hum straight face.

Disney took a classic masterpiece that did not need excessive special effects or CGI, it was a pure movie made with heart. They completely destroyed a classic for absolutely no reason other than bragging rights and trying to give exposure to the ever fading Beyoncé. Beyoncé, you're still beautiful but your time as the top dog singer has passed. You've made you're millions, now stop trying to squeeze every last penny of your career into this boondoggle excuse of a movie.

My advice? Don't see it. You'll never look at the original the same.

The Handmaid's Tale: Heroic
Episode 9, Season 3

Filler episode
This has been the worst episode of the season. This is a filler episode. Nothing interesting happens, the plot doesn't move forward. It's very dull and uninteresting. You could skip this and not miss anything.


I was really excited for this movie but wow, it was a snoozefest. It was pretty funny and interesting until they got to their destination. Then it became SLOW. how many times did we need long sequences of annoying chants and singing. We get it, they're a creepy cult, but it became too much of a drag after awhile. You keep waiting for something to happen, then it doesn't. The "shocking" moments became predictable and uninteresting. A lot of off camera deaths that weren't explained, or shown, but then they can show women dancing for 20 minutes straight. It was just annoying. I felt like this movie could have been cut in half and it would have gotten the point across. Very disappointing!

The Handmaid's Tale: Night
Episode 1, Season 3

Not bad but kinda silly at times
You really want to tell me that Waterford is willing to cut off his wife's finger for speaking up, when he didn't really have to, but when he finds out his wife took part in getting his "daughter" to Canada he doesn't punish her whatsoever (or Offred)? He just calmly looks at them longingly. That was dumb.

Also you want to tell me that a newborn baby could survive 15-30 seconds underneath water? Ugh, no. That baby would be dead without serious CPR which didn't happen.

Despite the silly plot armor, there were some nice emotional moments that set the tone for the season.


See it for yourself and create your own opinion
I knew that going into this movie it was probably going to be a fluffy horror film with some cheesiness. And I wasn't wrong. However it wasn't as bad as what a lot of people are saying it was. Don't go into it expecting some crazy encyclopedic level horror film because it's not. It was entertaining and did have some strange twists. Spencer did great as Ma and was very believable you could feel her downward spiral into madness. I say if you like these kind of creepy psychological films then give it a try.

The Hole in the Ground

This was a nice surprise.
I picked this movie out a hat and didn't even watch the trailer. I was expecting run of the mill cheesy b movie level horror film. However this was much better than expected. The pacing, suspense and acting were all there. You felt like you were feeling what the main character felt and sometimes questioned who was really the bad guy here. Is it predictable? Yes but the story was told well.


Not what I was expecting, over the top in not so great ways
Ok I know people will hate comparing it to BR but compared to BR this was like a joke. This felt like a stage musical. I was expecting of course to hear the songs throughout but I thought we would delve more into his life and back stories into people around him. There was an annoying theme of switching between real and fantasy and it made him appear schizophrenic. This was a pretty big letdown. The main actor did great, but the writing and pacing were both off. Whereas BR told a story of rags to riches, this was like a cheap musical ad for Elton. It wasn't horrible, no, but the direction it took was disappointing.

Chernobyl: The Happiness of All Mankind
Episode 4, Season 1

What on earth was this episode?
Over half of this episode was violent brutal filler. Why did we have to watch dogs getting shot half the episode? What was the point? If they had only talked about it would have been sufficient but actually showing brutal killings of dogs for HALF the episode was ridiculous. They are trying too hard to shock the viewer and make the viewer sad. It has the opposite effect when it's clearly forced filler. The only decent part of the whole episode was the last 10 minutes Everything else was either violence or boring filler conversations that led the plot nowhere. This show has gone way downhill since episode one. The acting on some parts is laughable and I actually laughed a few times because you can tell the characters don't believe their lines and the phony ness leaks through the screen. This show is way overrated and had stunk out the joint since episode 3.

Baisers cachés

This was brutal yet beautiful
This movie had a lot of extremely well acted and heartfelt scenes as well as brutal ones. It isn't the best movie of its kind and almost felt dull at times but the acting makes up for it.


Better than expected
The previews made this movie look absolutely horrendous. And while this ends up being a typical run-of-the-mill cheesy movie, it somehow works. I thought both lead actors did well. The CGI wasn't grotesquely done. There were some true frightening (well as much as could be for a Disney movie) moments that were really well acted and done. The colors in the movie were beautiful. I went into this movie with low expectations and left feeling pretty good about it. A lot of people will reject it because it is not the original and I get that. I think you'll leave this movie pleasantly surprised.


Turning into a predictable and cheesy snoozefest.
First episode was strong and then it goes downhill. 2nd episode had a lot of really poorly acted moments and episode 3 was an utter bore. I will change my rating if the episodes increase but wow, there was so much potential that has been wasted. The show has become pretentious and is on its way to becoming a flop. I expected each episode to improve but it hasn't and it's been really disappointing. Please stop forcing emotions out of the viewer and just be genuine. Please stop using shock value to keep us entertained, just have good writing and a good story. Please stop with the teenage drama subplots. This has potential but it is becoming a bust. These next few episodes need to pick up or else the series will turn into dust.


The poorest excuse for a movie in cinematic history.
I legitimately don't know how anyone could sit through this and say "yeah, that was amazing". Like are you serious? This was pretentious, forced, boring, and repetitive. Dialogue sucks, camera work sucks, the forced "making you think deeply" agenda doesn't work because there is no story. Complete and utter bore, anyone who says they understood or liked this movie is lying. I wish I could give it negative 50 0's. Do not waste your time on this trash.

Chernobyl: Open Wide, O Earth
Episode 3, Season 1

Worst episode thus far, snoozefest.
This episode took 3 steps backwards from the first 2. A lot of unnecessary scenes and forcing emotion out of the viewer. A lot of it felt really phony. This was by far the worst episode. Very boring scenes as well as poor acting. Let's hope the rest of the season is better because this was a complete snoozefest. The person I watch it with fell asleep about 35 mins in which is unheard of. Don't expect much other than filler.

Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne
Episode 6, Season 8

Absolutely horrific.
This entire season other than episode 3 has been extremely boring to start with. This was the worst series finale ever. All the sudden Jon decided to kill Dany because of a 5 min conversation with Tyrion? Why is he seen as a good guy remind me? He killed his queen, and barely anyone batted an eye. How did the unsullied and Dothraki not even go insane after the queen they have been following for years gets murdered? They are ok to kill former Lannister soldiers that have completely surrendered but not a queenslayer? It makes no sense. I never in a million years would have imagined to rate a GOT episode as a 1, by my gosh. This was terrible. Rotten garbage season with a rotten garbage ending.

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

For the most part, this was a laughable snoozefest.
This movie did not live up to expectations. I cannot be the only one that noticed the laughable choreography during the fight scenes at times. It's just silly and exaggerated. In the scene where John is getting thrown into glass back and forth, you can literally see the actor running towards the glass purposely. Also the ending was a snoozefest and preposterous. No would survive getting shot four times and falling down a roof like that. And yet less than 1 minute after he falls he is able to climb up and leave, let alone even be conscious? Come on. The action scenes were laughable and overdone. Not one main "good" character mortally wounded during an ambush? Definitely don't go into this movie with high expectations. They are being way too forced now.

Game of Thrones: The Bells
Episode 5, Season 8

I hate how they massacre character arcs
I love GOT but this season has been a disaster. It is a true travesty. Why on earth after building up Dany for 8 seasons are they now making her go mad, over BELLS? Really that was stupid. They murdered Jaime's arc for nothing. Everything just seems so out of place, I almost feel like I'm watching a different show. Dany deserved better. She will be killed by Jon in the finale, so stupid and forced.

Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

This was good
I came into the movie with no expectations on what I was going to watch. This movie was really well acted by the lead actors- both did very well. It was a pretty intriguing story of a side that I had never heard of. It seemed pretty historically accurate. It was entertaining without having needless gore or over the top drama. I really enjoyed this movie and I think it's worth a watch.

Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks
Episode 4, Season 8

They are back to boring
I feel like 3 out of the 4 episodes this season have been stinkers. I didn't expect a huge action episode after last weeks, but just felt like once again there was a lot of unnecessary filler. Even when they killed the dragon it felt rushed and was just added for shock value. You know Sansa and Varys are up to something and they are setting up for a Dany failure. Really disappointing how they have made her character appear after building her up beautifully for 7 seasons. Now they just making her the hated one, seems forced. I know next week will be a big battle, but gosh, other than ep 3 this season has been boring as heck.

The Act

Started off good then got boring
The first few episodes were intriguing (yes I went into this knowing a lot of it was dramatized), but the last few episodes were just plain boring and bad. The acting gets annoying and laughable especially by the main male character Nick. Yes, we know he is a psycho but the actor tries too hard to be creepy and it becomes a joke. A lot of it was repetitive and the last 2 episodes were a complete snoozefest. I would say overall don't waste your time on this boring, sleep inducing mess.

Game of Thrones: The Long Night
Episode 3, Season 8

It delivered what it promised with a shocking ending
Everyone knew this would be a bloodbath and on the edge of your seat and it was. You never knew which character felt safe, at every moment you felt like it was the end. Also, i am sure this caused a lot of surprise because the Night King died by a character you weren't expecting. There was also a sweet moment between Tyrion and Sansa which melted my heart. Some will call the saving of the major characters a cop out but I didn't see it that way. Now we move on to the battle in Kings Landing where I am sure no one is safe.

Avengers: Endgame

Snoozefest for the majority of the movie.
I am definitely disappointed after the epic Infinity War movie, perhaps I had my hopes too high, I don't know. However this was a snooze fest! The first 45 mins is all filler and the last 15-20 mins after the big battle was excruciating all fan service and slow paced intending to pull at your emotions but I (and many others) felt nothing. I really felt like this movie never picked up and focused too much on romantic drama that it lost its humorous edge that the last movie had. The laughs in my sold out theater was sparse and underwhelming. It also became predictable with a lot of plot holes. The big death at the end felt forced. There was no reason for it. Overall this movie fell flat, I can't believe there are such high reviews across the board.

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