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Sôsei no onmyôji

Great start that struggles with "2nd season" syndrome
"Twin Stars" begins with a few nice twists, from a powerful character too traumatized to keep following the path he started down to the scars he carries from the trauma being different than what was expected. Add on a well executed rival plot line that is the other half of a "fated" couple and their relationship that starts with hate and ends with respect and you've got a show a little deeper than the average anime and is very watchable.

But I suggest stopping at episode 20.

At that point "Second Season Syndrome" kicks in, mixing in Cyborg Girls, Mechas, Scooby Do monster of the week, random super powerful throw away bad guys and a build up that leads to allot of disappointment.

  • Great intros (several over the 50 episode run).
  • Solid English Dubbing.
  • Consistent Animation quality.
  • Core first half of the long run is very solid.

  • Second season syndrome after episode 20 (Story and animation quality drop-off, etc.).
  • Random "child" addition that didn't make allot of sense.
  • To much time spent recapping.
  • Cheesy Trope character additions.
  • Ridiculous bad guy monologuing.

Tenkû Shinpan

Weak plot, unimpressive characters, shoehorned tropes.
Cookie cutter characters, excessive and uninspired "Fan Service", below average musical score and a complete lack of drama highlight some of the major flaws in the cliched filled mess that is one of the most bland and unengaging show in 2021.

Overall it feels like a substandard Battle Royal style anime and it lacks originality to make it worth the slog.

This review seems to fly in the face of the majority of the currently posted ones, but have to be the dissenting voice this time around.

  • English Dubbing.

  • Predictable plot.
  • Uninspired characters.
  • Episode titles that lack imagination.
  • Substandard "Fan Service".
  • Inconsistent animation quality.
  • High cheese factor (in a bad way).
  • Excessive trope use.

Kamisama ni Natta hi

Summer always ends and sometimes the happy ending is not what we expect.
This will be another anime most will either love or hate with few sitting in the middle.

It starts as funny and heartwarming slice of life show with an unusual premise, has some confusing plot points, quirky characters and seems a little weird. A preteen "god" heralding the end of the world comes to live with a family who's names all come from divinity, perfectly normal right?

It's story builds slowly focusing on character development while exploring the mystery's surrounding the self proclaimed deity, with the first half of the arc centered around the joy of building friendships and connections. The second half begins with an uncomfortable confrontation that is the herald of the loss, pain and helplessness yet to come. Some of the plot seems a bit outlandish (inside the context of this show), there are some weak connections used to advance the plot, but overall it flows well. As for the finale, in the end each viewer will have to decide if the characters choices resulted in ending they are satisfied with.

Pro's: -Consistent animation quality. -Good English Dubbing. -Unusual story with quirky characters. -Some solid emotional triggers.

Con's: -Weak plot points. -2D supporting characters. -An ending people will either love or hate.

Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita

Who knew sneaking in a little education into an Anime could be this much fun?
"Science" is cute and awkward in the best way, with a little learning mixed in which was surprising.

As the summary covers the plot revolves around a few scientists trying to prove love and always over thinking it. The story sounded a bit "dry" at first but the approach was well crafted, the character interactions are believable (which is a nice change of pace) and the overall awkwardness of the main characters is funny and heartwarming instead of being cringe worthy. Additionally they often throw in a 4th wall cutaway to explain some of the topics discussed and scientific methods they use use allowing novices to follow along while challenging the viewers (in a constructive way) to go and learn more.

The show does of course make mistakes and go overboard at times, but unlike many 12 episode amines it gives the viewers solid closure while leaving the door open to a second season which is a big bonus.

Pro's: -Consistent animation. -Good English Dubbing. -Engaging characters. -Fun take a classic romance trope.

Con's: -High cheese factor at times. -A couple of the characters are just a little to over the top.

Kiru ra kiru: KILL la KILL

One of the pinnacles of "Over the top" anime
"Kill la Kill" is filled with colorful visuals, brash music, insane characters, plot points that are almost nonsensical and is so packed with tropes it's almost unbelievable....

The insane characters make the plot that would typically be cringeworthy instead feel "right" especially when paired with well timed music and somehow it comes together beautifully to create a non-stop ride that is nearly perfect, hell even the mind boggling amount of "Fan Service" fits seamlessly and gets explained as part of the plot.

Before long the final boss is defeated, the credits are rolling and your left with a smile on your face, feeling satisfied which is a rarity among anime's..

Best binged and an excellent "palate cleanser" after a more serious series it's a rare example of near perfection.

Pro's: -Unique and enjoyable animation. -Engaging music. -Colorful and enjoyable characters. -Closure. -Excellent English Dubbing.

Con's: -Excessive "Fan Service" will turn off some. -Entire show is "over the top", realists should avoid.

100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru

One of the few anime's I can't decide if it's Love or Hate
Another Isekai, another world and another set of improbable situations.

But anime one cycles between interesting questions, cheesy over predictable scenarios tropes and it seems to struggle to decide if it wants depth or not. This is best highlighted by the final few episodes where the party struggles with an pitiful / trivial final goal to complete a quest stage the extended over several episodes to finally have a significant reveal. As a result one of the characters is forced to struggle with past choices, which was building up well, only to have it flip into borderline evil overlord monologuing which seemed to completely negate the possible character and story growth.

It seems it's been green-lit for a 2nd season, so maybe the answer will be found there, will it be a standout Isekai or something one regrets watching?

  • Good English Dubbing.
  • Some interesting situations / questions.
  • 2nd season on the way.

  • Average to lower quality animation.
  • Predictable.
  • Lack of significant character depth and development.
  • Little significant story advancement.

Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko

Cute, lighthearted and predictable
This Isekai is surprisingly light hearted, lacks conflict, strife, serious violence, suffering, challenges, or anything other trope that seem to define nearly every anime in the genre which by default makes it stand out.

Add to that the main character is a child (who also remains one through out the 1st season.) with overwhelming power who uses it responsibly and you end up with an oddball show that is super cheesy but at the same time strangely enjoyable.

All that said the pace is slow and exceptionally predictable, so it's something I'd watch in the background while doing something else.

  • Unusual story.
  • Good English Dubbing.
  • Light hearted and family friendly.

  • Lower quality and erratic animation, with bad CGI shoehorned in at times.
  • Once the plot is figured out it's predictable to a fault.
  • Slow pace.

Eiga Kono subarashii sekai ni shukufuku o!: Kurenai densetsu

Fun ride full of chuckles, groans and bad jokes.
Unlike many of the movies this one not only fits into the timeline, doesn't seem to "Retcon" anything, adds character growth and development and is absolutely worth the watch.

The first 15 minutes is packed with exceptionally cringeworthy moments, but a change from some of episodes in the series all of them quickly set up the story. Avoiding spoilers before long the movie is over, providing some quality character development, a few heart warming moments, tons and tons of cheese and a surprising amount of fun. The experience makes me want to do a rewatch binge to see if it's the best way to view KonoSuba.

  • Quality story arc with closure.
  • Character development and growth.
  • Jokes and cheese line up well with the story.
  • Excellent English dubbing.

  • Animation quality dips significantly at times.
  • Cheese / Fan service can be a little over the top, but of course some love it.
  • One cringeworthy moment where the protagonist justifies sexual assault and begins to act on it... foiled of course, but the whole temptation angle could have been handled better.

Maô Gakuin no Futekigôsha ~Shijô Saikyô no Maô no Shiso, Tensei Shite Shison-tachi no Gakkô e Kayô~

Unusually enjoyable, shameless trope filled anime with depth
From the start (which was slow, so give it a couple episodes) "Misfit" seems like a cliched mess.

Slowly though, it evolves into an anime that takes "fan service" and tropes and turns them into a very watchable allegory centered around discrimination, racism, class warfare, slavery(yes it's there) and of course the classic "good vs evil"...

Speaking of the tropes, it was surprising how well embracing them worked. As much as "harems" can normally be an eyesore "Misfit's" somehow made sense and wasn't overbearing. The "soulless construct" that somehow gained awareness clicked as did the "brainwashed good guys" acting against their will. Hell, somehow they fit in a fan club / glee club in there and made it work.

That said, "Misfit" isn't very deep (read complicated) but because of that and by NOT taking itself to seriously it manages to get the message to the viewers without being overbearing or preachy.

  • Lite and feel good with a bit of depth.
  • Consistent and moderately high quality animation.
  • Above average English Dubbing.
  • Good score.
  • Characters (main) with just enough depth to be engaging.
  • Closed Arc with the possibility of more.

  • Predictable to a fault.
  • Background characters are cardboard cutouts.
  • Some of the "Cheese" is laid on heavy.
  • "Depth" could have been greater.
  • Suffers from the rushed closing episode.

Dragon's Dogma

Another "meh" Netflix original.
With an opening episode filled with a good amount character building, grief and destruction it showed a great deal of promise, however "Dogma" quickly begins to disappoint.

The episodes center around a "Monster of the Week"based on a "Sin" (Lust, Pride, etc.), which could have been a great way to build the world but instead it all felt hollow and oddly rather than building up the protagonist he is further embittered with each victory obtained.

Speaking of the protagonist, with in a few episodes he becomes a clear rehash of the main character from a few other famous anime's (Berserk was heavily sampled), and all the others are cardboard cutouts.

The series leads to a pyrrhic victory which could have been noteworthy, but because the series lacked any emotional impact it falls flat.

  • Good English Dubbing.
  • Closed Arc.
  • Good opening intro.

  • Inconsistent animation that often becomes low quality at critical moments.
  • Wooden characters.
  • Predictable story.

If watched in the background while doing something else it's not bad, but as a "main dish" if you've got limited time I'd watch something else.

Toaru Kagaku no Akuserareta

A lesser entry in the "A Certain.." franchise
The first episode was substandard with weak dialog, a lack of suspense and no real emotional impact during scenes that were clearly trying for them. But considering "A Certain Magical Index" struggled during its first few episodes it seemed like it would be worth a few more.

Unfortunately it didn't improve, with nonsensical one sided no-drama fights (which is saying something), and a fraction of the emotional impact "Magical Index" had it disappointed consistently.

A second season could redeem it, especially because "Accelerator" is an interesting character, but won't be heartbroken if it never happens.

  • Good English Dubbing.
  • Familiar characters.
  • Solid sound track.

  • Lower animation quality than Index/Railgun.
  • Weak Dialog.
  • Predictable.

In the end it was watchable filler as we wait to find out of the main franchise gets a 4th season.

Blood of Zeus

A good distraction but lacking depth.
Another Netflix's original, which seem to always fall into one of three slots; good, bad or very average.

"Blood of Zeus" is a solidly "average" anime. The story, animation quality, score and pacing are all good enough to make it watchable, but lack anything remarkable.

  • Good English Dubbing.
  • Consistent animation.
  • Quality score.
  • Good intros with little "filler" or repetition.

  • Predictable and lackluster story.
  • Flat characters, failing just short of having depth.
  • An ending with little substance.

As another review mentioned, it's a good "background" watch, with just enough to keep you looking up every now and then (like gods admitting they are fallible), but disappointing when it's the sole focus.

Magical Girl Special Ops Asuka

Interesting take on an older "Magical Girl"
The idea of an experienced, post-war character was appealing, we've seen so many dealing with the build up to the great fight, but not many covering the aftermath, and it's why this "Magical Girls" anime made it into the queue.

Our protagonist was introduced as an older, jaded and traumatized young woman, trying to live a normal life and leave the brutality of war behind her. From there we see her struggle with fitting into high school, trying to relate to the trivial concerns of her classmates and failing. Even with the domestic challenges before her, living alone and almost friendless, the protagonist stays true to her chosen path turning down the repeated invitations from the government to rejoin the fight and use the powers gifted to all of the "Magical Girls". Of course before long she's forced to choose between letting one of her few friends die or reclaim her powers......

From there the story starts to play out predictably, secondary characters put in harms way repeatedly, the protagonist forced to confront the past, etc. At this only major story element the anime includes is the continued trauma, including PTSD suffered by the survivors of magical encounters, trauma significant enough that survivors are terrified of their saviors.

However as it introduces this often overlooked and unavoidable mental health issue it also jams in a number of things that detract from the story, including torture, abuse and even flirts with rape in a couple episodes, most of which was done poorly. Don't get me wrong, all of these would fit in a darker, grittier "Magical Girls" animie, but the story elements were either taken just a little to far, or skirted around enough they failed to have any real emotional impact. Add in unneeded Ecchi and a fair amount of cheese the show starts to take away from the quality of each episode.

Issues aside, overall this Magical Girls "drama" was entertaining and giving it the benefit of the doubt for trying to tackle issues often overlooked or glossed over in anime's focused on the shiny, bright side of the stor, I'd say it's worth a watch.

  • Attempts to tackle overlooked issues that would face the world.
  • Gives us a protagonist that actually has good reasons for being jaded and the reluctant hero.
  • Closure / completed story arc.
  • Good English dubbing.

  • Excessive Ecchi moments that seem forced in "Fan-Service".
  • Cheese heavy at times.
  • Some of the violence either borders on "gore porn" or is trivialized, cheapening the scene.
  • Many if the support characters are flat and one dimensional.
  • Several episodes include "recaps" at the beginning that seem to be "filler".

Gurankuresuto Senki

Simple, enjoyable and has closure
"Simple" isn't intended to be derogatory, the anime is enjoyable, fairly well put together and there is enough character development to make it worth the watch, but the overarching story is not complex.

Unless this is the first anime you've ever watched there won't be any serious surprises, and as others have stated it watches like a JRPG which I think is one of its charms. There is good, evil, a hero and all of the challenges that could make for a boring trope filled series, but instead of being a cliched snoozefest "Grancrest" balances the flow of the series almost perfectly.

It's a great show to binge and what I find most satisfying is having closure, to many anime series are left unfinished.

  • Good score / soundtrack.
  • Simple but enjoyable story.
  • Enough character development for engagement.
  • Very little "filler".
  • Closure.
  • Solid English dubbing.

  • Predictable (I enjoyed it, but it could be a turn off).
  • Lower quality / inconsistent animation at times.
  • Dubbing / Subtitles don't always line up (Court ranks for example).

Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu!

About as average and uninspired as they come.
I'll give "High School Prodigies" one thing, all of the protagonists were effectively god-like before transitioning worlds which was a nice change. However even starting with god like intellect and physical abilities they still managed to not take over their new world in a single season.

The show shoehorned in just about as many tropes as possible, some worked and others didn't. Characters, protagonist and secondary characters/NPC's, were "flat" and not easy to connect with. Plot points were often completely unbelievable (even for an Isekai), the best example was the item salvaged from the plane wreck. Finally the overall story was very weak and the kids could have been completely handled by the ruling government with a few well placed assassins.

  • English Dubbing.
  • Consistent animation.
  • Unusual tactic of god-like protagonists BEFORE transitioning worlds.

  • Excessive "Fan-Service".
  • Predictable.
  • Characters are one dimensional.
  • A few of the characters are a bit ridiculous (worlds best magician) and just seemed over the top.

FLCL Progressive

Like an echo of FLCL, it's lost clarity in the reproduction
Where the original FLCL was something you either loved or hated, "Progressive" is a like an echo of the original.

While trying to reproduce and capture the original feel (and fans) of FLCL, "Progressive" fails, making it feel even more "less than" which is a shame considering the story, though a trope filled mess, has some originality and enjoyable points.

Taken on its own it's an interesting watch, but most will feel disappointed if they were expecting a true continuation of the joy and insanity found in the original.

  • English Dubbing.
  • "Some" of the art is higher quality, making it feel newer.
  • Enjoyable and unusual story.

  • It's not FLCL, don't get your hopes up.
  • Art quality dips at times.
  • Much is the story is predicable.


Colorful, unusual, "loud", erratic and a wild ride.
This is another one of those Love/Hate anime's, encapsulated by the first episode. It's intro is strange bordering on insane, seems to make little sense and you're left wondering what's next as the credits roll.

Of course the following episodes include more insanity but slowly the story begins to unfold. The series even manages to squeeze in a few "coming of age" tropes in a way that feels natural, which is saying something in a anime about a guitar swinging space alien taking advantage of a poor middle school kid.

Only the viewer can decide which passion they'll feel, maybe I'm wrong but can't see many people being indifferent to FLCL.

  • Distinct art style.
  • Unique story.
  • Not predictable.
  • English dubbing.
  • Unlike anything else.

  • Not of a fan of the really bizarre art style during the "wacky" portions.


Beauty, love, despair, horror, and more, shared
Before the end of the first episode the beauty of the animation, eclectic characters and unusual storytelling had sunk hooks in and wouldn't let go.

It's an interesting anime that proves tropes exist for a reason, beauty can exist within horror and pain... Even the insanity of the first few episodes served a purpose, and had mad science I can realistically see happening.

For all the things to got "right" it's still imperfect and at times very cliched (they are there for a reason), but it was satisfying to see another example of great anime.

Note: Those who don't enjoy story driven, character growth based stories will likely hate this.

  • Great intro and soundtrack.
  • Character Archetypes fit in the narrative.
  • Quality storytelling.
  • No filler episodes.
  • Predictability that serves a purpose.
  • Full story arc.

  • First few episodes have an almost distracting amount of chaos in them, and can turn people off.
  • Predictable, it's important for the story but would loved a surprise or two.

Kyokou Suiri

Interesting premise, excellent art, but struggles in the end.
Visually striking and unique premise combined with strong characters in the beginning hooks you. But in the end it falls flat as it has multiple episodes lacking substance and an ending arc that fails to live up to the first half of the series.

A second season might redeem the disappointment felt at the close of the final episode, until then in my mind it was a slightly above average supernatural anime that fought with itself over direction, depth and tone.

  • Excellent Animation.
  • Above average English dubbing.
  • Unusual premise and characters.
  • Great first few episodes.
  • Completed story arc.

  • Sluggish and unfocused last half.
  • Unfulfilling and odd ending.

Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou!

Interesting premise with a lackluster delivery.
Loved the idea of a Isekai with the protagonist who actually had to struggle, however "8th Son" failed to deliver even on that.

Inside the first couple episodes he's blessed with godly powers and by the fourth has the start of his harem which made it clear this was going to be the typical trope filled anime.

Dialog is flat (Sub & Dub), characters are not interesting enough to invest in emotionally, the animation though consistent feels empty and lacking "flair".

The final story arc could have brought something interesting back into a disappointing entry into the Isekai genre, but even that ultimately failed as well.

It's not "bad", just lacking character and boring.

  • English Dubbing.
  • Consistent animation.
  • Completed season with closure.

  • Uninteresting characters.
  • Flat Dialog.
  • "Empty" feeling animation.
  • Predictable and uninspired.

Isekai Chîto Majutsushi

Lackluster and predictable to a fault.
A "newer" entry to the Isekai field, "Cheat Mage" lacks anything to distinguish it it beyond an intro from "Myth & Roid".

The characters are flat, dialog is terrible (even the Sub's), the "story" is unoriginal, combat is uninspired, the evil "mastermind" is anything but and tropes are shoehorned in everywhere.

Even the anime's name is a bad choice when referring to protagonist, there is no "cheating" or clever use of his powers.

I'd suggest rewatching one of the "greats" over slogging through all 12 episodes.

  • English dubbing.
  • Average score.

  • Inconstant animation.
  • Cheesy dialog.
  • Lackluster story.
  • No drama / struggle.
  • Boring.

Megaro bokusu: Megalo Box

Attractive, entertaining and imperfect.
With an older school animation style that is reminiscent of some of the classics (Cowboy Bebop, etc.), a simple and clean story and characters just deep enough to enjoy it was worth the binge.

Series length about perfect, episodes were straight forward storytelling without much filler and the final episode was surprisingly fulfilling, especially considering I'm one of those anime fans who always thinks the endings are rushed / needed more wrap up.

All in all it's a nice clean 13 episode arc with a tidy ending leaving one satisfied and feeling "complete".

FYI watch until the final seconds of the credits.

  • Classic / Old school animation style.
  • Good music, with some unique scores for the show.
  • Characters that are simple and identifiable with most not feeling like cardboard cutouts.
  • Short but satisfying series that is easily binged.
  • English dubbing.

  • Animation quality dips at times, some distracting irregularities.
  • Predictable story, but it doesn't pretend to be more than what it is.
  • English dubbing misses some of the dialogue (I watch with subtitles on).


Refreshing series that hooked me in the first 15 minutes
The first episode there was a strange but balanced mix of casual brutality, dark humor and just a sliver of heart that quickly marked "Jormungand" as something different.

For full disclosure the premise itself was unique enough it sat at the bottom of my queue for months because I had trouble reconciling this fairly serious subject being handled by an anime, but once Jormungand was next I was pleasing to be proven wrong.

The animation style was mirror of the series as a whole, simple and clean and yet at the same time technically perfect when it came to the details that counted.

Not everything was flawless, not every episode had the same depth and some of the stories / sub-plots seemed uncharacteristically outlandish at first (but unfolded interestingly) but as a whole it was a fantastic watch.

  • Great cast of characters.
  • Depth hiding under the action.
  • Excellent music and score.
  • Above average and consistent animation.
  • Surprising beauty at times.
  • Animation quality dibs a bit in the second season.
  • Some predictability.
  • The end to the arc needed more than 2 episodes to complete, but I'm biased there.

KanColle: The Movie

Slightly better than the series, but still a Bizarre premise.
Bizarre character premise that's reminiscent of "Strike Witches" but further into left field.

The "Unknown Enemy attacking Earth" is a tried and true trope, but scantily clad, pale and uncommunicative 14 year old girls seems an odd choice to represent the enemy, but even stranger is what defends humanity. 14 year old girls skating through the water with miniature Battleship turrets / parts hanging off their legs and backs. That is unless the girls are "Carriers" and then they have part of the Aircraft Carrier's deck hanging from their waists (and arms once they "equip").

The enemy "Abyssal" monsters were interesting, some appearing to be giant mutant demonic whales, others warped crabs or other creatures.

Combats seemed really odd as the girls tiny weapons fired disproportionately large shells and arrows fired from the "Carrier Group" turned into squadrons of what appeared to be "Zero's". Additionally the combats were without any real substance, there was no real danger. When the fleet groups were outnumbered massively and under fire they would escape nearly unscathed, but when convenient for the story a lone enemy fighter will "sink" one of the girls with a single shot.

Overall in a very broad brush way the story unfolds along the lines of "Strike Witches", a new addition to the group without combat experience, who's also supposed to be exceptionally powerful, performs poorly at first but makes the decision to work hard and train to become the best all the while being insanely cheerful. Add the typical stumbles, comic relief in the form of horrible performance while training, pair of extra supportive friends, an idol to look up to, random naval terms inserted into every conversation and you have a very silly trope filled series.

If you're a fan of the "Magical Girls" genre (yes they aren't magical but in every other way it fits) this will likely be enjoyable, but if not I'd suggest a hard pass.

  • Interesting monsters.
  • Unique costumes for some of the ship classes.
  • None of the random Ecchi moments of "Strike Witches".
  • Above average and consistent animation.
  • Flashbacks have a very noir feel, cleanly delineating it.
  • English Dubbing.

  • Exceptionally predictable.
  • Silly to a fault.
  • Depends to heavily on "Deus Ex Machina" moments.
  • Unexplained and random scantily clad "Bunny Girl"' (Ship groups typically have matching outfits / uniforms).

Kantai Collection: Kan Colle

Bizarre character premise that's reminiscent of "Strike Witches" but further into left field.
The "Unknown Enemy attacking Earth" is a tried and true trope, but scantily clad, pale and uncommunicative 14 year old girls seems an odd choice to represent the enemy, but even stranger is what defends humanity. 14 year old girls skating through the water with miniature Battleship turrets / parts hanging off their legs and backs. That is unless the girls are "Carriers" and then they have part of the Aircraft Carrier's deck hanging from their waists (and arms once they "equip").

The enemy "Abyssal" monsters were interesting, some appearing to be giant mutant demonic whales, others warped crabs or other creatures.

Combats seemed really odd as the girls tiny weapons fired disproportionately large shells and arrows fired from the "Carrier Group" turned into squadrons of what appeared to be "Zero's". Additionally the combats were without any real substance, there was no real danger. When the fleet groups were outnumbered massively and under fire they would escape nearly unscathed, but when convenient for the story a lone enemy fighter will "sink" one of the girls with a single shot.

Overall in a very broad brush way the story unfolds along the lines of "Strike Witches", a new addition to the group without combat experience, who's also supposed to be exceptionally powerful, performs poorly at first but makes the decision to work hard and train to become the best all the while being insanely cheerful. Add the typical stumbles, comic relief in the form of horrible performance while training, pair of extra supportive friends, an idol to look up to, random naval terms inserted into every conversation and you have a very silly trope filled series.

If you're a fan of the "Magical Girls" genre (yes they aren't magical but in every other way it fits) this will likely be enjoyable, but if not I'd suggest a hard pass.

  • Interesting monsters.
  • Unique costumes for some of the ship classes.
  • None of the random Ecchi moments of "Strike Witches".
  • Above average and consistent animation.
  • Flashbacks have a very noir feel, cleanly delineating it.
  • English Dubbing.

  • Exceptionally predictable.
  • Silly to a fault.
  • Depends to heavily on "Deus Ex Machina" moments.
  • Unexplained and random scantily clad "Bunny Girl"' (Ship groups typically have matching outfits / uniforms).

See all reviews