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Gorilla at Large

Better than I expected
I had heard about "Gorilla at Large" for years, but avoided watching it because of the campy title and brief clips I had seen, usually of the gorilla swinging on a vine. Recently, this movie was broadcast on Fox Movie Channel. On a whim, I recorded it with my PVR and watched it the next day. To my surprise, I found "Gorilla at Large" to be an entertaining movie. It's not a monster film at all, or even a jungle themed movie. Rather, it's a crime/detective story that keeps you guessing. "Gorilla" has a very good cast and interesting story. A young Lee Marvin has an amusing role as a policeman. The sexy Anne Bancroft is the main star....although some might claim it is the gorilla.

Fantastic 4

Best of the Fantastic Four cartoons
I've seen several cartoon versions of The Fantastic Four over the years. The latest one is now broadcasting on the Cartoon Network and has outstanding animation and graphics. However, I still favor this 1967 version, which consists of only 20 episodes. The animation is very simple by today's standards, but the stories and script closely mirror the comic book from that era. In fact, the simple nature of the episodes makes them more appealing to me. As I write this, the 1967 Fantastic Four episodes are being shown on Boomerang, an offshoot of the Cartoon Network. The newest Fantastic Four cartoon is a little TOO slick and fancy for my tastes.

Scream and Scream Again

Bizarre, but enjoyable film
The first time I saw "Scream and Scream Again" I thought it was a terrible, mixed-up movie. But upon repeated viewings, I've come to like it. Granted, the plot is confusing and bizarre, but the acting is top-notch with plenty of entertaining scenes. Don't be fooled by the listing of legends Vincent Price, Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing in the title. Cushing especially has a small, insignificant role. The other two legends have slightly larger parts, but not the main ones. Alfred Marks and Christopher Matthews are the two stars, and they are quite fun to watch, especially Marks as the cranky, colorful Supt. Bellaver.

As Young as You Feel

Likeable little movie
This is a likeable little comedy/drama. It has a good cast, and a fairly interesting plot. One thing, though. The movie jacket for "As Young As You Feel" has a large photo of Marilyn Monroe and her name is printed on the top. Don't let that fool you, though. Marilyn only has a small part in this movie, portraying a secretary, although she makes the most of her scenes.

Dracula's Daughter

Better than you might think
This is a pretty good movie. Despite the simplistic title, the story is interesting and the production values top-notch. Bela Lugosi is not in this movie, but Gloria Holden does a fine job as Dracula's daughter. Co-star Otto Kruger also is convincing as the hero. Edward Van Sloan returns as Prof. Von Helsing. In the 1931 "Dracula", his character was called Prof. VAN Helsing. For some reason it was changed for this picture. Van Sloan does his usual fine job.

Kingu Kongu no gyakushû

Fun, likable movie
I've seen "King Kong Escapes" several times on American television with English dubbing, commercial interruptions, scenes omitted, and full-screen format. Despite all that, I found "King Kong Escapes" to be a fun, silly, enjoyable fantasy movie. One criticism I have is that the fight between Kong and robot Kong was too short.

Many reviewers have complained about the annoying voice of Linda Miller, but this was actually the voice of another actress. For some reason, the producers decided to dub Miller, even though she spoke English.

I recently purchased a DVD copy of this movie on eBay, with the original Japanese dialogue, uncut, in wide-screen. The script is slightly more mature and sensible, and the Japanese dubbing of the English speaking actors (Rhodes Reason, Miller) is done very well. Even the Japanese version is silly, though. But like I said, silly in an enjoyable way.

The Great Race

Light-hearted, enjoyable movie
The first few times I saw "The Great Race," I thought it was too silly to be enjoyable. But after recent viewings I now have a fondness for this movie. It grows on you after awhile. The story is light-hearted and meant strictly for fun.

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

An improvement over Episode 1
Star Wars: Episode II-Attack of the Clones...whew, that's a long title. Anyway, it's an improvement over Episode I. "Clones" has a more mature story than "Phantom Menace" and interesting villians. The much-maligned Jar Jar Binks has a reduced role, and a young man, not a kid, is the lead actor in the movie. That bothered me about Episode I. Negatives: I still think George Lucas relies too much on computer- generated special effects and doesn't concentrate enough on developing his characters. IMO, none of the main characters in Episode 1 or 2 are as interesting as Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, or even Princess Leia. I hope "Attack of the Clones" is released to DVD sooner than was the case with "Phantom Menace."


Likeable little show
I used to watch this show when I was a kid. Since then, I've rarely seen it in re-runs, even though my cable system has over a hundred channels. Anyway, "Alice" was a nice, enjoyable little show that lost a lot of steam after Polly Holiday (Flo) left to pursue her own sitcom. I really think Flo was the most interesting character. The producers of "Alice" replaced her with similar characters, but none were as good.

The File of the Golden Goose

Better than expected
This movie was better than I had expected. The script is not exactly Oscar-caliber, but "Golden Goose" has good actors and an interesting story. The various location shots of London were impressive. Yul Brynner plays a U.S. Secret Service agent trying to bust up a counterfeiting ring.

I Dream of Jeannie

Nice, cheerful show
"I Dream of Jeannie" is a nice, simple, cheerful show that I've watched many times on Nick at Nite. The plot is amusing, the location and sets well done, and the main characters are all very likeable. If I had to find a fault with the program, its that the scripts weren't always top-notch. I believe some of the "Jeannie" actors complained about this too. Still, this is an enjoyable show worth watching again.

Escape from New York

Silly fun
"Escape From New York" has several gaps in logic, but it's still a fun movie to watch. Almost the entire movie takes place at night, which does get a little tiresome on the eyes after awhile. However, there is plenty of suspenseful action, and Kurt Russell is memorable as the ex-soldier turned bank robber Snake Plisken.

Dr. Strange

Good entertainment
This movie deviates somewhat from the Dr. Strange comic book, but I found it to be very entertaining and fun to watch. Peter Hooten does a good job as Dr. Strange. Veteran actor John Mills has a prominent part as Lindmer, the sorcerer. As has been mentioned earlier, "Dr. Strange" was supposed to be the pilot for a proposed TV series, but unfortunately it was not picked up by a network.

Destination Moon

Balanced, serious sci-fi
This is one of the few sci-fi movies from the 1950's that doesn't have aliens or monsters in it. It's a straightforward, fairly serious story about some scientists and businessmen who want to get to the moon. The special effects and accuracy of space life are above average. Joe Wesson (Sweeney) is included to give the picture some light-hearted humor. Anne Archer's father, John, is the star of the movie and does a good job portraying the boss of the moon project.

It Came from Outer Space

Enjoyable 1950's sci-fi
This is an intelligent, well-written sci-fi movie with likeable leading characters. The plot of the story deals with a man who discovers a spacecraft, and the trouble he encounters attempting to get people to believe him. Slowly several local people are kidnapped and duplicated by the aliens, who use them as cover while they try to repair their craft and leave. The ending is also quite good and unique.

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

OK for kids, boring for adults
I'm old enough to remember seeing "Star Wars" back in 1977, and I loved the movie. Like most kids my age, I also watched and enjoyed the sequels, although "Return of the Jedi" was somewhat of a disappointment. I eagerly awaited 1999's "Phantom Menace", but it was a huge disappointment for me. Director/Writer George Lucas obviously intended this movie for children, and not for people my age. The film grossed over $1 billion worldwide, so Lucas probably feels he made the right decision. However, I predict the final two sequels won't do as well financially unless Lucas concentrates more on a better story and tones down the special effects, which are wildly overdone in "Phantom Menace". This movie has no soul or substance to it. It's just flash and gimmicks.

Devil Dog: The Hound of Hell

Above average TV thriller
I remember watching this movie on TV back on Halloween night, 1978, after finishing Trick-or-Treating. A long time ago. "Devil Dog" has an excellent cast, and a fun, yet spooky tale of a normal middle-class family falling under demonic possession. The best part is when the father hears his children chanting bizarre hymns in the attic at 3am. He goes to investigate, and is shocked at what he finds.

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