
IMDb member since February 2020
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    4 years, 3 months


Waffle Street

Definitely a heartwarming movie that brings a smile to my face, at least. Although the story isn't extravagant, not so action packed, not going to here doing this, it's real. It's a real story and it gets to the point of human life. A major part of that is the guilt that can fester within someone.

Guilt can make people do things they might never have thought of doing changing the entire course of the life one could have planned out. It's dirty, forces people to flow and live with the wind of life. But at the same time, one must always be real with oneself. Although life may have changed, the things that will always remain true is the feelings in your heart and head. Truth of feelings is power, power that can change lives.

This can be summarized from crookedness to honesty. Thanks to obeying the feelings in the mind and body an honest character is created, in some stories at least.


The use of comedy
How can one tell the story of the devastating effects of time if not regulated and worshiped without getting too philosophical and abstract? Comedy. Why comedy? It's easy, it relates to us, we can understand comedy. Comedy can tell stories to people because it's digestible. It's not a lecture it's entertainment.

Sure, there are many crude jokes in this movie that makes it seem like "what am I watching" or "really?" But once you get past that, the greater story tells a tale of a man who has been absent from his own life. It's a tale that can resonate, it's a tale that makes us double take and look at ourselves, our family, our environment, whatever it is in our lives. But it makes us want to take our time, relishing in the present.

We live in a world that is fast paced, we have to get here and there. But it can be exhausting, it can take over our minds without us knowing it. It makes us neglectful. Somewhat destructive. That's why it's important, more than ever, to see ourselves in the present. Taking time to love our partners, love our family, ourselves, our activities, being grateful for what we've got. Because we aren't going to have them forever. Because time in the end, it's not an enemy, rather it's a reminder. It's a reminder that every moment is different, there are no ordinary moments. The way you breath is different every time, you just need to relish it to see it.

Time can be scary, but it will always be there. What won't always be there is us. That's what that movie teaches us. It's beautiful.

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