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Is There Anybody Out There?

Could emphasise so much in respect of how able bodied people view us disabled people. I cannot state that my disability is the same, again we are all unique and there is no norm. I had polio when I was three years of age, I do remember some fleeting moments of that time believe it or not. I was totally struck down to begin with, but within a period of time only my left leg was affected...making it shorter and little to no muscle. Eventually I wore steel calipars on my affected leg. Surgery intervention to fix foot and ankle.

I met with the bullying, name calling and not belonging as she did. Unfortunately being one of 4 and having problems at home I was sent to an "open air school" for most of my childhood.

I like the one girl thought I'd be "normal" when I was an adult.

I too had the strange weirdo men very attracted to me and with their attitude that I should be grateful, but having met and knowing that I was able to distinguish the ones who genuinely liked me for me.

One thing as you mature you find that you can love who you are and realise that being different is great.

I'm now in my 70s and have had a good life, worked all my years, have a loving hubby and although I am suffering pain more now due to over exerting my body I do not regret anything but wish I could tell my younger teenage self not to let others judge or upset me.

Please watch this programme it delves into a lot of what disability can mean. We are stronger individuals than the able bodied can ever know.


Wish I could give it more
The double twist at the end makes you think there's more...but there could have been so much more to this film. The story line was great, the acting was good, but it was too short and over too quick. I wanted to see more. Felt I must have blinked too often for the way it seemed to jump. Following the story it was fine. It really didn't take much to understand after the first 30 mins or so.

I truly believe this could have been one of those films that could stand out but feel let down Maybe it ended up rushed due to Covid and running out of money. I really wanted to love this.

Might watch it again and see if I feel the same.

This Is Us: Katoby
Episode 12, Season 6

I love you Tobey
Blimey he does not need the likes of Katy. She is a selfish and hateful to him. He is never allowed to have what he needs, it's all her needs and wants.

Tobey is everything I would want a hubby, father and everything I would want. I hope he gets the wife he needs and that he gets to see his children regularly, although Kate will still only see he is doing it wrong.

The best part of this episode was the minute in the Lift.

Maybe Philip says it all in that Americans have an obsession about how or what they should be feeling, and they are only the ones who have feelings. Don't they make life hard and create problems that aren't there. They feel happy feeling miserable. I cannot stand Kate. I want Tobey to be happy.

This Is Us: The Hill
Episode 9, Season 6

Toby deserves better
I'm really, really fed up with Katy's attitude to life. She blames everyone for her unhappiness. Blimey if she had the start in life that most have she would have something to maybe grumble about. I was one of many to have had polio as a 3 yr old, my dad had pts and a nervous breakdown, mum had to get a man's job for a decent wage to bring up her 4 kids, I got sent away at 7 to an open air school run by stern nuns, not seeing my parents or siblings properly for 4 yrs... you either weaken or get strong...I got strong. Worked hard from 16 to 62 yrs of age. I married a fantastic man but unfortunately we didn't have children of our own...did this make me bitter and sad or blame what life gave love my experiences only made me deal with life's crisis and be flexible enough for change. I do not believe these three siblings could have such "trauma" in their lives. At least they were almost adult when their dad died, not young children. The writers should really let them grow up ! ...esp Katy...what the hell has she got to be so bitter about other than her weight. I loved Toby. She def did not deserve him. Punishing him for getting a good job, losing weight, being fit to prevent his children losing a parent. Working hard to provide, finding a house etc etc. She has always put her wishes and brother above Toby. He deserves a wife that will love him as much as he loves her.


Holds your interest
What a shame. It seems everytime I'm interested and involved with a series it doesn't get a chance for further episodes. Got involved with the characters as well as the storyline. Why, why do they get stopped and ones that are rubbish keep going.

I want more.

How can they get away with this. What a way to treat customers. Give them a taste, then as soon as they are 8nterested take it away.

Is it because of writers strike, or just that they get scared they cannot write further into the story.

I'm so glad I have British TV as they don't treat us like the Americans do.

Bring it back. I'm sure the viewing figures would be what the producers want.

Durante la tormenta

Fully recommended
Held me totally captivated. Very worth watching, the story, the acting. I sometimes find I don't like films dubbed but this did not mar this film. I might watch it again with the real sound, but as I said it did not spoil this story at all. I cannot put much down as I do not wish to spoil anyone's interest as the mystery needs to unfold itself in its own time.. no need for any special effects just good acting throughout.

This was better than the majority of cinema films. If you get the chance please watch and I'm sure you will enjoy this as much as myself and fall in love with the characters.

Nowhere Special

Touching & Heartbreaking
This is a truly heart rending story, real and true I'm sure. James Norton and the young boy are so natural together. Where they found this boy I cannot guess but he his so fitting to the role. I understand James Norton spent a great deal of time with him prior to filming and this obviously brought about the chemistry that they had together. The expressions from this child were so natural and brilliant for the role. I hope his parents got him a puppy after the film.

I wept and wished that it could have a Hollywood ending, but thankfully he did choose the right home for his son. Thank you for all involved with the film, it's wrong to say I enjoyed it but it was extremely watchable.

The boy deserves an Oscar.

A Tale of Two Christmases

Heart warming.
Don't believe the bad reviews...this a nice feel good movie with nice chemistry. Yes it's predictable as they all are. You know who should be with who, but does that matter when the acting is believable and the chemistry is good. I loved this couple. Dad was also good, I know he is in many of these but in this one he had more of a role with real good acting. Always thought he deserved more of a role.

Could always do with more back story, it would be nice to have had more of her family involvement less of the work setting, but there is a limitation of time.

It's well worth watching and I don't think you would be disappointed.

Manifest: Final Boarding
Episode 20, Season 4

So well recovered
This last 10 episodes or so totally saved this series. Yes it got lost a little in the middle with I think writers trying to expand the story too much, but it has been well recovered.

I admit the religion side of it kind of spoilt it for me when they started to use this, however again it all made sense. Everything connected. The ending was totally appropriate and gave the feel good side to everything. Yes they kinda left some issues that could be carried on with but I feel the end should not be tampered with.

If possible I believe all series should be only 4/5 years old. To make them longer makes for lazy writing and needless story lines that have been done everywhere else. Great series.

The Portable Door

Could have been so special
I was looking forward to seeing this film. The storyline could have been so special. The actors were all good. The special effects were good. The mystery of the door was good.

I have no idea why it fails. The travelling through the door was very limited. This could have been expanded, more stories therein, but no it was all rushed.

Maybe the books are better, they usually are. Maybe the funding was restricted. Maybe it was the Directer getting lost with how it should be put together.

I really do not know. There is so much missing from this production. Cannot put my finger on it. So very disappointed, I so wanted to enjoy it.

Made for You, with Love

Chemistry totally right
Love, love this film just for the moments when the two are alone together. He makes my heart pulse, and you can see the real chemistry between them. Not always portrayed in some TV films. Loved it when they danced in the wedding dress shop.....magic. Keep with it, unlike the other reviewers comment. There is more depth to this story line than at first comes across.

Edge Ganem portrays a strong, independent woman, striving for her dreams. That portrayal feels genuine.

Also Brendon Zub, He is one of my favourites so I guess I can be prejudiced.

Want to see so much more of Brendon, he is so funny in this, and comes across so natural, as does all the interaction between them. I'd love to see a follow up to this film.

I've watched this twice now and it still feels fresh.

Ne le dis à personne

So, so disappointing
I read the book so many years ago, and read it again the following years, it was so good.

I so looked forward to seeing the film but was so highly disappointed. Apart from faked death it has nothing to do with the novel. May as well have used another title and not made out it was Harlan's book it was based on.

To be based in France, well they could have still made it like the book I guess, but no.

I know for some reason they have to make changes when making a film but I warn you if you are a fan of Harlan's book do not bother watching this trash. The acting is poor, dialogue and setting is all wrong.

A Christmas Miracle for Daisy

Cute as always
Jill was def pregnant during this movie, looks somewhat tired, but gorgeous as always. Always love her films and this is no exception.

A bit predictable but always in a nice way.

Worth a nice cosy Sunday watch.

The young girl playing Daisy will I believe have a great future, she is a natural. Not the usual squeaky voiced precocious child that can be in some of these film types. I also love the Father Christmas. Also love the house, oh some of us can only dream about houses that size or quality. Also loved Sven's store, just the kind of place I'd love to rummage in for furniture etc.

A pleasure to watch.

Double Holiday

Very watchable.
All actors were natural and believable. Love both the main leads. Thank goodness for great actors.

I adored this Hallmark film. It outshines so many of them. A different story to the Hallmark stories that seem to be churned out without little thought to the chemistry that is so desired by us the viewers. Thank you Hallmark, please please continue to find new and different story lines with great actors. I shall be watching this one again and possibly again.

Love it. You want more.......well I would just recommend fans of Hallmark to watch this one as you will not be disappointed. It does make you feel good.

The Mistletoe Secret

Would like it with an alternative female lead
Love everyone other than the female lead. Sounds like she is reading from a prompt. No emotion or ability to make us believe in her character. So hate the accent, too pronounced, thinks she wants to be Dolly Parton, but there's only one Dolly who we all love. She's better when she tones it down. How come she manages to get these leads, have ended up turning all her hallmark films off, even though I always love the male leads, and or the story line is interesting. How can we believe her when she is the only one with this southern drawl.

Please please Hallmark use other female leads. Maybe use a different casting team who actually look at actors who make believable characters. The score would be higher without her.

This Is Christmas

Well worth watching
The English scripts are so much better. A real good feeling film. Natural. The acting is lovely and real. A pleasure to watch all of the actors. Music is also good.

Wanted to really know everyone on that train. Find it strange that people can travel together everyday and not be able to strike up a conversation. If only this could happen more often. The on best thing that came out of Covid was that in our street we got to know more of our neighbours and still keep up the social get togethers that were set up opposite each other but are now in more of a social setting in one or others front gardens. As the film sets out to say a stranger is a friend you haven't met yet.

A Castle for Christmas

Very watchable
I don't know what some of the reviewers expect from a Christmas film. I think we can be too serious. Let's just have fun, sit back and enjoy a harmless entertaining film that helps us escape the agonies of the world. We want fantasies, we want laughter, we want joy. This film gives it us. It's funny, it's loving and it harmless.

I didn't expect anything as the reviews I had read were off putting, but it's truly worth a watch. Accents...well I've heard a lot worse. Americans can often do Irish instead of Scottish , but it was not that bad, it was just most of the actors were English. There are so many Scottish actors that could have been used, but set that aside it was not insulting.

I really liked it.

The English: Cherished
Episode 6, Season 1

Acting, scenery, photography, storyline all so brilliant. Couldn't fault anything other than I wish we had 8 episodes rather than the 6. I loved the two main characters and didn't want it to end so soon. The baddies, well I wish their ends were worse. Well rounded characters.

I binged watched the episodes over the two nights and could have still watched more.

It makes you so ashamed of what was done by those who emigrated to America, as it does with any country which has been taken over by others throughout history. I understand it's hard to survive but the atrocities that were performed makes you wonder what would happen if we found another inhabited universe. Nothing is ever done in peace.

Christmas Bedtime Stories

What a waste
Very disappointed. Was so looking forward to seeing this as I love anything Steve Lund is in, but what a waste of his talents. The script was poor. No real feeling in anything. The whole story was quite bad but the ending was pathetic. If you were a prisoner held for three years, well you would not look as healthy as he did. He would have certainly have lost weight, but mentally you would have some emotional damage. Totally unrealistic, and he gets home that quick ! This is a real stretch of anyones imagination.

However what I found unrealistic as to how she had grieved, you don't get over that so quick, and although referred to it did not seem real or genuine.

Very very disappointed. Only watch if you have nothing better to do, but don't expect to feel any real emotion from it.

Good with Wood

Could be so much better
I so love to see them working with wood. However wish we didn't have to have the smutty innuendo comments, but then it is channel 4 who love that. Have all the typical stereotypes, ie gay, etc etc. Don't mind this but wish it wasn't pushed down your throat all the time. It is the art work that's interesting.

The judges say all the same things they do in all these shows, and have to be too critical at times. Would like to see them doing some of the tasks, they do on the pottery show. And on other shows of a similar ilk we know their experience in tasks.

The show could be so much better with better, interesting fair judges and a compère who doesn't spoil everything.

The Bidding Room

Get fed up of spoiling series
Why WHY do all these programmes throw in repeats in a new series. So fed up of the programme makers doing this. It's the same with all such as Antique Roadshow, Repair Shop, etc etc etc. It totally spoils it for the viewer If you can't make the appropriate number for a series then you are failing. Stop throwing in a repeat.

It's bad enough at the beginning to have highlights of what's coming up, this spoils the excitement. But series made by this company does it. There is no need to do this to get us interested. I end up recording these type of shows so I can wiz through spoilers.

It's about time we have something new without these spoilers and repeats.

Sense and Sensibility

Excellent version
I never tire of watching this version of sense and sensibility. Every part is perfectly performed and believable. Alan Rickman's version of Brandon will never be surpassed. I fall in love with him at each watching as he has always been one of my favourites and much missed.

I've lost count how many times I have seen this, but will see it another plus times. My only criticism is I wish it was a little longer so I could indulge myself more. So well done, the scenery is to die for. Emma Thompson has handled this so well, one of best works.

Wish she had done even more Jane Austin type roles. English films at their best.


I'm hooked
I'm hooked like I was on Lost. But I don't think it will be as good, and will there be a conclusion and answer other than they are dead.

Hope it continues to interest and have good scripts, but please, please stop saying they're "ok"

The Time Traveler's Wife: Episode #1.6
Episode 6, Season 1

Brilliant interpretation
I loved the book. Hated the film. Loved this series, although some changes were made they added to the story. I really do hope we get a follow up series, but if not it still ended with enough clues as to what happens. Loved all the characters. Theo...what a performance...... he must have been covered in bruises. What a gorgeous nude he is too. Wowszer.

I want more. PLEASE !

The Flash: Keep It Dark
Episode 17, Season 8

Getting less and less about Flash
Do we have to have that reporter Taylor in it, horrible character and terrible acting. Shout shout shout.

We have lost too many from the story line. The scripts are terrible.

Time to give up on it.

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