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Sex, Lies, and Videotape

Spader is amazing!
Spader's character was the reason I enjoyed the film so much. I could identify with him and his dilemma. It seemed he felt like a stranger in an even stranger land. Who were these humans that seem so happy in the same world he could not find happiness within? What is this life we live? More importantly, what is the point? Why bother? His great battle with existence was a philosophical one. He, like myself, felt infinite sadness over the knowledge that are no concrete answers...

The movie is also interesting because it attacks the main sexual organ, the mind. Graham while trying to distance himself from the human experience by capturing sex confessionals on videotape, perhaps unwittingly became more intimate with his "partners." Roger Ebert points out that the films' argument is that conversation is better than sex.

Personally, I think the movie is about trying to find happiness with another person. Some Modest Mouse song lyrics come to mind. "And it's hard to be a human being/ And it's harder as anything else/ and I'm lonesome when you're around/ I'm never lonesome when I'm by myself" Graham finds it hard to be a human being and live in this human world full of values that he finds strange, confusing, and most importantly unfulfilling. What do you do when your ideology and needs don't mesh in the society you live within? How does one deal with feelings of loneliness in a society that spurns him? This movie is about one man's way.

James Spader does such an excellent job as this character. In fact, great acting all around by the entire cast and excellent writing and directing by Mr. Soderbergh. Go see this movie now!


Blade delivers solid comic action fun!
All this movie needed to impress me (and all I expected from it for that matter) was excellent action and intriguing special effects. This movie delivers these aspects in spades. I was very impressed. Amazing choreography of fight scenes, and the CGI effects blend nicely with the action...

The story line is your basic comic book routine: super evil bad guy has plot to take over the world. Mysterious, troubled hero must stop him. Final showdown occurs, and...well, I'll let you guess what happens. Its not the story line that is impressive, it is the presentation that makes this movie worthwhile.

Slick directing, cool weapons, excellent action sequences, nice special effects with a sharp attention to detail in the use of CGI. The sets are spectacular, and the acting passable. What more can you ask from an comic action thriller? Not oscar material by any stretch of imagination, but certainly a interesting way to kill 2 hours if action and special effects are your bag. My imdb rating - 6/10

Noob Aalox


I would have expected better from Dan O' Bannon...
It's a shame that this movie moved so quickly through the opening space sequence because it was the most interesting aspect this film had to offer. In fact, I would even go as far as to say if they had made the entire film about the astronauts finding and exploring the alien vessel, then bringing the lifeforms onboard to study and examine, the concluding results would have been ten fold more effective and a hundred fold more intriguing.

However, the film is actually about space vampires wreaking havoc on London. After the disappointingly brief opening space sequence, in which space vampires are brought back to Earth, the film centers on the efforts of British military and scientific intelligence trying to track and contain the vampires. The film reminded me of John Carpenter's masterpiece "The Thing" because the soul of the Vampires can transfer into different bodies and assume the identity of the host body, so there is an element of paranoia (though not nearly as effective as "The Thing") about who exactly is who.

The film's merits include the very attractive lead vampriess (Matilda May), who is effectively spooky (despite having has practically no lines) as she struts around nude sucking the life out of those who may attempt to stand in her way. Special effects are decent and interesting throughout. Patrick Stewart also turns in a gruesome performance.

The movie's downfall comes from its poor pacing and incorrect focus. It should have been focusing more on the adventures of the space vampires and their connection to mythological vampires. This would be fresh and exciting. Instead the film focuses on the investigation of officials, which is drab and pretty standard. Also, the rules are annoyingly never made clear as to exactly how a vampire can possess someone, what happens to the vampire's body, and what happens to the victim exactly...seems they turn to dust sometimes and others times not...

This film just didn't know what to do with itself or its premise.

Not the worst sci-fi movie I've ever seen, but definitely nowhere near the best. The story could have been much, much better. I expected more from a screenplay written by Dan 'O Bannon (Alien, Total Recall). My imdb rating - 5/10 For hardcore fans of the genre only.

Noob Aalox


A troubled, misunderstood movie...
This was a troubled movie right from go. It went through 4 directors, and several different versions; some directors (mainly the cool Walter Hill) wanted violent grotesque horror, while others (Coppola) wanted sexy swashbuckling space romance. Several edits and some major studio interference later, it became the mismatched hybrid that is the final release.

This movie was almost universally reviled by critics and audiences alike, one can read the reviews here on imdb and walk away scared to death of the movie. However, allow me to offer a more sane view of the film... ...Yes it is derivative and somewhat formulaic, but hey if you like the "Alien" sci-fi horror formula, then you would probably enjoy the film. PLOT: Space paramedics answer a distant distress call to pick up a stranger. It turns out that the stranger has made an amazing discovery. Things go wrong and the stranger starts bringing the pain. Thus, now the crew must fight for survival.

Many sci-fi cliches find their way into the mix (talking HAL-like computer,etc...) but it still manages to come off exciting and somewhat fresh in my opinion. The production is slick and all the sets are very well designed and realistic looking. Special effects are truly top notch. The premise/plot is interesting enough to move the action along despite some Hollywood standard "love subplot" cheesiness (the contribution of Coppola, I understand). Plenty of nudity (the very beautiful Robin Tunney!) and some cool gore.

Basically B Horror fun with A movie special effects. A decent sci-fi horror flick ...but probably for fans of the genre only. Final Rating - 6/10

Noob Aalox

The Matrix

One of the best sci-fi movies of modern times...
Question reality. Question everything. Its hard not to like a film that has this much attitude. Rarely does a big budget Hollywood movie send such a strong message about looking deeper into the world around oneself and thinking independently of the crowd. I saw this movie numerous times in the theater. One of the most interesting and original sci-fi premises of our modern technology driven time.

Excellent plot, dazzling stunts, top notch special effects, and great characters all combine to create a wonderful film. Sometimes the dialogue is rather weak, but this movie is so full of kinetic energy, you can't get bored with it. Fans of all genres should enjoy.

Final Rating: 8/10

Noob Aalox

Mercury Rising

renegade cop + evil conspiracy = standard Hollywood action thriller
This is a snoozer action film that follows the standard Hollywood action thriller formula. Bruce Willis is a renegade play-by-his-own-rules kind of cop (if you can imagine) trying to protect an autistic (and exceedingly annoying) young child who can read a high level government secret code. Willis (in true John McClaine style) says, *bleep* the police rules man, I'm saving this kid. Things progress pretty predictably from there.

Willis turns in a good performance given the material. The kid just screechs annoyingly alot (and I mean A LOT). Alec Baldwin's character is the super-cliched villain, who can only utter one-liners and threats to underlings. This is Baldwin's worse role EVER! He must not have read the script before agreeing to do the film ...*sigh*

Final Rating: 4/10 - An okay action genre flick, but negative attributes seriously outnumber the positive.

Noob Aalox


I'm a sucker for Sci-Fi horror, derivative or not...
Yes yes I know...This was one of the most hated movies of 1999; both the majority of critics and audiences seem to agree. Yes yes, I know it was a rip off of Alien, Leviathan, the Star Trek Borg and countless other Sci-Fi horror films, but hey I love all the movies it ripped off! It may be derivative and formulaic, but if you like the formula and the material it was derived from, you will like the film.

Therefore, I unabashedly declare that I liked "Virus" Interesting premise (to me at least), good special effects, a few good scares and suspenseful moments, reasonably cool action and excellent gore. B horror film fun with A movie actors and special effects.

Final Rating: 6/10 - A decent sci-fi/horror genre film....but for fans of the genre only.

Noob Aalox

The Jackal

Formulaic action fun...
...nothing very novel or original, but nearly as bad as other reviewers make it out to be. Basically a predictable, paint by the numbers action movie. If you enjoy the formula, you would like the movie, otherwise you will not find it satisfying. Its really very simple.

Bruce Willis is the highlight; he is perfect as the stiff, cold-blooded killer, whose methods are, if nothing else, extremely elaborate and interesting. Some complain they are too elaborate, but I personally think its intriguing to see him change identities making himself impossible to trace.

My main complaints lie with the police characters. These characters are pretty standard and awfully boring. The ending is the worse...very atrocious and standard "climax". There's no doubt that this poorly written screenplay probably ruined what could have been a top notch action movie. However, as it stands, if you enjoy action movies you'll probably find something to like about this one.

Final Rating: 5/10 A decent but flawed action genre film.

Noob Aalox

Edward Scissorhands

A Modern Day Fairy Tale...
...is how I would describe this excellent movie hatched from the wonderfully twisted imagination of Tim Burton. Johnny Depp is brilliant as Edward, a lovably naive and believably tragic character built by a mad genius (Vincent Price) but left incomplete with razor sharp scissors for hands. Depp's facial expressions and mannerisms in this film are so excellent. Depp is truly one of America's greatest actors.

Burton constructs a wonderfully surreal and satirical suburbia world. The bulk of the interest of this movie is Edward learning to adjust himself and his uniqueness in environment that is bland and thoroughly not unique.

Excellent performances all around. However, the ending was kind of cliched and too easy of a way out. This is the only thing preventing me from giving this movie a perfect score. However, this movie's main underlying morals/themes about being colorful in a colorless world strike a chord of understanding within myself. Those of us who have been different from the norm our entire lives will find a immense love for Edward and a deeper understanding of this film. Final Rating: 9/10

Noob Aalox

Rambo: First Blood Part II

The movie that made Rambo a household name
This sequel is pure action. Sadly, it is not a gripping, compassionate human story like First Blood. It was written by Stallone and James Cameron, so I would have expected more in terms of plotline. However, the plot is sufficiently interesting to move the action along. George (Leviathan, Cobra) Cosmatos directs with a stunning visual flair. The action is tight and over-the-top, but thoroughly enjoyable. One finds oneself rooting for Rambo, and cheering when he blows the bad guys to bits.

Stallone contributes another stellar performance as the stiff John Rambo, who is both a tortured soul and a deadly war machine. This movie made the term "Rambo" synonymous with rough ,tough indestructible b*****d. A film that any action lover will find indispinsible. Uncompromisingly over-the-top, unabashedly violent with bitter political undertones, this film remains the epitome of the serious American action film. Final Rating: 7/10

What Lies Beneath

Almost a thriller...
This movie almost pulled it off. Excellent 1st hour set-up that is truly intriguing and creepy. However, the "revealing" is terribly lackluster and generally just not interesting. I was hoping, nay begging, for something more mysterious, more novel...anything more intriguing than the actual mundane revelation that occurred.

Yes, yes its sad but true....there is no great payoff in this movie. Pfeiffer's character figures out too easily what the audience has figured out about 20 minutes before her. The bad guy's shift from perfect to crazed lunatic is too abrupt and not believable. Its really a shame the nice beginning set-up is spoiled by the ho-hum revelation and the standard Hollywood ending.

Final Rating: 6/10- At least the first hour was fun...

Noob Aalox

The Ninth Gate

Nicely executed thriller
Book collectors chase the devil while the devil plays coy! Johnny Depp contributes another great acting performance. This time he is Corso, a rather shady rare book dealer/detective. I truly admire Depp's talent.

The film itself is subtle, intelligent horror that relies on genuine intrigue and the nuances of human nature rather than special effects. The ending is shrouded and the movie takes multi-viewings to decipher, but thats not a bad thing. Kudos to this intelligent film! Final Rating - 7/10

Noob Aalox

Predator 2

A bittersweet taste...
...is left in mouth after viewing this movie. I absolutely love the original "Predator". This sequel, while offering some good action sequences, is just too bogged down with the cliched squabbling over jurisdiction by the local cops and federal officers (Not to mention, the police characters were silly and cliched to the point where I was shaking my head in disbelief).

However, the film shines when the creature is on screen. The monster is intrinsically fascinating. Watching him operate and hunt should be more the focus of the movie. We've all seen countless boring good cop/bad fed movies. With a premise as interesting as the Predator in the big city, one would think the writers would make the creature the star of the film instead of silly police politics. This movie lacks the correct focus.

Final rating: 6/10. My mind reels with all these thoughts of wasted potential.

Noob Aalox

First Blood

An excellent movie with substance and style!
This movie achieves the difficult to attain combination of having a gripping story and solid, excellent action. John Rambo (Stallone) is a rough, tough Green Beret suffering from severe Post Tramatic Stress Disorder after suffering horrible atrocities in Vietnam. While drifting through a small hick town, he is hassled and abused by local cops because of his long hair. Pushed too far, he violently escapes the clutches of the police. An huge manhunt ensues and Rambo has to defend himself.

Final Rating: 8/10 - A great movie. Excellent performances all around, especially by Stallone, who is both subtle and menacing. Recommended to all.

Noob Aalox


Interesting and action packed Sci-Fi...just skip the ending
This movie has a nice blend of intrigue and action. An interesting science fiction premise; aliens send radio message in response to our radio signals being sent out into space. This alien message details how to combine human DNA with Alien DNA. A Top Secret government project ensues and follows the direction to create "Sil" (half human/ half something else). Orders come from above to terminate the creature, but Sil escapes as her abilities were drastically underestimated. The rest of the movie follows a special unit as they attempt to track the rogue creature, and it attempts to situate itself in modern Los Angeles.

Natasha Henstridge is excellent as the awkward but vicious creature "Sil". It was interesting to watch her character learn by observation the habits and practices of humans. Generally competent performances all around. Michael Madsen plays the badass character quite well again. Forest Whittaker is also good as the psychic.

Good directing, interesting art direction, and decent characterization provide an intriguing story line. The action sequences are pretty solid and engaging. Kind of violent and gory, but I happen to enjoy these elements in a horror flick. Several scenes of Natasha's beautiful nude body, but it fits into the story (Sil wants to complete her life cycle by having a baby, so sex scenes are inevitable).

The creature design itself is excellent. A CGI creature designed by the immortal H.R. Giger, I greatly approve of the monster. My only complaint is it looks a little too fake at the end of the movie (not the most realistic CGI effects).

My main complaint is the story completely falls apart at the end. I suggest turning the movie off once they enter the sewer for the final showdown. The ending is rather dull and sadly predictable (not to mention a complete rip-off straight from "Alien" with the metal grate walkways and the creature lurking above). We see the creature more clearly, but less would be better considering the unrealistic CGI effects.

FINAL RATING 7/10 - This movie could have been great if only it had a better ending. As it stands, it still remains a intriguing and action-packed Sci-Fi adventure up until the last twenty minutes when it all falls apart. Fans of the Sci-Fi/Horror genre (as I am) will probably like this film very much despite its flaws. Recommended!

Noob Aalox

Altered States

A flawed but genuinely intriguing and satisfying film.
Extremely intriguing science fiction!! The main idea is that our minds, deprived of sensory reality and under influence of mind-freeing drug, can tap into genetically inherited memories all the way back to the first of our species. The presentation was pretty solid with William Hurt as the genius/mad scientist falling deeper and deeper into his controversial experiments. Soon his ideas begin to seriously affect his reality. The film remains very good up until William Hurt turns into some kind of ape man. I suppose the idea behind it is that our minds can be capable of changing physical "reality" once full potential has been unlocked...However, I still think the presentation could have been better as the movie declines into a straight-up horror flick. It seems the writers didn't know what to do with their very interesting situation, so they pulled a standard Hollywood "love conquers all" ending, which, in my opinion, is pretty damn lame.

However, this film still deserves much praise for its novel and intriguing ideas. The direction and production design are well done. The visual scenes are spectacular (for the late 70s), and William Hurt is excellent as main character Jessup.

The movies main faults lie in the lame ending, which was rather muddled and unclear. Another sketchy area was the bad acting of the main actress, Blair Brown, I think she was chosen for her body rather than her acting ability.

FINAL RATING: 8/10 - I love the premise of the movie, so I give it a high rating despite the bungled ending. I highly recommend it to any science fiction fan. Film fans of all genres should find something to enjoy about it as well.

Noob Aalox

Charlie's Angels

All style, no substance...
This movie has much going for it. Awesome action sequences with high-flying explosions, high-speed chases, fascinating and beautifully choreographed martial art sequences, and excellent special effects all directed with flash and style.

And what about those leading ladies?!?! All three (Diaz, Liu, and Barrymore) are so damn cute and appealing in their own unique way that you can't help but like them. Lets not forget the equally wonderful performance by Bill Murray, one of America's greatest comedians. This movie's high production values are present throughout. It has wonderful costume and set design, better-than-average action sequences, directing, and special effects, and topped off with a winning and lovable cast....yes sir this movie has everything...

well almost everything...WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THE PLOT?! This movie is held together by the thinest of storyline. Dialogue is absolutely horrendous! The viewer is expected to takes huge leaps of faith and shut down all logical thinking as the mindless plot plods along to the next action sequence. All the film's so-called "twists" can be seen miles away. The villain dialogue is so horribly cheesy, I can barely listen to it!

FINAL RATING: 6/10 - Maybe the studio should have spent at least some of the $92 million dollar budget on a decent script, and this movie could have been very excellent! As it is, it remains nice brainless fun that is best enjoyed with friends over a beer or two (or three)! Action-lovers will cherish it and casual movie fans of all genres will probably find something to like about it.

Noob Aalox

The Fear

Horrible characters and no action ruin a interesting B Horror premise...
I popped this DVD into my player with no expectations. I just wanted to see a good horror B movie. The creepy picture of "Morty" (the thoroughly menacing wooden monster on the front cover of the DVD box) made me think this movie could deliver the goods.

I thought it was an interesting premise. I love horror movies where inanimate objects come to life and kill! Kill! KILL!! I love brutal death scenes. I love evil, sickening monsters that commit unspeakable acts on the human form, and I love movies that have the guts (no pun intended!) to show it all in gruesome gory detail.

Despite the interesting premise, the film completely fails to deliver the goods!

First, the characters are absolutely horribly written and completely unlikeable. The actors didn't do that bad of a job, its just the way all these cliched characters were written that makes me not give anything resembling a damn about them. All the cliches are here: the whiny bitch, the new-ager who predicts beforehand that something weird/supernatural is happening, the dirty psycho/sleazebag, and the token black guy (first to get killed of course!). Not helping is this white guy with dreadlocks. I guess he supposed to be comic relief, but he fails so, so badly.

Second, The action is virtually non-existent. Not a one cool death in the whole lame film. No blood, no gore, no nudity, no one-liners, none of the things that make B horror movies fun to watch. Not to mention, the movie is so dark, its nearly impossible too see the pathetic action sequences when they do occur. Morty looks scary but acts stupid and moves like a retarded zombie.

FINAL RATING: 3/10 Bad pacing makes this wholly unscary, and complete lack of violence and nudity make it wholly uncool. Movie takes itself way too seriously! It tires to be deep but comes off boring. Only minimal skill was evident. Not even a decent B horror genre flick...and come on, thats not asking much!

Noob Aalox

Someone Like You...

Criminally cute Ashley Judd the only highlight of a boring film....
Another film I was dragged into the theaters kicking by girlfriend. A formulatic romantic comedy with bad acting and the usual plot "twists" that can be seen miles before they arrive. Another romantic comedy with a climax that is not only completely unbelievable, but entirely forseeable from the opening credits...*yawn*

Tired old formula plot runs by the numbers. Main actress (Judd - the victim and heroine) falls in love predictably with wrong sleazebag guy, but ends up loving 2nd guy, who had seemed absolutely wrong at first...*yawn*

The only highlight is Ashley Judd, who is just so damn cute and likeable, you can't help but smile when she in on screen. The first half of the movie manages to be at least somewhat interesting, but the last half drags like a non-medicated root canal.

FINAL RATING: 4/10 - Strictly for hardcore romantic comedy fans only! Ashley Judd is a wonderful screen presence but not nearly enough to save this completely boring film.

Noob Aalox

Men Seeking Women

Wholly unfunny...
Truly one of the worst romantic comedies I've ever seen. I never even cracked a smile. A horrendously dull script without an original bone in its hole-filled body. This extremely poor and contrived piece of writing gave talented comedian Will Ferrall absolutely nothing to work with. The other actors performances are uninspired at best. The pacing is terrible, the direction, comedic timing is nonexistent. Its sad they make movies this lame.

FINAL RATING: 1/10 - Of no value. Even my girlfriend (who is a hardcore romantic comedy fan) couldn't stand it. The dullest of the dull.

Noob Aalox

Bridget Jones's Diary

Kind of fun but hard for me to relate
Another movie I was drug to by my girlfriend. I went into the picture with no expectations. What I saw was a silly little romantic comedy. Though don't get me wrong, the film was not without its charm. Other users wrote that this movie captured the singleton life at 30 dead on. It is hard for me to relate since I am a bit out of the target range being a young committed male in my 20s. However, I did enjoy several of the film's funnier moments. After it was over, I was generally pleased with the film.

Its faults (like so many romantic comedies) lie in the completely predictable plot (I mean this one was super-predictable!) and the mega-cheesy and ultra-predictable ending.

The merits of this film are the wonderful performances of Renee Zellweger and Hugh Grant. Zellweger's bumbling Bridget provides most of the genuine laughs of the movie. The film did provide good characterization of the Bridget character; we are left caring about her at the end.

I was pleased to see Hugh Grant in the role of sleazebag for a change. He plays it with comedic style. His behavior in the movie provides the rest of the genuine laughs. This is the best role I've ever seen him in as he really makes the movie funny.

FINAL RATING: 6/10 A good genre film. Fans of romantic comedies will no doubt love it. Other movie fans should be able to find something enjoyable about it. A good way to pass a Sunday afternoon.

Miss Congeniality

I was drug into the theater with my girlfriend expecting to hate this movie, but fortunately was pleasantly surprised. Definitely not as corny or cheesy as the TV trailers made it seem to be. It did have some funny parts and was, for the most part, surprisingly entertaining. Not the best comedy I've ever seen, but still much better than many of the romantic comedies I've witnessed in my day.

Its faults are the mainly the completely predictable story line, and the cheesy love interest subplot. However, the movie doesn't take itself seriously as it pokes fun at its events (and its cliches) all the way through.

Its merits are Sandra Bullock, whose grace and charm on the screen are undeniable. Generally good supporting performances all around by the cast, who seem to be having fun. Many parts of the movie are genuinely funny, and thus it does its job as a comedy.

FINAL RATING: 6/10 A good genre movie. Fans of romantic comedies/ predictable movies will no doubt sing the praises of this movie, since it is the best one of this particular genre to come along in awhile. Doesn't add anything too bold or novel to the mix, but is still a fun movie with a few good laughs. Recommended to romantic comedy fans.

Noob Aalox

Meet the Parents

A Modern Comedy Classic
Few films can make laugh out loud. This film had me rolling! Ben Stiller is hilarious. His mannerisms, his wit, and his timing are impeccable as he turns in another great comedic performance. Stiller is Greg Fokker, a man in love. Fokker wants to ask his girl to marry him, but first he must get her father's permission. The film is about his trip to meet the parents...with hilarious results!

The plot isn't new or original, but its presentation is very very good and very very funny. Stiller sets a new standard for screwup boyfriends everywhere. De Niro is perfect as intimidating and overprotective father. A great supporting cast. Great direction with almost flawless comedic timing make this one a true winner.

FINAL RATING: 8/10 A modern comedic classic. Movie fans of all genres can find something to enjoy. Highly recommended!

Noob Aalox

There's Something About Mary

As funny as movies get...
An excellent comedy that is full of laughs and surprises. The very believable story of your everyday Joe, who is in love with an extraordinary girl. However, he has some stiff competition if he is going to win her heart. A story most can relate with and find some personal truth within. Full of wacky interesting characters and hilarious happenings, I saw this one in the theater three times and laughed myself silly each time I saw it.

Excellent, excellent casting! Matt Dillion, Cameron Diaz, Ben Stiller, Keith David, of course the great Chris Elliot, and everyone else are all perfect in their roles. Excellent direction by the Farrelly brothers and perfect comedic timing by the actors brings a great script to life. Truly a comedic gem!

FINAL RATING: 9/10. About as funny as movies get. Highly recommended!

Noob Aalox

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

A Christmas Tradition makes the heart grow fonder
In my home, this was a traditional Christmas movie. I can't remember a Christmas from my youth that I didn't laugh at Clark kicking the crap out of the plastic reindeer that wouldn't light up or nearly peeing my pants when Clark flies off the handle about his boss ripping him off for the Christmas bonus.

Of all the Griswald vacation movies, this is the one I've seen the most. Though I think the first Vacation is the best, this movie certainly holds a place in my movie-loving heart. Chevy Chase gives another successful performance as Clark Griswald, your everyday suburban smuck trying to deal with the holidays and relatives.

Like all the other vacation movies, this movie is the continuing Griswald family adventures in everyday mundane life. However, once the Griswalds undertake any project, things are bound to go wrong with hilarious results. Nothing new or original to the plot, but silly family comedies don't need a strong plot as long as they are funny. I personally find this movie to be very funny, so it works for me.

FINAL RATING: 8/10 I give it a high rating despite noticeable shortcomings in plot and other areas mainly because of its ties to my childhood Christmas. In my opinion, the movie is a lot of fun and I highly recommend it to anyone wishing to see a good comedy, but it can only be best enjoyed around the Christmas season.

Noob Aalox

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