
IMDb member since February 2020
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The Black Demon

Wait...we get educated about how bad oil is
Isn't it daunting that Hollywood a HUGGGEEEE consumer of oil and electricity lectures us about the evil of oil. HYPOCRITE.

Back to the movie...it was fine albeit some poor acting from the B-players. Directing could have been better and film editing mehhhh. Josh is a good actor surprised he played this role.

Plus where is the shark??? If Hollywood would just learn that mixing socialist idealism and climate change epiphany just does not make a good movie!

Action, good drama less politics will make a movies like Top Gun go far and wide. Good luck Hollywood continue to make movies no one wants to see.


When u want to get away puncture the tire!
Obviously this show was poorly done. Too many plot holes. Numerous ways I can dissect this mediocre film. Plus Alex is annoying to the point where her characters makes her look like a weak and conniving. Anyway when does a women walk in Gaza without a hijab? Really, does not sound believable.

The Assault

So Nikki Moore is hot...but this movie blows
You would think by having Tom Sizemore you would get a decent clip. I mean he was awesome in Saving Private Ryan.

What happened did he run out of money and agreed to this garbage.

Well at least you get to see Nikki dance!

Space Jam: A New Legacy

Don't bother
Not well scripted or acted. Hollywood needs to learn that highly paid pampered privileged athletes are not commanding endearing moments from audiences. If you want to waste money because you love LeBron go ahead...guarantee you will walk away feeling like you put money in a shredder!


5 that is it. NO MÁS!
Once they flew to space in a Fiero...they basically "Jumped the Shark". This is a mediocre movie, great action terrible plot line.


Straight up best movie of 2021
This movie is simple American well made movie with none of the hyperventilating woke crap you see in Hollywood. Well scripted, great actor and no drama for the triggered loonies.


Can someone leave their LEFT WING BIAS at home
I want to just sit down and enjoy great actors and great writings but when you apply social justice crap it's getting boring REAL QUICK. You can't change history, all you need to do is learn but I don't need a lecture. I want entertainment not CNN, MSNBC and all leftist news organizations when I watch a show. PLEASE!!!

On the Rocks

Awful...Abrams and Bernie bumper stickers on the door that is when you knew
Once I saw that I knew it went full apocalyptic with the..."I am Hollywood" and I will shove my wokeness up your caboose. Please for the love of Pete, enough with the babble and hyperbole on politics.


Can someone leave their LEFT WING BIAS at home
I want to just sit down and enjoy great actors and great writings but when you apply social justice crap it's getting boring REAL QUICK. You can't change history, all you need to do is learn but I don't need a lecture. I want entertainment not CNN, MSNBC and all leftist news organizations when I watch a show. PLEASE!!!

Final Score

Enjoyable and hilarious
If you have nothing to watch this is the movie to do just that. Yes it's "John McClane" as Dave Bautista with a much lower score. I just could not stop laughing when Faisal Khan draws a straight black line with a sharpie. Watch it you will know what I mean.

The Boys: Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker
Episode 7, Season 2

You got a F...G 1 because of the politics
Hollywood please stop shoving politics down our throats. Understand you have half the country who may disagree but love the show! But I will stop watching shows when your leftist dogma starts. Just stop, stay with a great show or otherwise lose 1/2 of your audience!

Berlin Station

Here we go again...thinly veiled Orange Man Bad
As soon as American Hater Ashley showed up I knew this season was going to fall faster than the Mueller report. Can't Hollywood ever produce something that is non-bias and non-discriminatory to the other half. Alt-right nonsense the whole time while all I have seen is property, looting and crime done by left wing activists. Please STOP putting a show with subliminal "I hate Trump and Conservative" and just put something to take us out of the misery of politics. PLEASE!!!!

Lady and the Tramp

Please stop this WOKENESS!
Geez, can I just sit down and not been force fed political correctness, social justice and pseudo leftism. For once can we just watch a movie to be entertained and not this BS!


Not sure where to begin. First the facts, was never a fan of Obama and his lack of accomplishment so I wanted to see another side of this story. Yet this is totally garbage and a mental waste of time. I can't help but wonder why people find this couple fascinating. If anything this Netflix confirms what I knew, a bunch of elitist, self serving hypocrites. I was opened to watch but please so yourself a favor and skip this fantasy of liberal lunacy.

The Wrong Missy

So dumb you just laugh
Don't expect world class writing, grab a bottle of wine or bourbon, some charcuterie and sit back and laugh. Enjoyable, surprisingly so!


One of the best
This is such an excellent show. Well written, directed and action packed. At first I was ambivalent about watching a show where unless you understand Hebrew or Arabic you must use the captions. Saying that it's probably what made me pay close attention as you have to follow the scenes and read the captions. This is what I really find it so fascinating and binge worthy!


It could have been great...but
If it would have stuck with the storyline and stayed on point my rating would have been higher. But as soon as the gimmicky commercials, dancing, celebration starts I really find it quite ANNOYING!

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Marvelous Radio
Episode 7, Season 3

Ok so even Ms Maisel gets in a few political jabs
Isn't enough to constantly hear politics through social media but now when I just want to sit back and laugh at a comedy and forget for an hour the constant bashing between the left and right here goes the show stepping right into it. Enjoy the show skip the politics or you will lose the other half quickly!

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