
IMDb member since March 2020
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    4 years, 2 months


Endings, Beginnings

A Wattpad fanfiction come to life
If you are looking for an intellectual movie, skip this one. This is a movie about a 'lost' girl 'finding' herself. She has two incredibly attractive men to choose from and on goes the story. This movie is very reminiscent of wattpad fanfictions I used to read as a teen. I honestly saw this movie for Sebastian Stan and his performance was good. Woodley, as ever, has the emotional range of a cucumber. The soundtrack of the movie, however, is good. If you are bored and looking for a predictable romance movie that does not require a lot of thinking, this is for you.


If you think you have any idea what you're in for, you're wrong.
When my friend recommended this show to me, she did not give me any details as to what the plot was and now that I have seen both seasons, I cannot thank her enough. The first few episodes are very hard to understand and it will take you some time to decipher the plot. However, once you are drawn in, there is no going out. The concept is so unique and the story develops so intensely, you will be at the edge of your seat.

The show is beautifully shot. There is a superb level of consistency in the content and writing, which many shows fail at even today. Please do not watch it in English. Put your education to use and follow the subtitles. The cast is brilliant and whoever the casting director is, needs a serious raise.

Having said all this, I cannot wait for season 3.


A movie that stays with you hours after watching it.
In an age of extreme CGI and remakes, Parasite was a treat to watch. The storyline is one of the best I have seen so far. The movie starts of with the viewer thinking it would go one way and then it takes an abrupt turn in the best way possible. I was blown away by the subtle meanings of some of the scenes and dialogues and did not even realize their importance until after a day of finishing the movie. The more time you spend thinking about the screenwriting and direction, the more you start to understand what a masterpiece this is. one hundred percent must watch.

Love Is Blind

Must watch if you like trashy tv shows
I have always despised reality shows like this because they are often over-dramatized and extremely fictional and this show fits the stereotype. The show uses cheesy songs and dramatic music to suit the scene and it comes off as scripted. The concept is really stupid, in my opinion. With all the female participants looking pretty and petite and with all male participants looking so buff and handsome, the show comes off as disingenuous.

But, if you are someone who enjoys trashy shows, rolling your eyes at the extreme dramatics and booing at your computer screen when people say something stupid, then this is the show for you. The show is entertaining, for sure but I have lost a few dozen brain cells since I have started watching it and I am only halfway through episode 2.

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