
IMDb member since March 2020
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Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar

Full of silly fun
Starts off slow but stick with it, complete non stop silliness just couldn't help myself loving this film, personally they could of given more comedy moments to Jamie Dornan as he is a naturally funny guy( please someone give him a good comedy film).

Barb and Star I just love these two women they could do so much more and please more comedy, the soundtrack to the film was good and so silly you cannot help but join in with the madness of it all. Ludicrous plot but just take the film in all its glory of silliness. These characters have so much potential to do much more. I hope their next adventures are with more plot, more silliness and an even bigger soundtrack.

I won't spoil the film just watch and it it your feet up and don't take life to seriously.

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