
IMDb member since March 2020
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The I-Land

Oof... Nope. Just don't.
I saw a review that said this was to be a modern interpretation of sorts of The Tempest. I love The Tempest. So naturally I thought I'd at least LIKE this but just wow... On episode 2, ten or fifteen minutes in, trying to force myself through as other reviews said to keep going (was stated that after Ep. 2 or 3, you could make it to the end) but it was kind of just...

It was that feeling you get when you hear nails on a chalkboard combined with maybe seeing a high school production of a play where one kid doesn't know, I don't know, that he's got a huge bogie on his cheek from a sneeze earlier? That's painful to watch and embarrassing right? Pretty much this show. However, the thing I don't understand is how I had time to stimultaneously feel bored. Nothing hits really hard for me, even after jumping forward - which I never really do.

Bad writing made to seem worse by bad acting made to seem worse by seeming to be low budget? I don't know but you get the point. Didn't like it. Waste of time. Try harder, Netflix. Or stop cancelling the legitimately good shows.


Shoutout to the negative reviews...
If you go into this show, deciding to overanalyze the crap out of it and/or focus on what it's not instead of legitimately just watching it to enjoy the ride then yes, you'll most likely think it's a hardcore buzzkill/let down/etc. BUT-

If you watch this because you like supernatural stories, paranormal lore, unlikely heroes, etc. And just watch for the sake of watching or to, you know, enjoy a new series then you'll most likely learn it's far better than all those bad reviews.

Especially with such a vast and in some ways overprotective fandom where fans may take it as a personal insult if things aren't executed to their expectations such as with the Marvel universe or honestly anything really popular, you can't let that get in the way of a good thing like I feel many might doing here. That said, I seriously hope there will be more because I really enjoy these types of shows (Supernatural/Constantine/Etc) but if not, I had fun on this ride while it lasted. Well done.

The Magicians

Absolutely Not "Harry Potter for adults" - But Fantastic
I admit I haven't read the books so I can't speak to their accuracy on that but one comparison I've heard a lot was this is the adult, mature Harry Potter. False.

Yes, there's magic so that's a similarity but this series is already extremely dark. It's creepy, chilling, haunting, tormenting, ominous, morbid, etc. And the characters are each in their own way, broken and/or damaged by "normal" standards. That all said, I'm absolutely captivated by it. I'm immersed, engrossed, and invested in this show and I've barely dived in to it that much. (3 Episodes, to be exact) but already you can notice the things I've mentioned. It's phenomenal. Right from the start. Not one moment wasted and it's only getting more intricate as the plot develops and the darkness is growing.

The Irregulars

True To The Graphic Novels
As mentioned in another comment, this series is based on a graphic novel and as such if you go into watching this expecting a straight up, familiar Sherlock Holmes story or even go into watching it hoping it'll be a new Supernatural of sorts, then yes, you will be disappointed. However with that said, since I did enjoy reading through those graphic novels as a teen prior to this show being made, I did enjoy it very much. Is it perfect? Of course not. But nothing is ever necessarily perfect for everybody. Could the music be better? Absolutely, though I also found it to help kind of redefine the life of the older and infused it with the new. No TV series or movies based on any literature are going to be 100% of what you hoped for after reading them. But this was a pretty good start. It's worth the chance as long as you give it a fair one and leave your expectations for preconceived notions about what you think it'll be at the door. Simply enjoy the experience.


Beyond Incredible - Transcendent
This series is nothing short of visionary and transformative. Netflix continues to cancel incredible shows and series in order to try and make new ones to get more followers. This is wrong just as much as Sense 8 is right. It's messages, it's views, the connections to other people - now more than ever people need to be reminded of those things in addition to the conflicts we strive to change. The cast as an ensemble is phenomenal and I just wish Netflix had agreed to continue it with the already written Season 3 because of just how powerful this type of show can be.


Absolutely Fantastic
I went into watching this thinking it would be much more Sci-Fi focused/centered (as it's labeled) than it really is. It follows the plight of not one family but two but neither are really the same. It's definitely more dramatic than I would have thought but with that said, it's also more thrilling and emotional. This show is beautifully crafted with a wonderful cast, it will evoje every emotion from you from fear to exhilaration to hope to anger to love. It will absolutely devastate you in the most beautiful of ways, ripping your heart out then putting it sweetly and gently back together sometimes all in the same episode. It's definitely worth watching and the messages, the arguments or morality and humanity it establishes are clear and powerful.

Motherland: Fort Salem

Absolutely Refreshing And Engaging!
I was skeptical of the show at first simply by it's summary and description but when many friends kept insisting I give it a try, I was hooked in less than 3mins of the first episode. This take on witches is fascinating and so different from any other kind of show or movie, it's a completely fresh take - a militarized and socially not just accepted but highly regarded - take on Salem. It's in essence witches training to fight wars for us or threats beyond reasonable control. These young women choose to enlist so to speak, go to "basic", and are trained to be soldiers. There's much diversity and many displays of equal representation that would appeal to many individuals I'm sure and albeit though there is a lack of "male dominance" or "presence" - this is a different take on the world. As such, there will be a difference in its culture and focus. However, that didn't bother me. I enjoyed the first season so much and CANNOT WAIT until S2!


A Gripping Tale of Humanity
Seeing as we're in a pandemic now, Containment caught my interest and it was by no means misplaced. It's a series that's captivating, displays the pros and cons as well as flaws and moral struggles of humanity, and the cast is fine picked to depict such an evolution. Once I got in to it, I couldn't get enough. Absolutely love it and seeing it from various perspectives. It really hits home.

The Witcher

Finally The Books Get Their Moment
I've been a Witcher fan for roughly five years now and immediately after doing a play through of the Witcher 3 game, I became so fascinated with not only the lore itself but the characters themselves and how everything is seemingly tied together. The books brought background and more perspective, they provided more insight into the world and into the character of Geralt prior to the narratives of the game. Now the series itself is excellently cast - Geralt is played brilliantly and expressed exceptionally true to his description and game persona. The rest of the cast is very well picked also despite discrepancies of physical appearances that do differ from the book to the series, however, to me it was a welcome modernization as almost (if not ALL) the characters in the books/games are assumed to be all white which doesn't give us a true feel for the differences in the regions or even the people of them that the series is now supplying. The story is true to the books whereas many other translations of books into tv shows or movies have been compromised. The show is engaging, captivating, interesting, and grants us with a new depth to this tale that just pulls you into that world. It's a great show and it has nothing but potential going forward.


A Great Interpretation Worth Watching
I was deeply disappointed when this series was cancelled after only one season but this series, it's very premise, will defy many religious and spiritual beliefs that undoubtedly caused the series to ultimately be refused. However, if you watch with an open mind and without prejudice or bias then you should find it very intriguing and with a tension of what could come next that is addicting. If you're a fan of Supernatural, Charmed, Buffy, or even just fascinated with the idea of the paranormal then this show will be enjoyed by you. The casting is a good fit, especially Matt Ryan as Constantine (no offense Keanu Reeves), the writing at times could be better but is still good, and the overall ominous, mysterious plot as well as subplots are engaging and at times disturbing in a way that keeps you wanting to see what other kinds of terrors or creatures that our reluctant hero gets involved in. I wish this series had been given a proper chance. There was plenty of potential.

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

A Fresh Take That Gets Better By The Season
This chilling and much darker take on that quirky, light-hearted tv show of the past gets better and better with every season. Granted, the first season had its slow moments and there were times where you just had to push forward in order for it to truly get good HOWEVER the show redeems itself as it goes on. Especially with exactly how much darker and unnerving the 3rd season grew to become. The acting is at times sub-par though when it counts, the cast fits very well in the roles they have been given. The writing keeps you engaged while guessing, the plot is filled with moments of light hearted fun in between the bouts of mystery and tension, and overall this adaptation brings a refreshing, modernized, and troubled twist to a classic story. I highly recommend it especially if you're a fan of Supernatural, Charmed, Buffy, Constantine, or the supernatural in general.


Don't believe the biased, bigoted, propaganda conspiracy outcries - Supergirl IS a good show
Is Supergirl conventional? No. Does it have a strong, female presence of characters? Yes. Does that make it feminist propaganda? NO. Why? BECAUSE THERE ARE STRONG REPRESENTATIONS OF MALE HEROES TOO. Also, side note, heroes don't always have to be SUPERheroes. They can be the engineers, the designers, the programmers, or from a strategic physical background like police, military, etc. POINT IS: even an average Joe could have a skill to contribute to help stop the bad guys. That being said...

Supergirl is a show that at first, I wasn't sure about and honestly thought it was pointless to make. After reading plenty of these ignorant, small minded, intolerant reviews, now I see even more significance to the show. It's a different interpretation of a character that yes, will at times where the show digresses to be more of a sentimental and dramatic situation that doesn't necessarily involve a fight VERY SIMILAR to those that people seem to be forgetting to also appear in Arrow, The Flash, or The Legends - all of which have a much higher rating. Granted, there are times where I feel that Supergirl as a series has taken a wrong plot turn or a character has developed in a way I haven't liked but that's going to happen in ANY tv show - DC or not! Get over it. Another thing negative reviewers seem to be forgetting is that THERE ARE MALE HEROES INVOLVED TOO. So to call this show strictly feminist garbage is ridiculous biased bigotry of small minded and/or ignorant individuals. Could it be better? Well, every show could be better. Is the writing bad? It definitely has its moments where it could have been improved. Is the acting terrible? On the whole, not at all but as with all casts, it varies with the individuals and while some may be talented, others that are less great can leave a deeper, more memorable impression thus bringing the others down. All in all, admittedly, yes it has its imperfections and "could haves", "should haves", "would haves" as quite honestly any other tv show ever made will but ultimately, if given a chance and watched with an open mind, it is a good show. It doesn't always follow a plot we'd like, but it is worth the watch.


No Spoilers, Full Report - Definitely Not As Bad As Many Describe
As a loyal DC/CW fan since the comics back in the day and while the tv shows (Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, etc) do invoke different approaches/perspectives/interpretations from the original outline of the comics, these shows in my opinion do a great job of upholding their legacies and being presented in a way that's not only modern but also appeals to audiences who may not have had an interest in the comics. Unfortunately many will simply hate Batwoman because the main character - Kate Kane - is gay. Another reason could be that her new suit after she made it her own in the show, is honestly kind of silly with the wig but hey, as all fans know, the suits change quite often. Some won't like Batwoman because unlike Supergirl, she definitely isn't the feminine, quirky norm of a woman as other comics such as Supergirl may depict when she's her regular self. With all that being said, this is a quality adaptation of Gotham in Batman's absence. It IS slow at the introduction, but really, every superhero story's beginning takes time to develop and draw you in. It definitely matures into a compelling story that I personally think is intriguing and fresh. It's by no means conventional and is very much a different interpretation of the events during that time in Gotham, but being as different as it is, appealing to more people in its perspectives and characters, and the modern twists added onto an old classic gives it the firm foundation needed to be a great show. But like all shows, it needs to be given that chance and watched with an open mind to be truly taken in. I myself am only about to start Episode 10 but it has kept me engaged, interested, and curious to see how they develop this story further once I've completed this season. As with The Flash, Arrow, The Legends, or even Supergirl - I was unsure at times whether I truly liked the direction both the character's developments and plots were taking but nevertheless, in the end, I ultimately do enjoy watching these versions/takes of the DC characters and can't wait to see what the future offers.

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