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Season 2 hit a brightness button.
W.I.T.C.H is a show adapted from the Italian comic. (?) Already a huge fan of the comics I decided to give this a try. And I was glad I did.

The first season was great in animation process. The girls who were given magic powers where enchanting and gothical. I loved the setup and the drama that took place between the characters with the shocking episodes 11 and 12. The ending didn't exactly disappoint either. And with that I waited for months on end for season 2.

So It arrived and well....I didn't like it. Yes, it is meant to be more cheerful but somehow, it had lost its rich colours and came out quite bland. But it seems hat all animated shows had lost that rich colour that you see within the scenes so I rather forgot about and focused more on the drama and storyline. When I realised that my biggest letdown where the characters. Especially one called Cornelia. In the comic, she is a strong and powerful character. But in the cartoon, she has come across as dumb and ditzy. Showing that all blonde's are dumb which is utterly untrue. Another problem I had with this series is the storyline itself. A great start, a bland middle, then suddenly a whole bunch of shockers thrown together at the end, which unsettled me so I didn't enjoy it at all.

If you were to put the two seasons together , they are both utterly different to the max. Its only the first season that keeps me watching for season 3.

The Jeremy Kyle Show

Come ON people give this guy a BREAK!
This guy is just doing his job and can i say that hes quite good at it. Everyone says that daytime t.v is rubbish well don't bloody watch it then. Extra point The Jeremy Kyle Show is on in the MORNING! While hosts just sit there and listen he actually gives out ADVICE like they should do. HE has a good team of experts at hand to help out ALL his guests. He does actually change around peoples lives. also he has tons of experience since hes done loads of dumb stuff and turned HIS life around.

He doesn't take any rubbish either. If a guest starts trying to mess him around he wont go hell for leather. Well dam right. Hes only trying to help them! He needs tougher guests though. Some of the guests go on there for 15 minuets fame.

Like i said guys give this guy a break!

Gekijôban Poketto Monsutâ Kesshôtô no Teiô Entei

Okay getting a little too much now....STOP!!
Ugh this film made my head reel. BADLY. But i will admit it, it wasn't bad from the last time I watched it. Fun new Pokémon. Ash is acting a little more like a teenager then the ten year old he really started out to be. Pikachu, which Im glad to say is still with us with his famous sayings. (even if we don't really understand them - but hey, if it ain't broke don't fix it!!) The only part that I didn't really like (which is a shame as its the main part) is the character Molly Hale. Who really I think came off a little too spoilt. Now I know its the main part that she bends the world to her will as her father died and she never knew her mother. But for me that never quite did it. She just ended up annoying me. Entri also REALLY annoyed me, (carm down dear irmalicious, your getting a little annoyed over a cartoon you probably haven't watched for the best of five years, anyway) couldn't the unknown created a better father figure? I mean kidnapping Ashs Mom Delia was probably not the smartest thing to do. After seeing Ash and his trusty crew save the Pokémon world, wouldn't be the smartest thing to do. It would be like kicking a rhino in the backside. Also Entri sounded liked a microphone!

Not a bad movie for a Pokémon fan. If only they made Molly a tragic tearaway and Entri a hot six foot then yeah I might watch it a bit more.

The Devil Wears Prada

Nice....But were is the ending?
The devil wears parada is a good film to see with a mate or two. Watch as you can "destroy" lives (companies) with excess work and business. Funny. Even its not Anne Hatherways best work, its enough to get her noticed in a funny, enjoyable way. Meryl Streep, in my opion couldn't play that role any better. A matchmake for the high profitable Miranda Priestly! Even though I got a little confused. When Andy first gets there she and Nigel are at loggerheads. But when things get tough for Andy she goes and pours her heart out at him?? How did that happen?

But biggest and probably only problem with the movie is when did it really end? Was it chucking a few Paris clothes at Emily, saying goodbye to Nate and waving of Miranda? Then end it with her walking to probably to the law court?

But anyway good movie! I say go and see it!

Gekijôban Poketto Monsutâ: Myûtsû no Gyakushû

Why the hell make a movie?/ A fun adventure for a die hard 9 year old Pokémon fan!
Im in one in two minds- so Ill do two reviews!

Why the hell make a movie? Why, why, why make a movie? This is like saying "ill go out in the rain with my best outfit on" Were they all blind when the animators were making this? It was better making a series! Also this film just wants to make me laugh! A TEN year old - discovering his destiny and sacrificing his life for the sake of Pokémon. EXCUSE ME?? hello earth to planet "real life" a ten year old would not be doing that. They would be playing football. Also, this scared my little cousin to death and was crying- do you think thats how you score "good movie points"?? make half your audience cry while half are laughing their heads off?

A fun adventure for a die hard nine year old Pokémon fan! If you are completely NUTS about Pokémon then this is SO for you! Feel the rush of excitement as you watch the trainers try to defeat mew two. The most powerful Pokémon on earth. And realise the true meaning of "master" and "Pokémon". Then feel your heart burn as you see young hero ash sacrifice his life for the sake of Pokémon. A heart warming story.

Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure

Im annoyed that Disney disappointed me
Im so annoyed. Why call it Lady and the Tramp when there both Hardley in it? Instead you get a dog called Scamp and a little ( what i like to call a White chocolate dog) called Angel. This really reminds me of the lion king two. Er hello? Is this what a masterpiece can produce as an after ward? Im was so sure that I was going to enjoy this film when watching this with my little cousin. But we ended up going to watch a dumb movie. The best part of it was getting a free dog toy with the DVD! If you are a Disney fan then you might enjoy this. But if you absolutely loved lady and the tramp- the you will be disappointed- sorry.

Lady and the Tramp

A beautiful masterpiece
I saw this film when I was very little and I have to say, even today, it is my favourite film of all time. You can stick your romantic modern day romances for a minute and see this beautiful masterpiece of a Disney film. Two dogs that fall in love, ones from a rough background- ones from a posh underside. Its sweet (with a few funny laughters) a few traumas that make you want o watch the film even more. Cant there be an even more perfect film?? Don't think so. A film like this reminds us of what Disney films USED to be!

Me and my little cousin loved this film and thought it was brilliant. We always watch when there's nothing on at the movies. Go buy it- NOW!!

Atlantis: The Lost Empire

What the hell? What kinda movie is this?
Forced to buy this- I just yawned at the start. Thinking - right more singing, happiness and happily ever afters. WRONG!! After 10 minuets i see fighting, death, water and things that scared my little cousin to death- what the hell? This is not a Disney movie! There was absolutely NO warning about all the hell raised death and fighting. Guns, Guns, Guns. I would rather rate this a 12! Tomb raider now looks a Disney movie after seeing this. If you are planning to let little children to see this I wouldn't. Unless you want them to have nightmares. I would like to comment on Atlantis 2, but thats another review for me to write.


IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THIS Film THEN PLEASE Don't READ THIS Don't SPOIL SUCH A GREAT Film IF YA Don't C IT!! With films today I went to go see Click as I was bored and i haven't been out with a mate in ages. So when her choice of Film was Click all I thought was "another movie". But I was TOTALLY WRONG. Click is the most amazing movie of all time. Starting with the trailer, it is encouraging enough for you to actually go see the film (except in my case but I have seen loads of rotten movies) And its highlight is the humour. But as you sit down and eat your popcorn you are blown away by it all. At first its the humour as you watch Michael Newman (Adam Sandler) see his life turn as he plays humorously with his new remote that can rewind, stop pause or go back to life. But then it gets serious as he begins to miss things in life. And find out that he skips several years. I saw one or two people getting teary when Michael sees his Dad for the last time. And when he gets to his deathbed (the road in the pouring rain) There was no1 who didn't cry when he sent the note to his wife "will you still love me in the morning?" and she replied "for ever and ever babe" But then omg the laughter when he wakes up in The bed bath and beyond bed. And ya know what?? Its hilarious!!

Click is by far the best film OF the CENTURY. Please go see it again and again!!


Nacho Libre

This could have been a lot better
I'm not much of a movie critic but when I saw Macho Libre in the Summer I was so annoyed with the film that I asked for my money back at the cinema! (I didn't succeed) The film was dry and it felt like I had seen a lot of it before It was only funny when everyone had a popcorn fight in the seats. No lesson was taught nor was that happy feeling that you get when yo walk out of the cinema. Only the dull feeling as you cough up another four quid to go see a better movie.I can only hope that in the future, Jack Black can produce some better movies and more funny things then just a dull movie which everyone is bored to tears with watching. This movie is in the can!

Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando

An OK!
When I played Ratchet and Clank I didn't think that they would release a second one (this shows how extremely dumb I am as now the whole of Ps2 Europe is waiting with baited breath for Ratchet and Clank:the next generation)But this game did exceptionally well. This game has been advanced well from the previous game with loads more added bonuses. Such as armour, an modified ship and the best thing ever: upgradeable kickass weapons. They may start off as little tools but play them well and you receive a powerful arsenal of weapons.

Clank is playable in this game again but instead of Gadgebots to control you have Microbots. But as an added bonus to make that little more playable you have a hammer bot, a lifter bot and a bridge bot. (I don't think I need to explain what they do.) These make Clank more fun to play when its his turn to have a little piece of the action.

We all loved the hoverboard last year but now we have the Hoverbike with acts the same but gives a different idea. So this does not disappoint.

The story is funny with loads of twists. You keep on playing because you so want to know what happeneds at the end. You might even chuck your controller at the T.V in frustration because some parts are challenging even though I don't advise you to do so as you WILL end up with a huge bill. I am sure that if you play this game you will enjoy this to the very end.

Ratchet: Deadlocked

Do not knock this game unless you've tried it
Whenever anyone says Ratchet: Deadlocked is Boring. I ask them if they have played it and their answer is no. This the normal scenario. People have posted out the wrong idea about this game. Everyone believes that this is a fighting game with no movie play or story. But those people have not played the game. If you have played the game then you must know what I'm talking about. When you start the game you get your choice of difficulty. If you would like to get through the game quickly and brag to everyone that you complete the game within two days then you can pick the first level. Though if you prefer a more challenging game because you have a lot of free time then pick the last level.

You start of small with armour that is not very good but when you win a few battles then you get new armour and enough bolts to buy weapons which I have to say are very impressive. And are upgradeable to become very powerful aresanal for Ratchet to survive. What I really like is that you get 2 little challenge bots beside you ready to fight. These are upgradable with bolts and can do things for you as well a fighting such as turning bolt cranks or making grind rails for you. As you earn more dread-points and medals you unlock more planets and new challenges.

The story is the usual excellent quality. With twists and turns in the story. With a lot a comedy but it turning serious as well in some parts. The end is certainly not disappointing. I only have one little part which I'm annoyed with. There is no Clank play but it does make up with some new and impressive vehicles.

All in all Ratchet: Deaklocked is one game to have standing proudly on your shelf with the C.D inside mark with hundreds of marks due to overplay. Ill be waiting for the next Ratchet and Clank :RnC next generation.

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