
IMDb member since March 2020
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Very disappointed
Huge civil war interest from me I was looking forward to this series with quality Apple TV behind it.'s just not very good in a lot of ways. Tobias Menzies Glen Morshower are GREAT in their roles as Secretary of War and VP respectively but the two other main characters of Lincoln and Booth are both miscast with actors who don't cut it in my view. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln has been covered several times before but this series will not be well remembered I predict because the plot gets too complicated. Storylines going into confederate conspiracies to kill Lincoln and their hidden funding in a Canadian bank don't add anything to the story in my view.

Music Box

Never been available for streaming
What a great movie this is and no idea why it isn't available for streaming anywhere-not even on YouTube. Jessica Lange is so good as the loyal daughter who won't accept that her father might be a war criminal until she makes a shocking discovery near the end of the film. I feel lucky to have purchased a DVD copy many years ago because this movie is not easy to find anymore. Why some films never get released to streaming is often due to complicated rights issues from what I understand but not sure the reason for this film. Too bad because the story and the performances hold up very well 30+ years later.

The Equalizer 3

Absolutely loved the first two films, DW is a fantastic actor I think does amazing work, but I could not have been more disappointed with this 3rd and final (?) installment of the franchise. From the opening scene which doesn't make any sense till the last 15 minutes of the film, to the slow pacing, and taking place in Europe instead of the US, I barely had the motivation to finish the film. The Equalizer is an American story/character so I can't understand why the continuation of the saga was moved to Italy. I wondered why they moved up releasing to streaming from November as originally announced to October 2, after watching it I know why.

The Day of the Dolphin

Not as good as I remember
My memory of this film when I last watched it 20 years ago was that it was great! I watched it last week-It isn't. You can't stream it anywhere but you can get a DVD of it with subtitles on Amazon for $10. What I remember about it from before that still applies; heart breaking believable ending-yep. Confusing, muddled, who's who plot-yep. Way too many scenes of "flipper" swimming around in his tank with his girlfriend with passionate music playing in the background that go on for too long-yep. George C Scott is great as the scientist in charge of the dolphins but as a husband to his wife (real life as well) he's a monster. And Paul Servino who I loved in Law and Order seems totally miscast here. Would I watch it again? another 20 years.


I fell for the hype, and it wasn't worth it
I love Nordic Noir and I love WW ll movies so this should have been a slam dunk after watching the trailer and seeing other reviews; it was instead The story of a Finnish ex-special forces soldier turned solitary prospecter, who strikes gold and then runs into the German Army retreating from the Soviets to through Lapland. The Germans decide to mess with the prospector and take his gold; bad idea, chaos and violence ensue. What comes next is a series of encounters between the soldiers and the prospector that are equal parts gruesome and hilarious. After awhile these scenes become repetitive and less enjoyable until finally I started to lose interest.

12 O'Clock High

The best WWll series from the 60's
12 O'Clock High is my all time favorite series and it is now available for free on Amazon Prime. I have watched this show on YouTube and I have dvd copies of the show as well but Amazon's streaming of it has the best picture and sound I've ever seen (it has closed captions as well). Like many viewers of this show I believe the first 32 episodes of season one with Robert Lansing as General Savage were the best. Lansing was replaced by Paul Burke and the show went downhill for another 46 episodes. The show had enough action to keep viewers engaged but the real power of it even all these years later was the leadership Savage displayed with his men. Several episodes are worthy of multiple viewings particularly the ones with John Larkin who played Lansings commanding officer. Bravo to AP for bringing this show to streaming.

War Factories

Great information & entertainment
I don't know how someone could consider this show "garbage" as it is so well done offering equal parts education & entertainment. I discovered this show YouTube and being a history-documentary "junkie" I couldn't stop watching it. The idea of a show about factories and output may sound dull but if you know anything about WWl and WWll you will learn a ton of stuff here not usually covered in films about those wars. I found the narration crisp and compelling and the "experts" weighing in with their takes very interesting. I can't recommend this series highly enough to anyone interested in the civilian side of how wars get decided.


The best Danish crime show
The Protectors and Unit One are my 2 all time favorite Danish crime shows. With The Protectors we only get 20 episodes but the final episode is rich and a revelation. So what do you get with The Protectors? You get a group of candidates trying to get selected into the equivalent of the US Secret Service. The candidates are tough and skilled and vulnerable and include a Muslim woman who is as determined as she is beautiful. We watch the candidates slowly get weeded out as they go through training and the top ones start to get protection assignments. The individual agents have compelling back stories and are lead by their bad-ass commander who keeps them in line. I was bummed when the series ended but very satisfied with the show-it's available on DVD, i keep looking for it to show up on a streaming service like Acorn TV or Britt Box but nothing yet.

Doomsday: World War I

A very good documentary on WW1
This documentary on the First World War is a German production in 3 parts and it is just excellent in every way. The narration is crisp and informative, the B&W & Colorized film scenes are high quality, the graphics and re-enactment's are woven expertly into each episode. I've seen many many docs on WW1 and this is one of the best.

Bosch: Legacy

Commercials kill the joy
Love Bosch, excited to see this, it's good-it would be VERY good if it had no interruptions, it seems "slower" than the original, love the storyline of the daughter joining LAPD, great to see "Crate & Barrel" pop up, I do miss Lance Reddick and Jamie Hecktor a lot.

Fort Apache the Bronx

They don't make 'em like this anymore
A great, great cop movie that still holds up very well and for some reason not available except on DVD. Paul Newman is superb as the weary veteran cop who's seen it all but still cares and serves his city. His relationship with his GF nurse Rachel Ticotin is sweet and complicated. Overall just a fantastic realistic glimpse of life in Brooklyn in the 70's and the cops who try (and fail) to maintain control.

The River: A Documentary Film

No conclusions or revelations
I appreciate the effort and intentions of the filmmakers of this documentary but as someone who works in a homeless shelter and is always looking for films to show my clients, I wouldn't show this one. The film is a "snapshot" of all the players involved in a homeless encampment in Washington State, the clients, the politicians, the police, and the helping agencies. No "conclusions" are revealed about what to do the clients and overall the film lacks any "point or direction" that I could decipher. Early on a lady at the Town Council meeting says what I think is the most important statement in the film-that "beds are available in shelters for clients so they don't have to stay at the encampment-but they go empty" and she gets shouted down by others at the meeting. My "message " to anyone watching this film is-that "we" (society) are doing enough for the homeless and what's needed is better boundaries around what is acceptable from folks living on the streets.

7 Wrekers

Total garbage
I don't know how this film has a 6.3 overall rating. I bought it, watched it, hated it. The entire film takes place on one set where 7 characters do nothing...but talk for 80 minutes until 90 seconds of action occurs and then it's over. It's not a war movie, it's not even a movie, but they got me to purchase it so how dumb am I ?

No Time to Die

Sorry Daniel, should have stopped after Spectre
Love Craig, loved the previous 007 films he did, but this? Bloated, slow, too long, didn't like the new 007 at all (why couldn't it have been Naomi Harris?) Craig is too old for the part despite being incredibly buffed, Rami Malek is a superb actor but lifeless as the bad guy. The only part of the film I liked was when Ana De Armas came onto the screen-she had energy and presence, she was gorgeous and her action scenes were awesome. I rented the film on Amazon and am SO glad I didn't go see it in the theaters.

Kampen om tungtvannet

Amazing redo of The Heroes of Telemark
I'm flabbergasted by the few critical reviews of this film as I think it's one of the best series on WWll ever made. Telling the story of Britain & Norway's efforts to destroy the heavy water production by the Nazis (used to create an atomic bomb) it covers the same ground as the 1965 film with Kirk Douglas. This an intense, gripping war drama showing the amazing bravery and tenacity of the Allies to stop Hitler from getting the bomb before them no matter what the cost. Critical reviewers might want to read their history as I found this film to have no "fluff" or "PC" elements at all. Gut wrenching with tons of action not to mention political drama and also blending personal stories into the characters it succeeds on every level in my opinion. I've seen/own every WWll film available and this is one of the best.

De forbandede år

It just ends
I liked this film as I'm a big fan of Jesper Christian (Spectre) and WWll films. It does a good job of showing the different beliefs/loyalties about the German invasion of Denmark within one well off Danish family. The industrialist Father makes compromises with the Germans to support his family while his two sons go in opposite directions one supports the Germans the other fights for them. It's all well done and compelling and then there is no conclusion which is okay I guess cause war is messy and inconclusive. But that doesn't make for good entertainment. Fortunately (?) another reviewer says they are currently working on a "part ll" for this film. Together, they might make a great film.

State of Grace

Why not available on streaming?
One of the best gangster/crime films ever made in my view but 30+ years later it's still not available on any platform. Penn, Harris, Oldman, and Wright are all superb and the action/gun battles are amazing.

Retfærdighedens ryttere

Not much to recommend here
I watched Riders of Justice because I love Mads Mikelsen but he isn't enough to recommend this movie as entertaining or worth watching. Paired with 3 other Danish actors you'll recognize it's the story of a soldier who returns home from Afghanistan to deal with a death in his family. He sets about meeting out justice/violence on those he holds responsible with his 3 companions and the action scenes are well done. Also well done is the relationship Mads has with his daughter who doesn't put up with any of his crap. But those 2 pluses can't compensate for a film that is mostly downbeat and erratic.

Tunn is

A "Nordic" mess
Unlike the fantastic "Occupied" taking place in Norway and " Trapped" taking place in Iceland this new Nordic thriller set in Greenland is a confusing, too many plot twists series I nearly turned off several times. Figuring out who the "bad guy" is takes so long and is so unsatisfying at the end you don't really care and I am a huge fan of Nordic TV shows. A couple of the subplots were interesting- who knew they had A. A. in Greenland, and the little girl in this series is a firecracker little actress. But everything else the environmental story, the political thriller if you can call it that, have all been done better elsewhere. And unlike another reviewer claimed I'm no "snowflake" who doesn't have an intelligent opinion on movies just like them.


Lean, mean, superb War film
My first viewing of Greyhound when released on Apple was "hey, pretty good". On my second viewing I was blown away how great a film this is. Virtually no "back story" this WW ll drama cuts right to the chase of action and tension and along with an awesome blend of CGI and live action it's an edge of your seat 90 minute film. When you hear the term "Battle of the Atlantic" it's hard to visualize it being the vastness of the ocean and all the ships. But this film demonstrates up close and with intensity how terrifying and deadly the battle was. Hanks is superb and all business in his role as the Captain and you can feel all the crew looking to him every moment for leadership and what to do next-it's intense! A very very good War movie in the class of Das Boat that will hold up well for years to come.

Back to You

I thought this show was hilarious
You watch this show and the 14 episodes they made and you ask yourself "what happened, why ain't there no more?" cause I thought It was laugh out loud funny. It didn't continue because of the writer's strike at the time. Too bad because it's Kelsey Grammar even funnier than Frazier and the jokes swift and sarcastic which I enjoyed. I bought the one season available, it was cheap and enjoyable more than once.


Great re-do of the movie
Three Days of the Condor is one of my favorite films so I went into the series with low expectations but I was pleasantly surprised how good it was. It doesn't matter if you've never seen the original with Robert Redford and Fay Dunaway, this series works great on it's own and has a few bits from the film brought forward that made me smile. Basic story is Joe Turner CIA analyst is on the run after everybody in his section is murdered and he's next. Tons of good action, rapid pace, great job by one of my favorite actors William Hurt still killin it at 70 as well. Highly recommend this series on epix.

Without Remorse

Huge let down
I like MBJ and all things Tom Clancey so was really looking forward to seeing this film on Amazon but it was so awful I almost turned it off after 45 minutes. To be sure Michael B Jordan is a badass and has one great scene when he takes on a prison cell extraction team. But most of the the film he's doing his Navy SEAL kill bad guys job in boring action scenes with his SEAL Team leader being a Woman. WTF? There are no female Navy SEALs certainly none who are leading missions and killing terrorists. The actress in the role acts so 'tough' she's just MBJ with breasts. But that isn't why this movie stinks it's everything, the plot, the pacing, the love story, the action scenes it's all tedious and uninteresting.

Lancaster Skies

Shear boredom
Am a huge WWll film with 12 o'clock high my all time favorite film. But this? This film moves SO slow, the dialogue, the silence, the lack of a musical score I couldn't believe how tedious this was to watch. The few flying scenes that we see are horribly done and add nothing to the film. Flat out one of the worst films I've ever seen.

Third Watch

S-2, everyone gets a "dream sequence" and show suffers
I liked S-1, like I'd give it an "8" for the stories and character development. But in S-2 the format changes and in every episode some character gets a dream sequence usually related to childhood with a narration overlap. The change is considerable and makes the show to "sappy" in my view. 2 seasons is all you get and all you ever will due to music copyright issues So enjoy, but if I could go back I wouldn't buy S-2.

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