
IMDb member since April 2001
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The Invitation

near death experience
This movie must have grown out of the near death experience of the writer or a close relative of the writer. When the experience happens and a person gets another chance at life, everything changes and with it the urge to let our loved ones know about the secret. A secret so hard to explain that it can only be heard in the mind's eye by going through the door of knowledge that brings many things into a clearer perception. The urge for Roland takes us viewers on a journey to educate not only us, but the characters in the movie and all of those involved in it's creation as well. I think that this visual story teller will inspire many to think.


learning on many levels
Picking a movie to watch is a learning experience in itself. Why this one and not that one or we watch because we know someone that liked or disliked the movie. Whatever the reason, we learn from the experience and put ourselves on another road to learn something new if we let it happen. This movie can be a learning experience at the same time that we're entertained visually. There's much to see, if we learn to watch.


Ben was my favorite
I thought the herding sounds were great, but I regretted the fact that Ben didn't get more time on screen. I wonder what type of rat he is, and what other movies he's been in? Maybe the writers were trying to symbolize our RAT RACE existence in this DOG EAT DOG world. This movie may not be on my, must have on DVD list, but I fully enjoyed the time spent watching Ben and his ex-friend, Williard.


story within stories
Living in the general area that this movie takes place, and filmed at, I was immediately drawn into the story. The movie was well paced and gives a chill like that of being alone in the woods listening to a silence that isn't silent. Wendigo's have been a part of our folklore for as many years as there has been eyes to form their shape and words to express imaginative, descriptive from the viewer's mind's eye into the mind's eye of another. It was good to see a movie dedicated to the art of visual story-telling. I loved the sequences where the cinematography is used to stir the emotions and become a silent character as easy to hear as if spoken. Well Done

Black Hawk Down

A collection of actors and people in back of the camera have brought to the average person the horrors of war. Scenes and experiences, once only happening to those unlucky enough to be involved, are now seen and felt by us, the movie watchers. What we, the viewers, will do with this new visualized information won't be known. How will this information change, or not change, our thoughts won't make the headlines in some newspaper or read by any tv reporter, on the air. As we watch and think, these things could actually be taking place as the miracle of life takes a back seat to, "kill or be killed". Is there any really good reason to take a life? Why are there those that feel the need to kill another thing for a good reason? And the bottom line, would the world come to an end if killers with good intentions are left alive? How many people will see the movie and come away with just a feeling of being entertained and thinking that this couldn't possibly happen to them or their loved ones? A great movie to watch, feel and be the catalyst to have conversations within our souls.

Halloween: Resurrection

I'll see you in HELL MICHAEL!!!
A great Halloween movie to be included in their series. Everything that's comfortable with the series is there. A few sets, many killings, screams, stupidity rampant at times, horrific jokes and of course, the music. Going along with the times, Michael gets to see computers, he kills with a digital camera tripod and he's stalked by the internet which watches almost every move of his. And in keeping with previous Halloween movies, Michael's mask is somewhat changed and shows a little more of Michael's expressive facial gestures. And of course the movie ends with the eyes of Michael looking straight at us and the assumption that Laurie Strode survived her fall. It may be a long time before Laurie sees Michael in Hell!

Night of the Living Dead

getting to the basement
The music with black and white images racing from the screen to the viewers eyes, sends us into the realms of horror story telling at its' best. People, both flesh eaters and non-flesh eaters propel the viewer beyond realistic madness into the insanity of human behavior. Being chased by zombie flesh eaters isn't the thing that ultimately ends the lives of these people cut off from the outside world. The problems associated with learning to communicate and working together is the real evil of this, well thought out story. "Shoot, now we've got another one for the bonfire." All's well that, ends.

Old Yeller

Yeller wasn't yellow
That yeller dog goes from varmint to lovable companion. The movie carries us along with ease and before we know it, our hearts are in tune with the story. We feel what we should, and sometimes wish we didn't. It's tough to watch real life as well as live it, and like life there's more living after the hurt. Watch this one alone if you're not inclined to show your feelings to others.

Changing Lanes

on the highway of life
This drama dealt with real life issues and did it very well. Samuel L. Jackson played, Doyle Gipson, an alcoholic separated from his wife and two boys. Ben Affleck played, Gavin Banek, a young married lawyer just getting used to the dog eat dog world of the legal system that pursues life's ideals a few steps behind real time. The two meet on the highway of life where for one day in their lives, "Murphy's Law" and the law of the jungle take precedent over common sense and moral judgement. This trip takes all involved, on screen and off, into the world that's hard to believe exists, that of reality. The reality that we're all human and make mistakes that harm others and ourselves. The reality that scares some of us to the point where we hide away in a bottle or play the game of life without living it. In the future some of us will see a new perspective as we see people yelling at each other on the highway at the scene of a fender bender. Would it be better if our society drove bicycles? I think not. It probably would just make it easier to physically reach the other driver to wring his neck.

Murder by Numbers

no problem, I wear loose pants
Sandra Bullocks portrayal of her character is the most in depth character that I can remember in a movie in recent years. I like the fact that her character is very strong yet soft also, like most of us. We all have very strong and weak emotions that come into play at certain times in our lives and Cassie does also. Her relationships, and also those of the kids involved, are well done. This was a very strong story telling movie that gains an appreciative insight each time that it plays in the viewers mind afterwards. Lines come to mind and questions asked silently to yourself. Do female hyenias have a mock penis? What was the number of that clue? How would two teenagers have that amount of compulsion to actually kill someone? Didn't I see this story line before? Orson Welles would like this one.

Ladybug Ladybug

Bend down with your hands touching your knees, head against the wall, and no talking
The story happens at the time of the cold war when nuclear bombs and threats of a world war are on everyone's mind. The alarm goes off at the grade and high schools in a small rural community. This alarm means that a nuclear attack is eminent in the next hour. The children are sent home via school buses and walked home by teachers. The conversations about war, if it's really a drill being done by the school, words about the meaning of life and death and emotions that only get stirred by tragic times. Some of the movie is extremely well done visually as we see the emotional stress that results in a very trying time. Then the alarm is called off because of an electrical fault. It's then that the truly tragic thing happens when a life is put into jeopardy. If you're old enough to remember air raid drills in school, jets breaking the sound barrier or prayer in schools, this movie will take you on a ride into the past that couldn't be done any other way. Will this situation every happen again? Will history help this situation from happening again? I, for one, think that humankind will never learn.


A family that Kills together
Most families make a killing in the stock market, but this family does it in the shed! Through the words of a madman, created by his crazy father, this story of demon hunting and elimination is told to us visually as well. We see insanity take root and grow until it has infested a once normal family. The horrible act of killing is taught like it's a homework assignment or a kind of "how to" from father to son. Normal by day, demon killing grave diggers by night, could anything be worse than that? Well yes it could. This movie is the story of four killers and two of them have jobs in law enforcement! And I almost forgot, the fifth killer is on its' way!

Sweet November

Stop to Smell the Roses
You would think since we use one third of our lives to sleep, one month of searching our souls would be easy to do. Nelson proves just how hard it is to get away from the ritual of doing, without really living. Sarah introduces him to the pleasures of walking in the sand barefooted, helping others and seeing the end in an all too clear perspective. Let this movie be your guide into the pleasures of awakening that part of us that goes into a deep sleep as we wander the path of life. In a search, you can only find what your looking for.


The Strong and Silent Type
Created from John Carpenter's mind, Captain Kirk's looks painted white and a British distributor. That would make anybody go crazy! If you've ever been afraid of a small town with dark streets, trick or treating kids who never seem to knock on your door or people wearing the likeness of William Shatner, but you like to be scared, watch this movie many times! As Dr. Sam Loomis would say, "The Evil is Gone!" and now he's paying a visit. As you watch Michael come out of shadows or step beside your vision, there's this want of a body count. Well, either implied or seen, the count is as follows: two dogs, two male humans and two female humans. The music caresses the scenes with an embrace that's hard to tell where the music of the movie stops and the music of the viewer's intense visionary inspired mind begins.

The scenes are very close to reality. Even the windshield of Annie's car is dirty with hand prints and daydreaming goes hand in hand with class work. The thing that will last forever as a why question is, "Why no trick or treaters knocked on the doors of the houses where all the action occured? But, even the leaves looked real!

And who can forget some of the lines that will remain with the viewer for years to come: "Maybe someone round here gave him lessons!" and "Hey Lonnie, Get your ass away from there!"

Watch this movie alone, and then your life will forever more be changed.

A Knight's Tale

Once a Knight, Is never enough
With modern age music to dance by, the scenes from the past are put onto the digital playground and delightfully brought to life for our entertainment. Without warning, wrongs are righted and we see beneath the armor to see the soul of what used to be a hapless kid with a dream to be a knight. Long live the King!


Stallone reached new heights
Just about non-stop action from beginning to end. Very good special effects and cinematography. The sound was exceptional, at certain points in the movie this is especially clear, such as when Jessie is standing on a ridge to greet the bad guy in the chopper thinking it was a friend of hers there to rescue her. The helicopter blades say it all. Stallone's acting was pretty good and he looks to be in top condition physically. A great movie to take us away from it all and especially good to watch during summer's hot spell!

A.I. Artificial Intelligence

see and feel our inner selves
I think this movie boils down to a very simple fact. We need a love in our lives as innocent as a child's love for a mother. This love carries us through life and is the center to which all our being is attached. Everything that we do and feel is connected to this center. Harsh things happen, even horrible ones that shouldn't happen at all. But, we endure and then the end is in sight. Was the trip worth it? Will our Blue Angels be there for us at the end? We all carry a "David" in our hearts and souls. The team that put together, "Artificial Intelligence", must have been very unique. Each piece of the story, words and visions, were carefully orchestrated to form a symphony of life. A life as real as any before it, or yet to be. This is a deep thinking movie that appeals to all of us and each part of us. From the unconcious to conscious this movie will be a part of us for many years to come. I think that this is Spielberg's greatest movie yet! Kubrick would be proud!

Portrait of Jennie

Was Miss Spinney really Jennie?
To find a love, that's truly a, once in a lifetime love that turns a person inside out and blurs the vision of the outside world, is wonderfully done in this movie. Loves of the viewer that could have been, are viewed in their mind's eye along with the visions of the movie. Questions arise as the story emerges. We watch this movie again and again for even the slightest clue to the answers. Did the writer mean this or that? And often we rewrite the ending on invisible pages of our mind. Was Miss Spinney really Jennie Appleton? Or did Spinney receive Jennie's soul by being close to Eben Adams? Why did Spinney seem to recognize the scarf? Will we truly ever know?

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