
IMDb member since April 2001
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    IMDb Member
    23 years


Freddy Got Fingered

Wow, that was dumb.
This was one of the dumbist movies that I have ever seen. The jokes that Tom Green made were the same that he always makes which are sometimes funny but other times are just disturbing. This was also one of the most disturbing movies that I have ever seen. Almost all of it was really disgusting.

Cane Toads: An Unnatural History

The Perfect Documentary
The way they gave the information was the most clever and intresting way I had ever seen. All the things that are good about a movie or documentary were in this documantary. It showed how the Cane Toads were unnaturally brought to Australia and how they flourished uncontrolibly. This was a very clever and interesting way of getting a point accross that will help either students in their learning, if people are intrested in this particular, or if you want a good laugh.

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