
IMDb member since March 2020
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Under the Knife

Fun Indie Horror!
If you enjoy fun, indie horror, this movie is for you. It hits on contemporary global zeitgeist, while not taking itself so seriously, yet with lot of passion for playing with genre tropes ultimately for the payoff for the audience. I find that refreshing given the self-importance of so many films, with unnecessarily large budgets.

First Love

Great independent filmmaking!
Great film that doesn't rely on cinematic crutches like voice over or overly obvious story lines, you discover the story layer by layer which I think is artful storytelling. The film grows on you as the characters reveal their depth. High quality production and cinematography doesn't call attention to itself while serving the story, with nicely edited performances.

Miss Multiverse - Australia

The Multiverse vs. Universe!
Focused on Australia, without the typical cheap sensationality of reality TV, bringing into perspective more than the usual superficial factors, I thought this series was a timely, interesting and refreshing take on beauty pageants.

For the Weekend

Legit airbnb from hell movie
A uniquely funny relatable nightmare you would not want to experience yourself and rather enjoy watching other people go through it. I thought the premise was great, some of the oddball characters were pretty hilarious mixed in with the "regular" ones, plus uncomfortable cringey moments. I liked how the movie was sometimes funny, then sometimes scary as it played with your expectations, without being overly serious. It came together nicely, and I loved it.

Silent Panic

What would you do?
A suspense thriller about three buddies who go camping and have to deal with a dead body they find in their trunk, this story mainly follows how their relationship is tested, going into their respective back stories. You might find yourself yelling at the characters for making dumb decisions, but this is what I find enjoyable about this genre, how it exposes human weaknesses we all have. Nice.

I Want to Believe

I Believe Now
There's been docs about UFO enthusiasts, and it's time for an update and this one does a good job of doing so, by not only relying on the accounts of regular people, but also actual government workers who were employed to track this kind of data. It was good to see the two camps juxtaposed and how they compare and contrast to each other. I have been around when people saw what was commonly described, but also don't feel like it's such a wild and crazy idea, or even that big a deal, so I tend to believe there are such unexplained aerial phenomena, anyway. So not sure this will change anyone's mind, but I did find this doc informative and engaging.

Bigger Than the Game

An Earnest Basketball Film that Delivers
This indie film following the true story of a coach and his players is a touching story told that gets deeper as you go. You kinda have a feeling whats gonna happen, but you still get immersed and enjoy the payoff because the characters are real and the acting and directing is solid. Overall there's a lot of heart in this film as well as a nice soundtrack!


For Those into Indie Horror
I have a soft spot for independent horror movies, as I think Hollywood big budgets make it hard for me into buy it being real. When someone's niece inherits his house, where he had caught demons distilled into bottles, we get to enjoy a fun B-movie that delivers with entertaining characters and wild situations.

Broken Ceiling

How to Get to Justice
A juicy revenge plot by a long-time employee against a Hollywood exec, seeking to finally break the ceiling. A passionate indie, the ensemble cast and director deliver theater-style storytelling with nice twists, to capture a theme that seems very current and relevant today.

Bugs: A Trilogy

Three Flavors of Bugs
This anthology of three horror shorts with the central motif of Bugs and the lead actress playing three different characters was a fun and creepy journey into the psychological aspect of horror from a non-traditional perspective. As an indie, the director more freely explored the genre, while the music and cinematography also delivers for high production values.

Dirty Beautiful

You'll fall for these two
Perfectly captures beautiful awkwardness of two LA transplants' unlikely romance. Hilarious, but effortlessly so, because it doesn't cheapen or judge the characters. Ultimately they're crazy in their own ways but believably real. Feels kind of like an 80s movie, with a 90s edge, the cinematography is on point. Their story is touching ultimately, an über indie that delivers!

Chasing After You

A film with a powerful message
I thought this indie faith-based drama was very authentic in its emotion and story. I also really liked the performances and energy of the actors and the focus in the direction.

All I Want

A movie about real 30s life
I found this to be an indie dramedy about the tribulations of your 30s told through an ensemble cast. The main characters are hosting a 10th anniversary party where they and their guests are dealing with relationship issues underneath the surface. In what feels like a very LA movie, there's good dialogue, nice chemistry and performances by seasoned actors, engaged direction, while the production value looks good overall. I think there's always room for a movie that is relatable and more real than escapist!

Into the Void

Timely Zombie Movie with a Heart
Considering that we are now experiencing a pandemic, watching Into the Void, where people are also wearing masks seems like perfect timing to tell this story. Unlike other zombie movies, this one goes deeper into the psyche of its characters who were once lovers, but now separated by the effects of the virus. As someone partial to zombie flicks, I appreciated this one not cheapening the human experience to just gore and panic, but with a focus on how relationships could be cherished and rebuilt.

Sweet Sunshine

Love that Country Music
What an awesome indie, with excellent refreshing country music! You follow an honest kid with talent, who has to overcome various tragedies to make it in the country music business, and may find it in something or someone unexpected. The overall production value is impressive for an indie, with some pretty cool locations. The story is a bit familiar, but with its likeable characters and onset chemistry between the protagonists, supported by a kickass soundtrack, you come out feeling good in an authentic way. With all the movies out there, I still felt like this was the first time I saw a movie just like Sweet Sunshine.

A Lesson in Cruelty

Not a Movie for the Shy
I thought this was a funny, delicious revenge comedy apropos for these times. Mr. Hassole was a great villain, but who also you could see, really had no opportunity to be otherwise. All of his employees were put to the brink, in order to justify the ensuing mayhem. The acting was solid, helped by a director who knows how to work with actors, and the overall production value, editing, camera work was impressive for an indie. Some people don't seem to like this at all, and while I'm not sure I agree with everything, it's just a movie! Pretty balls out at that!

Risen: The Story of Chron 'Hell Razah' Smith

Instant Classic Hip Hop Doc
This is a documentary about rapper Hell Razah, one of hip-hop's greatest MCs with his uplifting, spiritual and religious angle, originally of Brooklyn's Red Hook group Sunz of Man, and one of the first originally signed to Wu-Tang's record label, who hasn't gotten yet his full spotlight, due to coming down with a brain aneurysm after his breakthrough solo album, Renaissance Child.

I thought this film was very inspirational and educational starting from the birth of hip-hop and revealing its essence and purpose. Overall, Risen is a story of personal triumph, following a very relatable subject and groundbreaking artist, Razah, who uses his life wisdom and hip-hop skills to rise up against difficult odds to find true happiness.

Confessions of a Producer

Prepare for a Wild Ride
In this genre mash-up film, there's a lot of witty dialogue between the two protagonists, a TV producer and his enemy, a reporter, who are inside mostly in one location, a jail cell, but with maximum plot twists and character development. Confessions of a Producer kind of feels like you're watching theater, but with the convenience watching it in a movie.


Diaspora and War Bring a Personal Story into Focus
Polaris is a moving and realistic portrayal of an Iranian-American war photographer struggling with PTSD. The production value and cinematography is very high, taking you to locations domestic and abroad, while the acting and direction help you get into the story, avoiding overt politics. Overall a great war and diaspora drama, not often told from the perspective of a female protagonist.

The Phone Dead

You'll Enjoy this Short!
Everyone knows we are phone zombies, but haven't seen so many takes yet on this phenomenon. I loved it, it's plays on familiar genre tropes, but ends up being fresh on execution, I think because of the focus on giving the audience a fun ride!

The Evil Down the Street

Indie Horror Time
I am not a huge horror person, but I do find enjoyment in the guilty pleasure every so often. I love watching indie horror more, because with the big Hollywood productions, it just looks too perfect for me to believe its real. The Evil Down the Street keeps it real simple and to the point, a family moving into a new house, which they find is haunted. I was entertained enjoying all the awkward and creepy moments as the characters are tormented by the evil in their home.


Cool Unique 90s Snapshot in Time
This was a cool 90s movie, with the matching kind of spirit, yet different and unique from other 90s movies I've seen. Huck and Jolene are complex characters, and you can find yourself empathizing with their teenage angst dealing with unfair and confusing situations. I think this movie took real pride in being made where it's from, while showing a lot of commitment in the acting and directing to tell an authentic story. I liked the characters for the most part and found myself laughing at a lot of the dialogue and familiar 90s attitude. Overall, I found it to be a refreshing indie voice, that made my soul happy.

Lion Killer

A Different Style of Martial Arts Cinema
I always love to see martial arts films. Lion Killer is an interesting non-Hollywood take, looking at the personal stories of Michael and Noelle, who are trying to deal with their difficult pasts to rebuild together towards a more hopeful future. It was less glamorized and more focused on real people. The message and story seemed authentic as well as the Jiu-Jitsu, so overall I could appreciate this different genre blend than in a traditional martial arts movie.

Chasing the Win

Unique Horse Racing Documentary
It was very compelling to learn about all regular people who are involved in the international world of horse racing, beyond the stereotypes of only the fancy entitled wealthy spectators. I originally had almost no interest in the subject, but this documentary brought to life the passion in the sport, through the story of this underdog family from Ireland, and made a believer out of me.

Unlawful Justice

A crime drama with heart
You get to see overall, a complex representation of criminal justice set in Los Angeles. As the movie progresses it immerses you further into the everyday struggles of those who are embroiled in constant confrontation, situations most of us might have the luxury to ignore. The dialogue was realistic and natural and fitting of the genre. I also enjoyed the banter between female and male cop partners, with the traditional roles flipped. The movie looked like it could have been shot on film as well, adding to the grit.

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