
IMDb member since March 2020
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    4 years, 2 months


Sinbad and the War of the Furies

Charmingly poor movie
Let's be clear here, Sinbad and the War of the Furies is no great film making. Pretty much anything that can be wrong with a film is wrong with this one. But for all that it does not suck. The casting is poor, the acting highly uneven, and the directing terribl The production was ridiculously cheap - Sinbad is filmed almost entirely indoors, most of those indoors limited to two rooms - with very few real action scenes. But the writing is reasonable enough to carry it along and if you're a film lover your curiosity will do the rest. Because there is something oddly sweet about this movie with its bare bones cast and its rationed sets, especially as you realize its makers clearly thought it had franchise potential. Folks clearly punched above their weight with this one, but kept going anyway (though I don't know if they ever noticed they were out of their league) and I respect that. So, no, I did not hate this movie even though we all made fun of it throughout, maybe even enjoyed it a bit.

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