
IMDb member since July 2006
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Book Club

4 Ladies And A Book
I really like this movie. I first saw the trailers when I went to see 50 SoG in February. I knew I had to see this. It was funny and lighthearted. I thought each lady brought something to the table for aging women. I was glad to see Candice Bergen, I think she was the one that got my attention during the first trailer I watched. The men in the movie were good fits, I've seen them all before, but Don Johnson is still VERY good looking. To talk about what I liked about the movie it was the honesty between friends that have known each other for decades. I have friends like that, some have fallen by the wayside, but my core group of friends, this would be us, if we all lived in the same location. I told my friend it will be one of those movies that I will watch over and over and over when it comes to cable.

The Vow

Not sure about spoilers, but here's my review
The ending came to quick. I think they should have shown some development of the life they "rebuilt." When I realized it was the end I felt sorta cheated. I thought the real story was supposed to be the rode back to togetherness. It was still a good movie, which I seemed to be more on Leo's side - LOL. I felt his passion through the screen.

I also liked that both the main characters were good looking, it made for a better connection for me as a viewer (I know, shallow of me - LOL!!!)

Here is my first review from the Yahoo website:

The End Wasn't Long Enough...

I love looking at Rachel McAdams and I am a woman, her beauty is so pretty.

I've never seen a Channing Tatum movie (I don't even know who he is, but I am going to look him up after this), but I liked him in this role. I thought he fit with Rachel perfectly. She always has good chemistry with her leading men. I think it's because her "beauty is so pretty" - LOL...

My only wish is that the movie had continued, it will definitely be one of those movies I will watch over and over when it hits cable, if I can still afford it(cable).

Leap Year

I'm A Lovestory/Romantic Comedy Kinda Girl
I love movies that I can watch without feeling all tense. I watched this movie because it was on cable and I tuned in. I have watched it over and over and over. I watch it every time it is on (since it's been on cable), and I love it each time. I don't care if I catch it in the middle beginning or even close to the end, if there isn't anything better on TV I will watch. Which is why I am writing this review, because it is on again, and I am watching again.

I first saw Amy Adams in "The Wedding Date" and I didn't like her character at all in that movie, she was really self absorbed, not that she wasn't in parts of this movie, but in this one it works, because her counterpart wasn't having any of it.

I loved the Declan character, I have never seen this actor in any other movies, but then again, I am not much of a movie watcher.

My favorite part outside of the 2 main leads as a whole, was the brides speech to her husband.

"May you never steal, lie or cheat; but if you must steal, steal away my sorrows; if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life; and if you must cheat, then please cheat death, because I couldn't live a day without you."

One for the Money

Wait for the DVD!!!
I read the books 1-16, 17 bored me, and I haven't tried 18 as of yet. With that being said, this movie was NOT GOOD...I left after about an hour. There just wasn't enough happening to make it happen.

I like the actor who they cast as Joe, as I had watched him on a couple of episodes of the Closer, but for some reason the sex appeal just didn't work for me this time, probably because I kept waiting for something exciting to happen, and it never did, least now while I was there.

Stephanie Plum - I guess I had a problem with the males (Joe and Ranger) calling her "Plum" I don't remember that in the books. Also, where were the "Jersey accents," that was really surprising, I thought they would have gotten that part right.

Ranger - I thought the person playing this role was VERY GOOD LOOKING, and that is all I ever wanted for Ranger, he has always been my dream guy in the series. I've always wanted Stephanie to be with Ranger.

Those were the main things I want to talk about, but I will end by saying, this movie is on DVD quality, and I am a fan, of both the books and Kathryn Heigl.


I wasn't expecting much, I was out to support Beyonce
I have not seen all of Beyonce's body of "acting" work, but I must say of the movies that I've seen "Dreamgirls" was a better performance. While this movie wasn't horrible, it was just not realistic, not only in the Beyonce scenes but in the scenes with Idris.

I was extremely irritated with Idris's character Derek from the beginning...I hate to see "GULLIBLE" weak acting men. I thought Beyonce's character Sharon was more believable in her role, though I won't say she is an Oscar worthy actress...

I don't know who this Ali Larter person is (I am not a great big movie buff), but her character Lisa was annoying as hell...

I guess the best part was waiting to see how Sharon and Lisa got to the finale fight scene. I thought the part leading up to the fight scene was totally not good...where was the son when Sharon was in the house fighting Lisa??? Where was the son for that matter when Sharon left to go to her parents house on that fateful day??? It seem that whomever made this movie forgot to tie things together appropriately.

One of my biggest peeves was the carrying of the big assed boy when he wasn't sleep. (I said sleep because when my son was that age and he fell asleep I would carry him instead of waking him up)...

All in all - I will get this movie from the bootleg man so I can watch it again, but as far as giving it high marks as a "night out at the movies" I could only give it 5 stars because other than that I would have to say I wasted my time and money, which $6.75 isn't that much to spend in the larger scheme of things.

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