
IMDb member since April 2020
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    IMDb Member
    4 years, 2 months


The Northman

Manage your expectation!
If you expect a Gladiator type movie with the depth it comes with, you will be have a disappointing experience, like my wife who rated it a 1/5.

If you expect a gory viking slaughterfest with mythical elements, you will be very happy like me and rate it higher. I honestly did not know what I was in for which made me glad I watched it.

I guess it helps if you like violent gory movies. I suspect my wife only wanted to see a trimmed Alexander without his shirt on and she got that, even though he was mostly covered in guts and blood =)

Some fight scenes are exceptionally nice shot without cuts which makes me wonder if they really did shoot it in one take or used movie trickery. I don't really care as it was impressive.

Did it leave a lasting impression? No, not really. Well worth the movie ticket for me in any case.

But yeah. Not much depth to it IMO.


Could have been good. The acting is the best part. CGI was so-so but passable.

What annoyed me the most was the annoying whale sounds the German subs made whenever they were on screen. It was so disruptive I felt I would have given the movie a 7 if they were just removed.

Almost turned it off halfway through as my wife started surfing the web on her phone instead...

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