
IMDb member since April 2020
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Poketto monsutâ baioretto

Nice game with room for improvement
I just completed the game and below are my thoughts.

I like the story of the game. There are 3 arcs to it where everything gets beautifully connected at the end for the final conclusion / showdown at the crater. I don't like to spoil it for any of you.

The world is beautiful with some amazing cities and towns and also the nature. But it doesn't feel dynamic as there is really nothing to do other than the main story arcs. There are no side quests which is a bummer.

All the characters really stand out. From the teachers at the academy, to the gym leaders, the elite Four, the rivals/friends. Everyone has a unique character trait to them which is really great for a game freak game.

There are a few improvements needed. First, the elite Four should always happen in front of a crowd, I dont know why they removed this gimmick from sword/shield. After you complete the game. If you close the app during the credits, you literally have to play the last 30 mins all over again.

There is no voice acting, atleast during the cut scenes, which is another bummer.

Overall, this is a pretty cool game with room for some improvements. I really hope game freak hits it out of the part in next installment.


From a promising start to a cash grab
This show has turned from promising to just a cash grab pretty fast. We all know it's Amazon's fault.

I dont know why they introduced splitting up of seasons but that definitely worked against them as we basically lose interest with so much gap in between episodes.

It's fine to have one episode in a season as a filler. But it sucks to have an entire season as a filler.

I really like the animation and story of this series, but if Amazon keeps doing what they are doing with this, everyone will lose interest eventually.

I hope they correct their mistake in season 2 and atleast from next season, all episodes at once or just have a week gap in between episodes.


Epic borefest!
This movie is too boring right from start to end. All characters behave like dumbos and doesn't even think a little bit. The only clever one in the entire village seems to be the protagonist who gets struck by lightning when he's 15 and immediately goes to Singapore for treatment.

He receives superpowers when he's just a kid and doesn't do anything till he's all grown up. But all of a sudden, he starts using it when he's back tk his native place, Veeranoor.

Don't get me started on the intentions of the villain, the electric cable, it's dangers and all the scientific mumbo-jumbo, because it's all trash and feels like written by a 10 year old.

Talented actors like Muneeshkanth, kaali Venkat are reduced to mere caricatures with absolutely no importance.

The songs and music are a dud, the action choreography is a dud, the dialogues are a dud, the story isn't original, the CGI is a dud and overall an epic borefest which makes you fall asleep within the first 30 minutes.

I wonder why do people make these kind of useless movies.


How TF is this Parugu?
The reason why Parugu worked is because it's grounded and gave scope to all the artistes to perform. Sadly, Hindi remake ruined yet another golden opportunity with this garbage.

Parugu is a father's pain, a daughter's dilemma, a lover's longing, it perfectly blends various emotions. But Heropanti is only about Tiger jumping around like a monkey.. And don't even get me started on sexualising the heroine reducing her entire role to just an eye candy.

Bollywood is too dumb to make originals anymore and too lazy to atleast properly remake good movies from other languages.

It's that time that I've lost all hope on Bollywood nd there's no coming back.


7.5/10- An ambitious thriller
This movie tries to be over-ambitious in its plot and execution and due to that, we are left with an over-complicated first half. However, Lokesh tries his best to untangle the mystery and explain everything later into the movie.

I felt first half can be further trimmed down and the movie felt meandering here and there with no proper aim. The action pieces are great and all the actors have given their best performances.

The Surya portion should have been kept in the dark before the release so the audience will be caught off gaurd and led to further rave reviews for this movie. Somewhere, the promotional team failed to contain this spoiler.

I am excited now for Surya-Karthi face off in next part and the role Vikram plays in that.


7.5/10 - Intense revenge drama
This movie is so intense and people who love gore in movies are in for a treat. The only thing missing in this movie is realism. Police don't involve no matter how many murders and killings are happening all over, hero taking on 20 people at a time with bare hands but cannot tackle 3 people who killed his sister in front of his eyes, none of the don's goons or the don himself doesn't have a pistol/ gun for protection, A machine gun is conveniently placed in the plot to help the hero escape a possible life-death situation.

No matter how artistic this movie is, the above commercial elements kinda ruined the experience for me.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Just not there. 6.5/10
This movie is definitely in the bottom of my list of favourite marvel movies. It's a hot mess, especially in the second act. Lot of things are not explained properly. Like how did that girl get the power to travel multiverses in the first place? What is her origin story? Who tf is she? And just how can Wanda/ Scarlet witch single handedly massacre 5 supes at a time without even breaking a sweat? We all remember she struggled against Thanos and even in Age of Ultron against other Avengers who are far weaker than Captain marvel. But in this movie, all of a sudden, she becomes a badass and just massacres everyone, including an alternate Captain Marvel. I wanted to know what exactly is the witch's power. It seems like Marvel just either gives extra powers or makes them look weak as per their convenience.

And don't even get me started on the paper thin plot. There is no proper plot to begin with and Wanda's motive to whatever she does in this movie just doesn't make sense. She commits a genocide just to unite with her imaginary kids she created using her magic. I mean, even a 10 year old can come up with a better plot.

Overall, a big disappointment and Benedict is the only saving grace in this hot mess.


Godfather of Kollywood
Yet another gangster flick from Karthik subburaj, but this time he strikes gold. It feels good that the brain behind masterpieces like Pizza and Jigarthanda is back.

Mahaan is a crime-drama which involves an average man who is experiencing mid-life crisis suddenly wakes up and starts doing what he wants to do after 40 years. Things go smooth until his prodigal son returns to put a full-stop for Mahaan's atrocities and he is brutal in doing it.

Final verdict is, Mahaan starts off slow and takes its time in establishing the characters and the narrative and a solid foundation for its story. The movie picks up pace once the son returns and the second half is a racy thriller with mind-blowing climax. All the cast members involved in his movie has put their heart into acting and done justice to their roles.

Special shoutout to Vikram, Karthik Subburaj and Dhruv.


Way ahead of its time
Its unbelievable that this movie came out almost 20 years ago. The story is waaaay ahead of it's time and feels fresh no matter how many times you watch it. Karunakaran has that magic in every movie of his. The rewatch value of his entire filmography is too high. And dont even get me started on the music of this movie. It is composed by Harris Jayaraj, and every song is a chart buster. These kind of movies are only made once every decade. So dont miss this gem!


Whoever thought Shruti Hassan was cute basically ruined this movie. Malar in the original was the embodiment of cuteness. What we get in telugu is basically someone who looks like a middle age aunty. Dont even get me started on the unnecessary cringe additions in the remake. Sometimes, we should just leave the original alone instead of butchering it.

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