
IMDb member since April 2001
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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Vastly overrated.
I don't care if the book was good, not all books translate well into film. And this was one of them.

They removed the story, added more action and the movie was reduced to this: walking, action, walking, action, END.

The fact that this is the #1 movie (as of right now, this will definitly not last) on IMDb is nothing but a travesty. But hey, personally, I don't think the God Father deserved it either. The story is actually rather cliche. An all powering evil ring must be destroyed. I've heard that story before, and although it was cutting edge 70 years ago, it doesn't need to be presented to us now.

And as for the director, this is a man who made Dead Alive! How in God's name did he end up making this crap?

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Great movie in every possible way
This movie was so different and so great. I hate the average Python nerd but I like how random this movie can be and still keep its brilliance. Every scene is funny and is a great parody of the typical medieval movie.

And the ending is classic. EXTREMELY different. Never seen before. Great story telling.

The movie breaks every cliche possible and is remains hilarious.

And although most people give this movie ****/**** I wont, mainly because I don't rate movies with asterisks.

Premium Blend

Pretty good show
A great way to see different stand up comedians. The hosts have always been very great. Kathy Griffen, Jim Bruer, Tommy Davidson (Has a GREAT bit on Scooby Doo), and Harlon Williams.

A lot of the comedians are fairly cliche but they are all original and at least decent. Some are just hilarious, i.e. Dane Cook (who I have a feeling is about to break it big time).

If you enjoy comedy you will enjoy this show.

Romeo + Juliet

Doomed for failure
Probably one of the worst remakes of all time. Not only is Bazz Luhrman a horrible director who shoots in this new "trendy" fast cut, music video style, but he has a bad vision. He tried to make the whole thing so trendy and hip by affiliating gangs, and such, but it doesn't work and comes out pretty campy.

This movie sold well to little girls who like Leo Dicaprio, but no true fan of literature or cinema for that matter would like it.

Salute Your Shorts

One of the better shows of Nickelodeons hay day
Right now Nickelodeon has a tendency to patronize kids. Hard as it may be to believe it, Nickelodeon, at one time, didn't think kids were total idiots. They gave them a show called "Salute Your Shorts". It was a silly show but it was funny, and made me want to go back to my very own summer camp. I know that a lot of the actors from the show went on to bigger and better things, and I even heard this show won a Cable Ace award for best cast ensemble.

I only wish this show was still around, now on Nickelodeon every single show has to have a lesson. The shows have pretty much become half hour PSAs. So I say, "bring back this cable masterpiece!", and hopefully Nickelodeon will listen.

Saturday Night Live

Great Show, still Great
Sure this shows original cast was great. My personal favorite was John Balushi. But the new cast is great, and as usual the most under rated person is the most talented. Horatio Sans. He doesn't do much stuff but the stuff he does do is hilarious, e.g. "Gap Fat". The new news sucks, mostly because Jimmy Fallon is a third rate Adam Sandler. Colin Quin did a nice job with the news but Norm McDonald was the best. Denis Miller was HORRIBLE! He is totally not funny, and extremly pretentious. He thinks he's a genious, all he is, is a comedian, and a bad one at that. Anyway, the show is great and the only time it ever really sucked was the early 80s, and even then they had Eddie Murphy holding them.

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