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Boogeymen: The Killer Compilation

What did you expect, it's just clips!!! And a very damn good job.
Boogeymen - 2001

This dvd brings together 17 clips from different movie over the last 40 years. It has the most famous Boogeymen and Boogeywemon. The cover says it all

When I first heard about this I thought it was going to be stupid. Then I heard a lot more people talk about it, so I got kind of hyped on it. I couldn't find it at any of my stores. Then finally I went to best buy, and found it. So I decided to buy it, being the horror fan that I am. I went home, sat on my waterbed. Put the dvd in my DVD. At first it was a little weird, because it had music and all these segments of clips from horror movie. Then the first clip happened which was from Pinhead... I sat back and enjoyed.

This DVD is great on a lot of levels. The only think which sucks is that some of the clips were a little long. But the gore is great. It could have been better. It was short, only 56 minutes. It does have a lot of gore, which was actually pretty cool. Of course what the clips had was something all horror fans have seen before. But here you can see it with out watching the movie. Damn those people at Flix Mix are smart!

The commentary by Robert England kicks ass! that guy is a huge horror fan. This is the best special feature to the movie. But what I hate is that he only talked through the clips, and not the introduction when they show the boogeymen info. That guy is so awesome. I love some of the things he says, some of it is funny as hell.

The movie does have a lot of trailers.To just about every one of the 17 movies it had a trailer for, except Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream, Psycho, and a few others... I think. It does have some for other movies like Jurassic Park 3 and American Pie 2.

What I love is the picture quality. On some clips like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the quality isn't that good. But it's watch able. The sound is decent. Nothing was really bad about the aspects and shit. Some clips were in wide screen, some were in full screen. That's just about it.

Something which they could of done better is the trivia game. The lever moves and a picture gets picked. It's so easy, and after awhile the spinning gets old. They could of done better with that.

In my own opinion this is a must buy for every horror fan. It's really cheap also. Just about 15 bucks.

8/10 stars, good movie

Joy Ride

Joy Ride - 2001

Two brothers (Zahn and Walker) decide to go on a road trip to pick up Venna (Sobieski). On there way they get a CB radio for there car. They soon make a lot of prank calls. Then they called a guy called 'The Rusty Nail' they were joking him, now the jokes are on them.

When I first went in to see the film, I was expecting a stupid movie. Because I thought that the trailer gave away the whole movie. Well I was wrong!!!

The idea of the movie is awesome. I never seen a film as original as this. It kept me interested through out the whole movie. Once it was over, I was like... Wow. I wanted to see it again! The film was just so perfect.

The comedy never failed to make me laugh. I loved the funny jokes they say. All the jokes made the movie life like. I can't explain why. But I loved the part when they walk into the burger place butt naked.

When I thought the comedy was great... Wait till you see the suspense! It's so great, that there's even parts which scared me. It kept me on the edge of my seat. I was guessing what was going to happen next. Just about nothing was predictable. There's just about no gore in the movie. Almost no blood, which made the movie better. It hit a good suspense level. I was just there, seeing everything for the first time. It was excellent.

I wish the movie didn't end when it was. I mean, the film was long yes. I just really wanted to see more, or see it again. It kept me watching. I didn't want to leave. The director will become famous for this movie!

I'm probably going to see it again next week, it was that good!


The Cable Guy

Best Jim Carrey film ever!
The Cable Guy

When a lonely Cable Guy (Jim Carrey) sets up Steven Kovacs (Matthew Broderick) cable, so Steven decides to slip the cable guy $50 for free cable. Then the cable guy then forces Steven to be friends with him. He tries the hardest to make Steven his best friend. But then he no longer wants to be friends with his cable guy. That's when the stalking starts...

Ok, maybe this isn't a horror film. But it's a comedy/thriller/drama. I think it just needs a review for those who haven't seen this, and needs to see it. I bought it Acouple of days ago, and I have seen if more then five times. It literally gets better each time I see it! I don't get why a lot of people hate this film, it's awesome!

The Cable Guy is one of Jim Carrey's best movies to date. I don't get why most people hated this. When I first saw it in the theater I didn't like it... Mainly because I saw it just to see Jim Carrey be off the wall slapstick hilarious. But this is different, so I didn't like it when I first saw it... But each time I saw it after that, it just kept getting better, and better. This film just gets funnier each time you see it. The dark humor is excellent. Every one should give this a second chance if they hated it the first time you see it. It's not really HAHA funny, it's more... He's weird funny. Jim Carrey gives a great performance. We see he is truly insane. The acting is great. I'm not a big fan of Matthew Broderick, but this is still great. Lot's of clever scenes. Jim Carry facial expressions are awesome.

This film has a lot of memorable scenes, and quotes... Some memorable scenes is the part where Jim Carrey sings "Somebody to Love". Another scene is at the medieval times restaurant, let's not forget the basketball part. Let's not forget the whole ending, everything is great! I love it when he is on top of the satellite and he gives his little "The Future is Now" speech. Another great quote is when he says "Dry land is not a myth. I've seen it. Kevin Costner. Waterworld. I don't know what the big fuss is about. I saw that movie nine times. It rules!"

Another thing I love is how the Cable Guy's whole world is like a movie. He thinks just about everything is a movie in his life. He some times gets stuck in the movie world, and he doesn't know what's real or not. This is one of the millions of reasons why this movie is brilliant, and thrilling.

The musical score rocks! I love the song that is playing when he's playing basket ball, and the song that plays when he and Steven fight in Medieval times. Great musical score! This film reminds me about a lot of Hitchcock's films. Excellent thriller.

Lot's of cool cameo's by famous actors. Andy Dick plays as the medieval guy. The director Ben Stiller has a reprising cameo. Great directing by Ben Stiller! Great acting by Jim Carrey. Everything is great!

Ok... The dvd isn't that great. You get a flip sided, for wide screen or full screen. You also get screen selection, and 5.1 Dolby digital. Nothing to special on this dvd. It's to bare bones. They should make a special edition for this great film... It disserves better.

All in all this is a great film. If you haven't seen it, see it. If you have seen it, see it again. If you have seen it and like it, buy it...

10/10 stars. Jim Carrey's best film.


In the early 1990's, before such releases as "Darkman", and "The Silence of the Lambs", when horror films were at an all-time low and we were bombarded with cheesy made for video horror comedies, this odd, but entertaining thriller was released in theaters.

The plot was simple, an all night horror movie marathon is silently stalked by a psychopath who may or may not be a killer from the past who has come to finish what he started, and for that time, highly original. It starts off as

a cheesy horror film, but quickly turns into much more.

The film isn't great, but it is never boring and very suspenseful. The one word I use to describe it is fun. Just the plot in itself is fun. Not only do we get to see loads of people die in somewhat funny ways, but we also get to see recreations of many classic 50's horror films, which are definitely the high points of the film.

The film is wacky, funny, and gory, very reminiscent of the opening in "Scream 2" which makes me wonder if Kevin Williamson ever had an original thought in that brain of his(also see "Happy Birthday to Me") The only weak point of the film is the ending, which was somewhat of a disappointment.

The killer's identity is a shock because it's lacking somewhere. It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but it is useless trying to figure it out, cause it won't make any sense either way. The film is good throughout,

a bit of cheese thrown here and there, but that's what makes it so fun.

It is only the ending that disappoints. Otherwise this is the perfect late night treat, I'd day a must for a group get-together. Very enjoyable and recommended...

Sleepaway Camp

Ok, I was almost certain that I was going to love this even before I saw it. It sounded like my kind of movie and the reviews I read for it really got me pumped up to see it. When it finally hit DVD, I had never been so excited.

After watching, I had never been so disappointed.

The plot is simple, basically, it's a about a group of campers and counselors were are mysteriously killed, except this time the victims are about 12 years old, which I found very annoying. A few twists are thrown in to make the plot a little more original, in most parts succeeding, but failing overall.

The film started off with promise, very intense and suspenseful. Two children are witness to a horrible boating accident which kills one of their fathers. Fast forward a few years and these kids are off to camp, where they soon fall victim to a camp killer, typical slasher stuff.

Overall, the film was executed nicely. Some of the acting was terrible, but that just made the film more fun. It really was suspenseful, and kept me interested. I knew who the killer was before I saw it, but that didn't

matter to me, because the ending was supposed to be very disturbing according to so many reviews. Well, my interest was definitely kept until the end, and up until the final two minutes, this film was above average.

It wasn't until the final 'surprise' that I realized how let down I was. The 'twist' itself was brilliant I must admit, but the way it was done was just so wrong, I couldn't help but be disappointed. I just stared open mouthed at

the screen, waiting for something else to come up, a sign that the movie wasn't over, but the credits started to roll, and it was the end. Shocking? If you don't know how it ends yet, yes it definitely is a creepy 'twist', Disturbing? Not really. Disgusting? Definitely.

So overall, the film wasn't so terrible, but the final moments could have been much better. The film ended too soon and that was one of its flaws. It could have gone on and had it, the rating would have been much higher.

This is definitely a film every horror fan should see once, but it isn't anything great. I still say it is above average than most, but the ending just didn't cut it.

Happy Birthday to Me

If you wonder where Kevin Williamson got his inspiration for "Scream" look no further than this early 80's slasher flick, a more than obvious inspiration to his work. From the opening scene murder to the killer's motive at the end, this film closely resembles not only Scream 1, but also it's sequel. It's a great film, and definitely underrated, although your logic must be put aside to enjoy this one. Once you get to the very weird and twisted ending, you will understand what I mean.

Melissa Sue Anderson of "Little House on the Prairie" fame plays Virginia, a young woman who has just moved back to the tiny town where her mother was killed in a car accident. She makes new friends and is even asked to join the campus "Top Ten", an elite group of the most populat students. For the first time in her life Virginia feels like she fits in and things couldn't be better for her.

She is unaware of the fact however, that an unknown psycho is slowly murdering all of her friends, one by one. Soon, the film begins to ask the question, "Is Virginia the next victim, or is she the murderer?" Ever since the accident, Melissa has been blacking out and she has trouble remembering the past few minutes of her life once she wakes up. Each time she blacks out, a murder is committed. And just when you think you know who the killer is, think again, the ending is really twisted. Never believe what you see as the film tends to trick the audience.

As one of the film's pre-release taglines said, "You will not be able to sit during the final ten minutes of this film." The final minutes are very suspenseful indeed and a real trick to the eyes. You are not really seeing what you think so watch carefully.... One thing I didn't like about this film, besides the completely silly and implausible revelation of the killer, which is not so bad as much as it is impossible, is the length of the film.

At almost two hours, this is definitely too long for an 80's slasher flick and could have been cut down. Other than that this is a great flick, really suspenseful, creepy and totally unpredictable. I do recommend this film for a late night viewing.


It's all good
It took me over two years to give this film a chance. I'm the type of person who watches movies for entertainment and hates to be bored. Made in the late 70's by director Alfred Sole, I wasn't so sure if this film would be in my taste range. After reading many positive reviews on the film, I decided to give it a shot, and I was pleasantly surprised. The film is never boring and the suspense is terrific.

It starts with a bang and ends the same way. Paula Sheppard plays Alice, a hot-headed and grumpy problem child who lives with her adorable little sister Karen, played by Brooke Shields, and single mom. When Karen is murdered during her first communion and Alice takes her place in line, suspicion immediately falls upon her as the murderer. Even her aunt begins to suspect Alice. This brings Alice's estranged father to town for an investigation to prove his daughter's innocence.

Meanwhile, the killer, wearing a yellow slicker and doll's mask continues the rein of terror, as he begins to target Alice's family. This is not a typical slasher film as it mixes elements of Catholicism that become essential to the film. That doesn't really matter though, as the film is a terrific whodunit. You find yourself wondering if Alice really is the killer or not. Not trying to give anything away, the revelation truly is a shocking one, as are most of the death scenes in the film. Some of them are just so unexpected and very well done. The performances are also exceptionally good, especially that of 19 year old Paula Sheppard who plays the 12 year old Alice. This is definitely a film I recommend to anyone looking for a slasher film. It is so different than many others out there, delivering more shocks and thrills than any other film of that time.

Originally released as "Communion", it was later released under this title to cash in on Brooke Shields' popularity after the film "Pretty Baby". Also released in 1981 as "Holy Terror", this film is intelligent and entertaining. It truly is ahead of it's time. Highly recommended.

Black Christmas

Must See
I'm sure by now that everyone has heard how good this movie is, and they have heard right. This is one of the best early slasher films out there, if not THE best.The thing that makes this film so great is the fact that it came before them all and was the first slasher film to use all of the conventions we know so well. In the opening, we watch through the eyes of the killer as he circles a house where a group of sorority girls are having a party. We heard his heavy breathing as he climbs up the trellis of the house and enters through the attic, events we have seen countless times afterward. Thus begins the film, which captivated me from that one scene and didn't make me lose my interest until the powerful finale. From the first phone call immediately following that scene, to the killer's heavy voice at the end as a shot of the house is shown, this is a stylish and suspenseful film. As usual, lovely Olivia Hussey delivers a wonderful performance and so does Margot Kidder as a foul mouthed and drunken sorority sister. One by one the sisters are stalked by the psychopath and he could be just about anyone. Hussey even begins to suspect that her boyfriend has something to do with the murders, but as the audience knows, the suspects never end up being killers. Full of weird and frightening phone calls, some great performances and clever dialogue, this is thrilling and truly original horror film, one of the first of it's kind, which makes it better than ever. This has been an obvious inspiration for numerous slashers out there, including Halloween, which was originally planned as a sequel to this film. This is a masterpiece of tension and a truly horrifying experience. The unconventional ending is also a plus and a very unexpected way to end the film. Turn off the lights, grab a bowl of popcorn and enjoy. This is a definite must see...

Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D.

I love Troma!!!
Yes... Troma, the longest lasting indipendent film studio ever... And this film is one of there MANY pieces of art. This film is really silly, but really funny. "Oh great, first I got kissed by a man, now I'm wearing a dress." GREAT quote! Troma is the best studio ever made! I don't know why people hate this movie. If has so many classic scenes...

10/10 AWESOME!!!

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