
IMDb member since April 2020
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Ronny Chieng: Speakeasy

Repeated the same sentences for too many times
On multiple occasions, he repeated the same sentence for too many times. I think the show would be better if it's not that repetitive. I like his previous special better.

Folk med ångest

A very moving story
Gripping plots. Great acting. A very moving story. A bit funny at the beginning too. Don't skip it just because it's not in English. I binged it in one setting. It's not that long so it's great for binging.

El inocente

Twisted plot--captivating!
I spent two nights watching it. I have been interested in this series ever since I watched its trailer, when I realized Mat and Dani's mom have appeared in The Invisible Guest too. I don't like the sexual violence and brutal murder scenes. I just covered my eyes with my hands until they were done. I knew that Jaime was up to something at the beginning, cuz he just looked so horrifying and every time he appeared, my stomach cringed. I feel so bad for Kimmy though. She' such a good girl, but Emma and Olivia left her behind and now she's burning in her hatred. Honestly, if they had told her the truth, all of this wouldn't happen. Because the reason why Emma and Olivia were found is because Kimmy hired the retired cop to investigate Candace's death. I wonder why they had to take the tapes with them. Sure it is some kind of insurance, but if they hadn't taken the tapes, that cop in the Special Crime Unit would lose the motivation and reason to find them.

The Truman Show

The most original plot I've ever seen
My boyfriend recommended this movie to me. The plot is so unique. It kept me interested from the beginning to the end. I can emphasize with the protagonist a lot. It is entertaining sometimes while sad at other times. Really love the ending. Would watch again.

The Map of Tiny Perfect Things

not great but enjoyable enough to watch on a Friday night
I think this movie would be nice for a relaxing Friday night

Yakusoku no Neverland

This is soooo good!!!! I watched all the episodes of season 1 in two days!
This show went better and better as it goes. It's highly addictive. Each kid is so lovable. There are a lot of twists to the plot but the show also does a good job laying ground for these twists, so they do not feel forced. Highly recommended. Btw the music for the last episode is so good!!

Boku dake ga inai machi

suspenseful and warm
This show will always have a special spot in my heart. It is very suspenseful. Yet the interaction between people is so warm. I plan to watch it again.

Shigatsu wa kimi no uso

So emotional and great music
At first I thought it would just be a cliche love triangle among middle school students. But I was wrong. This is more than that. The music is so good and emotional. The plot is good too. It's just that it's so sad that I almost cried my eyes out even though I'm already 24 now.

The Undoing

The ending is so disappointing
I thought there would be big twists in the last episode considering there are so many things unexplained in the previous episodes. But no twists!!!!!! Jonathan is the murderer. Ugh I even waited the entire week for the ending. This show is a waste of my time.


suspenseful until the very end
Kept my attention until the very end. Such a great movie.

Dead to Me

Dark, funny, unexpected and moving at the same time!
Definitely my favorite show!!! Finished it in a week. I love Jen so much. The friendship between Judy and Jen is so moving. And I love Jen's curse too haha.

Kamera o tomeru na!

unexpected, funny and moving
I watched this movie with my boyfriend. He has watched it before and said it was so good. I watched the first 30 minutes and I was like "what? are you kidding me?" I almost stopped watching it. But as the movie proceeded, oh my god it was so good. The plot is so original, funny and moving at the same time. A masterpiece.

Athlete A

The shocking truth
I cannot believe how corrupt the US Gymnastics is after watching the documentary. The pain the victims have suffered is heartbreaking for me. I really admire those women who stood out and wish them all the best.

Hagane no renkinjutsushi

Unbelievably Good
My boyfriend recommended this anime show to me. I watched 37 episodes and then gave up, because I don't quite get what is going on. Since now I have more leisure time, I picked it up from where I left, and I'm so glad that I did this. After episode 37, the pace of the show is significantly faster. I binged watching the rest of the show in two days. Many characters that appeared before have returned, so I understand each of the character's role better. The plot is well written, you could find the clue to the plot development in the previous episodes. All the characters are well developed. The logic is so coherent, and the music is great. I recommended watching the Japanese version with English subtitles.

Yangguang puzhao

A moving story about a family
The actors and actresses are very good. A touching story. Unexpected ending.


It would be best if you don't research anything before watching the movie. I watched the movie knowing absolutely nothing and it completely blew my mind!!! At the second half of the movie, there is a twist every five minutes. So good!

Ronny Chieng: Asian Comedian Destroys America

Hilarious and Enjoyable
I really enjoyed the part about the doctor, the dietary restrictions and the subway.

Jimmy O. Yang: Good Deal

Super hilarious
My favorite parts are when he mimics his mom and dad.


A true representation of Chinese family
Tiger Tail is a slow, poignant movie. It's a representation of the immigrants from Taiwan to the US around 70s. What they thought America was, how they longed to come to America, yet only to find it is nothing like their imagination. How they worked so hard in the US, and yet lost the ability to communicate well with their family. I like the depiction of the relationship of Angela and her father. The conversations are great. I like the ending.

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