
IMDb member since May 2001
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    IMDb Member
    23 years


The Sifl & Olly Show

this show is just brilliant. Its mtv's fault for yanking it. It never got a chance to truely be good. Up until now I didnt know such a brilliant and funny show could be made on such a small budget and with friggin sock puppets. chester was the man. god I loved this show. (@#&*$ mtv!

That's My Bush!

Most people dont understand..
The first time I saw this show, I thought it was terrible. And it is. But you have to understand the underlying genius behind this show for you to 'get it'. Stone and parker are not trying to make a respectable show here, hell, they arent even making a decent show. In fact, this isnt really a show at all. I mean, it has plotlines and scripts and cameras and stuff, but the whole reason why this show exists is to make fun of every other stupid sitcom, which is why its so friggin lame. Think about it, its only just began and they have the wacky neighbor, the special guest star (Charlton Heston), the very special episodes (i.e. the death penalty morality lesson). They could have hitler join the cast, and it wouldn't end. That's how good this sitcom spoof is!

Basically what I'm trying to say is this show is so absolutely god awful, that its entertaining, and its so god awful because its based on the cliche's of other sitcom's! get it? this show is just one, huge joke. But a good joke.

Dumb and Dumber

just plain funny
this film isn't masquerading as something its not, its dumb, but its entertaining, which is the whole reason to watch a movie in the first place. A great way to kill some time or to cheer you up when you're feeling depressed, I loved this movie. Who cares if its 'dumb'.

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