
IMDb member since April 2020
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It Really Grows On You!
Like many people who watch this show, i'm very fond of Spider Man and have definitely read some of the comics! I absolutely love him and although this show takes a different turn when it comes to how Spidey does things, as it's more science-based compared to past Spider-Man shows, that doesn't mean that you should turn your back on it. Give the show a shot and eventually it will grow on you (hopefully).

I might go a bit on a ramble here, but I don't really get why this show gets so bad reviews! I mean sure, it's not as close to the comics as some cartoons, but that's being done for a reason! If all of the cartoons were the same then Spider Man would become a character that just becomes repetitive, you wouldn't get anything new out of him.

I see these new cartoons that give him something a bit new more like a 'What If' type of series. What different adventures would he encounter here because he thinks more like this and goes to this school? What new problems will arise from it? The events could become endless! You just have to give it a shot.

Now you might be wondering why I didn't give it a 10/10 if i'm so fond of the show. Well there are some things that I can agree on when it comes to people who don't like the show. One BIG thing that hit me is that it seems like Spidey isn't doing things as solo as he used to like he did in the comics. He's definitely getting a lot more help from his friends to a point where they /almost/ overshadow him. That part sort of throws me for a loop because this is Spider-Man and he knows how to kick butt by himself and without the extra help and someone telling him how to do his job.

But take into the fact that THIS IS A KID'S SHOW. By watching a lot of the episodes, this show encourages teamwork and working with others, which is no doubt a good trait to learn as doing things by yourself a lot isn't always the best thing. The fighting might not be as graphic as you want it to be because this is Disney and they don't want to start exposing the young ones to crazy fights. I wish the fighting animation was more action-packed, but with that thought in mind i'm actually pretty happy with it.

That's the bad part, but luckily the series is getting to a point where the plot is getting darker, the story is going deeper again into who Spider-Man is and why he does what he does. Clashes between characters are amazing and I have to admit that the art style isn't half bad. Just like the show, the art style and animation improves as the series continues on and same goes with the action!

As stated before, you just have to experience the series past the first three episodes and then you'll start seeing why I admire it so much. If you get at least past those pilot episodes then you can really start saying that you know how the series is. Don't judge a book by its first few pages. Take time to get to know it!

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