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Tom Hanks movies always worth viewing
I knew little else about this drama than that this pilot landed a fully loaded commercial airliner in the drink with no fatalities. I had to know the story behind the headlines and knew the combo of Clint Eastwood and Tom Hanks would not disappoint. It was very interesting to see the actual drama played out in detail which included the main characters and also some of the passengers. Heartening to know there are great aircraft pilots out there with the experience to adequately handle the unexpected. In an unpredictable world, that's a great comfort.

An Uncommon Grace

Mystery, Romance and Drama--well done
I like Hallmark for many of its good, clean movies and especially those with a plausible story line. I appreciate the romance in this one which was more believable than the 24 hour 'this is the love of a lifetime' fare which is sometimes served up. I appreciated that this movie demonstrated that there are differing sects amongst the Amish each with its own rules and regulations and the tensions that can and do result--wisely and sensitively depicted. We also see the Amish at their best and yes, at their worst as well. It is in the context of their community, but it applies to us as well outside that community in our own contexts, causing one to reflect. It was heartening to see the main characters eventually sort out their place in their individual new normals. Loved Grace and her Amish beau. Beautifully acted by this pair.

Love Finds You in Charm

Sweet, delightful, refreshing
Does everything we see on the screen have to be glaringly and so called realistic. Maybe for some but not for me. I certainly don't mind a good dose of sweet, delightful and refreshing. Here is a young Amish girl, naive about the world outside of the confines of her community and longing to know what is on the outside. And there is a handsome young Amish fellow who loves her but is wise enough to allow her the room to make her own choices. This movie is well acted and thought provoking with a plausible story line. Okay, our Amish heroine does have plucked eyebrows and is lacking the Amish accent but can we overlook that for the sake of the message the movie is delivering? I think so. And I do love our heroine's purity--a rarity in today's world and nice to know that the innocence of her sort does exist.

God's Not Dead

A good job for apologetics
Read some of the reviews from both Christians and non and am frankly quite surprised at the very negative reactions. What happened to the American open mind? A dying art? The young student, I thought, gave solid arguments and credible evidence in the presentation of his belief in God. And yes, I agree that although not all atheists, agnostics or non religious folk hate God, there are those who do--as the professor depicted in this film. I have friends like him who because God did not answer their prayers for a terminally ill loved one, have turned against their Creator and, yes, even hate God. So it is not at all far fetched that this professor could have the same reaction to the death and loss of his mother to cancer when he was a young boy. The fact that the young uni student took a great risk in deciding to defend his faith because he felt convicted that God was leading him to do this made one consider the depth of their own commitment. He could so easily have ditched the class or complied with the instructor's request. But like Daniel of old when he faced the Lions Den for worshiping and praying to his God openly, as was his custom, so this young man took the risk to his academic future. Despite family and friends urging him to take the easy way out, he stood firm for his faith with heartening results. Cheesy? I will concede that I did think the scenes with the professor's girlfriend were rather over the top. But the rest of the movie I certainly consider thought provoking and well done.

Bridge of Spies

Tom Hanks at his usual best
Loved this film for its history (I was a teenager during the early stages of the Cold War and remember well the feeling in America during the early 60's). I so enjoy a historical/legal drama and this movie certainly satisfies in that arena. Tom Hanks is brilliant as the attorney who becomes progressively enmeshed in nail biting, high level spy trading negotiations. Mark Rylance as the Russian spy gave a memorable performance for which he deserved an Oscar. One felt such pathos surrounding this spy who in the end, whether he was convicted in America or sent back to his homeland in a spy trade, was in a no win situation. For the attorney played by Tom Hanks, he apparently became quite an asset in negotiating international deals for the Kennedy administration.

Woman in Gold

Brilliant movie
If Helen Mirren is starring, you know the movie is worth seeing. The acting, story line, script, suspense are all first class. The reality of the horror of WWII: the genocide committed against the Jewish people, the splitting of families, the confiscation of their properties, the young couple escaping Nazi held territory by a razor thin margin left me breathless with dread and anticipation. That, of course, brilliantly set us up for the trial which granted Maria Altmann (Helen Mirren) the right to claim back this family treasure--so much so that the entire audience broke out into enthusiastic applause. Artfully and masterfully done. Was it worth it all in the end. You be the judge.


I recently read the tome "O Jerusalem!" by historical writers Larry Collins and Dominique LaPierre in which they also present the very important part Harry S Truman played in the recognition of the state of Israel in 1948. I was therefore interested to view the movie "Truman" to see if it would accurately portray the relationship between Truman and his very good friend and Jewish business partner Eddie Jacobsen. Although this was not a movie about Truman's position on the Jewish State, it's what got me interested in viewing it including the fact that I respect Gary Sinise as a very fine actor and wanted to see how he would portray Truman. He did not disappoint. He did a superb job in this role, honestly depicting a President who played a pivotal role in American history--a role thrust upon him but which he very ably filled. Diana Scarwid as Bess Truman was also superb. I loved her line to the female press who interviewed her when she first came to Washington. These eager reporters were expecting the access to Bess Truman that they had enjoyed with Eleanor Roosevelt. Bess, who hated the limelight, was clearly uncomfortable during her interview and when pointedly asked if this interview would be the first of many, Bess Truman set them straight that this would be the first, and the last! Brilliant movie, excellent acting and a very accurate portrayal of the historical characters and the era in which they lived and exercised profound influence.

Borrowed Hearts

Fanciful, well acted and fun
Yes this is one of those feel good movies. The characters are predictable but not puerile. Kathleen's young daughter is quite precocious but not unpalatable to an American audience. I can't shake the image of Roma Downey from "Touched by an Angel" and can see glimpses of that character in her portrayal of Kathleen. Eric, who plays the unsuspecting bachelor, and Senor Del Campo (sp?), who plays the businessman from Mexico, negotiating for the sale of Eric's company, make this movie.

Loving Leah

Lovely story, well written and well acted
I am not Jewish but am familiar with the Scriptures that refer to the type of marriage portrayed so interestingly in this film. Jake and Leah approach this relationship from two very different worlds, Leah being observant and Jake, secular. Curiously, although the 'observant' Jewish order observes this 'form' of their religion, it has become a ritual devoid of substance, following the letter but not the spirit. In contrast, Jake, being totally secular identifies with the true spirit of this custom. He doesn't know where that decision will take him and it is both amusing and heartening to observe how Jake and Leah find each other. It is also instructive to see the interplay of secular, reformed and observant Jewish culture in America. The story line is admittedly fanciful but nonetheless well written, very well acted and worth viewing.


Sorely Disappointed
Having read biographies on Winston Churchill and the Churchill family, I looked forward to viewing this movie which I mistakenly thought would be accurately portraying the man and the events surrounding WWII. No hero is without his faults, but this film's characterization of Churchill is an outright travesty of the truth. The writers of this drama have made Churchill look like a totally out of touch, bumbling, drunken, sidelined buffoon. What was the creator's purpose in doing this? Surely anyone connected with producing this movie has read their history, which leads me to consider this a direct attempt to malign our heroes. That is regrettable.


A Tribute to one of our Greatest Presidents
I saw this movie 3 times! I NEVER do that. But it was so very brilliant I had to see it again, and then one more time. And of course, each time I caught something I had missed. The first time, one is doing their best to keep up with the story line. But in a story of substance which is rendered so artfully and sensitively, subsequent viewing allows one to pick up the nuances and contemplate its message. And I learned a lot. That Lincoln was a very skillful and savvy politician. No doubt a skill honed during his years as a practicing attorney. I also didn't realise that close to the end of the war, Lincoln was presented with a very tempting offer by the South to end the war but which would allow the so called Confederate states to carry on as usual. But he chose to push through to make his Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 a reality. A political gamble he won, but just. By a hair and at a time when his entire cabinet was pressuring him to do otherwise, to take the easy way out. Daniel Day Lewis as Lincoln was beyond brilliant. Also loved the story telling scenes. And his Secretary of State who would get so tried with him, failing to realise it was Lincoln's stress release. Day Lewis also took great pains to imitate what history books described as Lincoln's vocal pitch and manner of speaking. And the scenes with Mary Lincoln were superb. Sally Field made an exceptional performance--the interchange between her and her husband over the death of their young son was one of the movies' very memorable scenes.

The Chosen

Beyond Brilliant
Epic achievement and I look forward to the next series. Wow. Can hardly wait! God has blessed you Dallas with an incomparable gift in creating and directing this series. Thank you for working so hard, for trusting God for the outcome and blessing us with the result. When Jesus appeared in the first episode I just wept. The LORD has anointed Jonathan in playing the role of Jesus. I can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit especially in the miracle scenes and even more so in the healing scenes. We have seen many depictions of the life and ministry of Jesus on film but nothing like this. The actors and actresses are superb and I love the character development of each disciple. Dallas, may you continue to be led by and have the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. He knows what is to come, and you will too brother. Bless you.

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