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LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales

An awful unfunny cashgrab
This "movie", if one could even call it that, is horrendous. It lasts 44 minutes but feels like 44 hours. Its among the style of Creepshow in that it is a " scary" movie with segments. Though I must note one should not compare Lego Star Wars Terrifying Tales to Creepshow. There's a very big difference between the two and I didn't expect them to be the same. The voice acting is often horrible and the animation is occasionally choppy. Which could be excusable if the stories were any good. However I can barely recall the stories due to how boring, unfunny and unoriginal it is. The only one I can recall is one were Luke joins Vader on the dark side and father and son bond! Oh boy! How exciting! Ignore Lego Star Wars Terrifying Tales. Its just another bland cash grab Lego movie like that of The Lego Ninjago Movie.

American Ninja Warrior Junior

I only watched it because my friend was on it
I only watched this show because my friend was on it. She unfortunately failed and didn't make it past the qualifiers. But the show is really awful. They try to make it interesting I guess (?) by talking a lot about what some of the kids like. And if they dont think the kid's interesting enough, they completely ignore them. I'm not even joking. However the worst part of the show is undoubtedly how in one episode the kid said he wanted to be president. So what do they do?

A: Mention how he wants to be president and ask what some of his policies would be B: Force him to compete in a business suit and tie in the burning heat where he falls into water, thus ruining the suit if he fails an obstacle and make mind dumbing comments about how they "want to work in his white house" and completely ignore how he obviously knows nothing about politics and has no real reason to wanting to be president CONGRATULATIONS!



Don't like this show. Don't watch it.

Attaway General

Who looked at this script and was like "Yea we should green light this"?
Oh my god oh my god oh my god.




Awful acting I can't stand any of them they're all terrible who thought these untalented tiktok stars should have their own show??! Whenever the writers try to move the pace they have a character randomly faint. Cause people faint sometimes, right?

Hey, what if I inject myself with this person's blood? That's medicine, right?


Full House: My Left and Right Foot
Episode 15, Season 8

Worst episode of a bad tv show
Full House's My Left and Right Foot is easily the worst episode of the full house show. Its unfunny and extremely cringeworthy. I can't watch the episode without cringing. Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen are awful actors, which is to be expected since they're children but they come off as so cocky and rude that I enjoy seeing them frightened. Frightened of what?

Michelle's feet are growing. You know because that's how it works? You grow up and your body usually grows with you so obviously you won't be able to fit your old shoes anymore.

Michelle does not understand this. How? I don't know. How has she not been held back in school? I don't know that either. But I do know if you're a fan of the show and rewatching episodes, skip this one. You'll thank me later.

Only Murders in the Building

Okay this is getting a little too much hate
I expected an amazing comedy series when I first watched this show and to be honest I wasn't entirely disappointed. Sometimes its really funny other times its kinda dull. I figured out the killer around halfway through so that was also a little disappointing. But everyone's acting excluding Selena Gomez's characters mom, is really good. I think Selena Gomez fits the show perfectly and it wouldn't be the same if someone else was in the role. However, the ending with the murder of Bunny really didn't make much sense. And every character looks angrily at Short, Martin, and Gomez as though they believe them to be the killers even the characters Arnav and Oscar! Arnav is clearly good friends with Martin so why the hell would he believe him to have killed someone? And Oscar looks at them, THE PEOPLE WHO CLEARED HIS NAME AND PROVED HIM INNOCENT OF MURDER LIKE THEYVE BETRAYED HIM!

Pretty good overall though the ending clearly was just a way to segue into a second season.

Wendy: The Wendy Williams Show

An awful show hosted by a worse person
Wendy Williams surprises me every time I watch her show by how rude she is. She made fun of a rapper's appearance before saying that he DIED, insulted her guests, specifically Joaquin Phoenix and has never shown any resemblance of being nice or kind. While she's not the worst tv host in the world, she's definitely up there. Just Google Wendy Williams Controversy and read what the results are. Only then can you get a glimpse of how rude a person she truly is.

Descendants: The Royal Wedding

Unbelievably bad even by Disney Channel standards
Where to start with this? The animation is choppy, unfinished and extremely cheap. At points I thought Disney Plus was lagging but that's just the way the characters move! Everyone sounds incredibly uninterested in the recording booth like they are literally phoning in their lines. At least they didn't replace Cameron Boyce but there's a point in this short where Mal says she misses him but then there's absolutely no explanation where he is or what happened to him! You can't just start saying something like that then not bring it up again! I can understand Disney not wanting to straight out say a character died in a kids movie but has Disney forgotten about Don Bluth's films? Or Disney's own movies in which characters die including Bambi, The Great Mouse Detective, Oliver and Company, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves,Finding Nemo, Dumbo(2019), The lion king, etc. The main conflict of the movie is solved in like seven minutes leaving the characters pretty much doing whatever for the final 20 minutes. Disney Plus and Disney Channel have had many bad movies and shows over the years but this one might take the cake for the worst. If they were gonna kill off Carlos they should've just made an actual 4th live action movie.

The Great North

Surprisingly funny
I was very pleasantly surprised when I watched this show. I expected it to be a bland and forgettable show, but actually found myself laughing throughout it! Nick Offerman is hilarious, as usual and I love Will Forte and Jenny State's characters as well. I highly recommend it!

Tucker Carlson Tonight

A liar who doesn't care what happens to his viewers as long as they listen to him
Tucker Carlson is a liar. He lies about Covid. He lies about vaccines. He lies about democracy. He lies. His lies indirectly kill people. He doesn't care. He continues lying. Do not listen to this person. Do not fall victim to his lies.

The Prince

A good idea executed horribly
I love satire. Many of my favorite movies and shows are satires. So that's why I'm so disappointed when I see a bad one. I love Our Cartoon President, and The Prince seems to be another version of it, this time mocking the royal family, and lets be honest, there's a lot of good material they could use! But sadly none of what they did to mock them is that funny. And in other comparisons to Our Cartoon President, this show's animation is pretty good, except on certain characters in which its just plain awful. You can make good satires nowadays and you can make them around real people. But sadly The Prince doesn't live up to what it could have been and what many of us probably expected from it. That being said, there are some chuckle-worthy moments. But they don't last long. The Prince is an interesting show, but it sadly falls flat when it actually comes to executing their comedy.


I Was In The Lobby And I Heard You Drowning....
Scoop is certainly an underrated movie and one of Woody Allen's best. Allen manages to perfectly make the audience feel suspense, or start howling with laughter at any given moment. And its an interesting role to see Hugh Jackman play. This movie contains one of what I believe to be best scenes in a movie ever when Scarlett Johansson and Woody Allen walk slowly to the apartment building as we hear someone screaming, "There's been another murder!" as all we hear is the woman's screaming and sobbing and the slow footsteps of everyone walking to the building. The way this scene is shot is amazing and really makes you feel the danger the characters feel, and get the feeling you're there with them watching the events unfold. I do however have 1 complaint. Woody Allen's character dies, and for seemingly no reason! One could argue it was so Scarlett Johansson could get Hugh Jackman confessing on tape, but Woody Allen already had evidence that he was the killer. So why did Allen's character die? Aside for that this movie is fantastic and a must watch!

Out of Jimmy's Head

This is terrible
My brother and I are very into lost media. We enjoy watching old movies and shows that were once lost. But this show is just the worst. I wish it was never found. I don't understand this show! WHY IS HIS SISTER AN ALIEN?! WHY IS SHE DATING A WEREWOLF?! WHO IS THE CREEPY GUY CREATING MONSTERS AND ROBOTS IN THEIR HOUSE?! WHY IS IT PEOPLE UNDERSTAND HE SEES CARTOONS? WHY IS THERE AN ANNOYING MAFIA KID RUNNING THE SCHOOL?! WHY IS EVERY ADULT AN IDIOT? THIS SHOW IS TERRIBLE. DO. NOT. WATCH.

Bailey's Billion$

This film is trash, trash, trash
That's a bit of a clever (and clean) reference if you've seen the movie. Its pretty boring for the most part and Jon Lovitz sounds like he doesn't want to be there. The best part is of course Tim Curry. But there are only 3 moments I actually remember from the movie and I only laughed twice. Its a pretty boring,forgettable early 2000s comedy. If you come across it, I'd recommend skipping watching it.

Our Cartoon President

Waiting for a fourth season...on Biden
I love satire and Stephen Colbert so this show is perfect for me. Its one of my all time favorite shows mocking my least favourite president. I love how it can poke fun at Republicans and Democrats, most shows only go after one or the other. The animation isn't terrible like people say either! And its truly impressive how fast they can make an episode of this show! After the first debate of 2020 an episode mocking it came out only 12 hours later! I'd love to see them poke fun at Biden during season 4, they'll still have a lot of good material to use! I can absolutely see it continuing exactly after season 3 ends with trump losing the election. And this show is just perfect at mocking each politician! Definitely hoping for season 4!

The Mirror Crack'd

I love the majority of agatha Christie movies I've seen,(murder on the orient express 1970s,ten little Indians 1970s, the crooked house, and The Original Death on The Nile) but The mirror Crackd and evil under the sun( both directed by Guy Hamilton) are pretty terrible. For these movies I was able to discover the plot and villains almost instantly. However,what saved this movie from a 3 or 4 rating from me,was the solution to how the murder was played out. However I knew Rock Hudson was a killer all along( though technically he killed the murderer so...) but other than that a really forgettable and bland movie.


Very funny
I laughed at lot more at this movie than I expected. For starters I actually laughed! I thought this was gonna be another terrible john candy movie,(Canadian Bacon,The Great Outdoors,Once Upon A Crime) but this actually turned into a great satire of soap operas! I don't understand why this movie is hated so much! Definitely give it a watch if you find it. You won't be disappointed.

Lil' Bush: Resident of the United States

I can't believe this exists! Listen,I'm all for hating on politicians,some of my favorite films and shows are satires on politics, but this show is just terrible! How did someone even come up with a concept like this!? How did they get Tim Meadows in it?! These are questions you will likely ask as you watch Lil Bush: Resident of the United States. Will you get any answers? No. Will you laugh? No. Will you like the characters? No. Why? Because this show is terrible and never should've been made.


I am a movie buff, and I can say this wasn't exactly a"treat", for me
Hugo is often highly recommended and loved by many who've seen it. Which is why my family and I were, intrigued to watch it. However what we got was no where near what was promised. Instead of a family film everyone will love,we got an unexpectedly long and very boring movie. And with such great actors and crew I don't understand how that happened. Maybe this movie buff just didn't understand it. Oh well,....

La La Land

Why did it get so much love?
To this day 5 whole years after the movie came out, (man has it flown bye) I still don't quite understand why people love it so much. Its not a bad movie but its not great either. In fact this has to be one of the most mediocre movies I've ever seen. I love a good musical, but none of these songs are memorable, and the plot and characters are all very cliche. And the "twist" that everyone was raving about isn't even that good. On the bright side the movie features a lot of jazz music, Ryan Gosling, some very good acting performances,one of the most memorable openings to a movie I've ever seen,(though I still don't remember the song),Ryan Gosling, Ryan Gosling,and Ryan Gosling. I can't say I hate it, but its definitely worth at least one watch.

The Amazing Spider-Man

Worst Superhero Movie Ever
Well im not positive on that,I haven't seen the sequel yet. But the amazing spider man is bad. Its boring and long. We all knew Gwen's dad was gonna die. We also get to see just how the movie is going to be by very early on having Peter steal a mans identity and watch as the man is dragged away by security for trying to get into OsCorp without an I.d. So great starting point! Gwen Stacy is also unlikable, in my opinion. Mary Jane is a much more interesting character. But they'd used her in the Toney Maguire movies so off limits. This movie is trying so hard to be better than Spider Man(2002) but it fails so hard. It tries to separate itself from the movie by trying not to use any characters from that trilogy. However Andrew Garfield isn't as interesting to watch as Spiderman as Tobey Maguire is. The Lizard easily discovers Peter is spider man in a really dumb way too. Peter leaves his name on the back of a camera that he was using to film himself as Spiderman. Just wow. I can't tear it apart that well simply because I'm bad at that do I instead suggest you watch The Amazing Spider Man Pitch Meeting on YouTube it tears this trash film apart great.

Pitch Meetings

Reviewing this show is super easy, barely an inconvenience!
This show is great but I really dont like the channel it gets posted on. Ryan George should just start posting it on his own channel. And you could argue every video is the same but I'm gonna need you to get ALLLLLLLLL the way off my back about this thing being all the same.

Life's a Jungle: Africa's Most Wanted

Certainly one of the most boring movies ever
Life's a Jungle:Africa's most wanted is shamlessly trying to capitalize on the success of the Madagascar franchise. It was made to ripoff the third film, Madagascar: Europe's Most Wanted, despite having nothing to do with the Madagascar movies at all. This animation is easily worse then that of Food fight!(2012) and has a script worse than that of almost any movie I've ever seen. This movie nearly put me to sleep and I having seen over 1000 films and shows find it impressive that such a boring movie could be made. Its nearly 2 hours long! And I only made it in 20 minutes! This is easily among the worst ripoffs of all time,the worst animated movies of all time,the most boring movies of all time and just simply the worst movies of all time. Do not waste your time trying to watch this.

Canadian Bacon

An unique premise that sadly falls flat
Canadian Bacon has the most hilarious premise I have ever heard. John Candy and Rhea Perlman star in this movie about the president staging a war with Canada in order to get himself more liked by the public to win reelection. The movie stars John Candy in one of his last roles,with Rhea Perlman, Alan Alda, Rip Torn, and Wallace Shawn. Now this movie could be really good. Or it could be really bad. You know that going in,its called Canadian Bacon for Gods sake. But sadly most of the jokes fall flat and the movie starts to seem like it was written by a teen trying to be "cool",what with all the swearing,drinking,and violence jokes. These jokes could have done well in other movies, and they have been but once again they all fall flat. By the end of the credits,you'll have forgotten this movie almost immediately. Because its that forgettable. It just ends up as another disappointing John Candy movie like The Great Outdoors or Once Upon A Crime. All in all, its worth a watch,but you probably won't be watching it again any time soon.

Raven's Home

Wow Disney channel got bad
What happened? Disney channel used to be good(ish) but this is just complete garbage! I remember watching trailers for this show when it was coming out and every trailer had the one kid wearing a bra. THEY WERE THAT PROUD OF THAT JOKE. THAT THEY PUT IT. IN EVERY TRAILER. that's not a funny joke Disney. No one ever found it funny. Its just cringe worthy. That's the whole show actually. Cringe worthy.


Extremely Underrated
Dilbert is one of my all time favorite tv shows. I have no clue how this show only got two seasons! They could still be running it now and it would still be pumping out hilarious office jokes! This show ranks among my all time favorites and the all time best adult animated shows with The Simpson's, Futurerama, Our Cartoon President, and Baby Blues. This show is a must watch for fans of the comic, or fans of office comedies(office space/the office(U.S.)/the office(U.K.)/Newsradio /Head Office)! Extremely underrated,and one of the best shows of all time!

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