
IMDb member since August 2006
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    17 years


The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle

A goof which caused hilarity in UK cinemas
There is one hilarious goof in this delightful film. When Irene and Vernon are having dinner in the Parisian restaurant in which they are to make their debut Irene is wearing her wedding dress as they are too broke to afford to buy her a new evening dress, She is also wearing a little lacy winged hat of the type worn in the national costume of Holland.

In England there were gales of laughter when Irene says "I feel just like a bride again in my wedding dress and my little Dutch cap." In the UK a Dutch cap is a female contraceptive device which I believe is called a "diaphragm" in USA.

Cradle Will Rock

A wonderful film. If only we could have a film version of the musical itself
I suppose I loved this film because I was in the first British production Of The Cradle Will Rock at London's Unity Theatre in 1951 and the film brought back poignant memories of my salad days. Our production was brought about by a phonograph record which described the events in the film, the theatre lock out and the success of John Houseman and Orson Wells in getting it on stage. We loved the music and Bill Owen directed it for a very successful production. It's so rare these days to get an adult film in cinemas that this was a rare treat. My only regret is that so much of the wonderful music and especially the wonderful lyrics in the original show were either omitted or truncated. I only wish that some film producer had the courage (and the money)to make a film version of the original show. So much of it is still apposite today, like Reverend Salvation's religious justification for an unnecessary war.

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