
IMDb member since May 2020
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Rise of the Guardians

Words cannot do this film justice
This is a beautiful film. First of all, it was made for an executive producer's late daughter, Mary Katherine Joyce, who wrote a book series called "Guardians of Childhood", based off of stories her father would tell her. That alone is incredible.

The voice acting is astounding, the plot encapsulating, and the animation holds up to today's. The tension is actual tension! And I rarely feel for characters in films. The diversity in character design and personality helps to give each character their own, well, character! I love this movie and probably always will. It's my number one film, that's for sure. It holds everything a child could ever want, so many kinds of magic are explored and discussed.

Words cannot do this film justice, and this review doesn't hold a torch to how strongly I love this masterpiece.

10 stars. My favorite movie of all time.

Pixie Hollow Games

I'm a long time Tinkerbell fan, and for about 8 years had my room Tinkerbell themed. I was looking at IMDB and found this short-- a Tinkerbell film I haven't seen! My father didn't want to buy it during quarantine, so he downloaded it onto USB. I watched it on the television with my mother-- (Also a Tinkerbell fan.) And we were sorely disappointed. The humor isn't very good, and it feels very rushed. My theory is that it was originally planned for an entire movie, but got cut and was only available for a short. The Storm Fairy concept isn't very good, and I don't like the "Stupid cocky male" Villain idea. And from the beginning, Rosetta's special conflict was being afraid of mud. Making all of the garden fairies hate mud drowns that out. Overall I think this short film is bad, and I try to erase it from my memory every day.

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