
IMDb member since May 2020
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    4 years


Death Tunnel

less gimics more movie
This could have been a decent ( for its genre) film . But instead they tried to throw in every video "gimic" in film school .replaying a moment over and over, cut in "flashbacks" or backstory and on and on and on . Too painfull to watch . Maybe the director wont try so hard on his next movie and make somethign better .


ive seen worse...but not by much
First off the audio is atrocious i think its meant to inspire tension but it comes off as just annoying and overly loud. The acting is okay . Not great , not horrible . In the beginning there is a comment about it being interactive , but there's nothing else about it mentioned . Did they forget to put it in ? There is only the barest of character development. Not worth wasting time watching .

The Sleep: Survival Horror - Part One

i gave up at the magic wand
This was bad from the get-go , but when they threw in a magic wand i had to abandon all hope that this would have any redeeming value.

The characters have the emotional maturity of 3 year olds . Their response to everything is scream and throw a tantrum . The director should have a restraining order , preventing him from getting within 500 feet of any camera , permanently .

Heaven and Hell

made it through the first 10 minutes , wheres my award ?
Was surprised to see this was filmed in 2018 . Looked like one of the lowest budget fillms filmed in the late 70's. Unwatchable . Crappy low light filming . Default camera setting is close up . After all who needs to see whats going on ?not even good enough to be "so bad its good "

1st Summoning

The audio is undearable
There's a constant crackling coma almost like there walking on wet potato chips. No don't professional camera whatever be that noisy and if it was it would be returned on the 1st day. I'm sure they did that intentionally to make it seem more 'realistic'. But the end result is that it's just utterly annoying.

Dark Web: Cicada 3301

not worth watching
Problems i have with this movie

#1 bartenders make decent money #2 the entire courtroom scene is beyond ridiculous #3 cleaning bitcoin ? #4 the librarian JUST happens to have cicado 3301 on the screen #5 every other thing about this movie

Ember Days

sean michael argo is up to his old (bad ) tricks
Another installment of his horrible directing skills. it appears he is impervious to experience and learning from his mistakes . this movie was terrible .


if pretentiousness were a crime this would be a death sentence
Truly horrible. on every level .nauseatingly pretentious. completely boring and trite. not even worth seeing to laugh at .

Bonehill Road

could have been alot better
Horrible acting , really bad makeup .camera work nauseating ( literally) . full of so many of the worst tropes . this could have been a decent horror movie had it been directed , filmed and scripted differently . a complete waste of time. not even good enough to watch for a laugh

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