
IMDb member since May 2020
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    IMDb Member
    3 years, 11 months


Ghost Project

So bad it's not even funny
Just straight up bad. Nothing about the plot makes sense and the acting is not even decent. There were multiple times where I had no idea what was going on, because the plot simply skipped the part were the viewer where supposed to find out.

It's very technological illiterate, which really doesn't work together with a movie about programmers. "This a terabyte sender" okay but how does it do it? It just looks like a regular usb to me.

I get secondhand embarrassment for the people in charge of this film.

Also very unnecessary sex scene.

I can't believe the director actually graduated film school.

Store Lars

Total "Klovn" rip-off
It seems like they just wanted to copy Frank Hvam's and Casper Christensen's show "klovn". It has the very same elements and sort of jokes, but it's just done worse and nearly not as funny.

Willy's Wonderland

It knows what it is
Silent Nic Cage fights animatronics and I like it.

Wish Dragon

Chinese Aladdin
Pretty much a Chinese version of Aladdin, which in itself is not a bad story, just not very original. I liked the ending though.

Family Reunion

Anything with a laugh track needs to die
This show is so unbelievably unfunny. It's just straight up bad. Don't watch it.


It made me feel things I didn't want to feel. It's beautiful and one of the best sci-fi's I have seen.

Space Force

I don't understand what went wrong
I had really high hopes because of the various actors, writers and there really was so much potential, but it just flopped. It wasn't really funny nor entertaining

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