
IMDb member since August 2006
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I really do like this show. However, this season leaves much to be desired so far. Watching Dean possessed is very disturbing. The plots have a very huge amount of Big plot holes in them. As for Sam's new beard, that too is just a horrible decision. His pretty face, is now just a covered up memory. That is funny, as he could Never be considered the bad boy the producers want him to be. This year so far is something I have to think about watching. Also, it would be nice if the Brothers,Mother,Angel, won now and again. Losing all the time is getting old, and no one wants to eat dry bread so to speak.


Cameron Cuffe
I do not know where this love of facial hair is coming from lately. It looks like another male lead has decided to wear hair on his face. If a female lead is suddenly filmed with a veil on her face, I think the show would be abandoned by have its viewers. Lets face it, half the appeal of watching a show, is to look at and admire the faces of the lead characters. When that is no longer possible, interest is lost.


Terrible For Many Reasons
It would have been a good movie. However the plot was slow and the reason for the goings on and what it was all about were foggy, and hard if not impossible to understand. It may sound trivial and superficial, but I go to the movies not just to see the movie, but also to look at the actors faces and bodies. I do not think men with stubble and a semi beard are attractive. On that score alone, after 15 minutes I stopped watching this movie. I want eye candy=the men, as well as action and plot. Looking at what could have been attractive faces hidden by hair does not cut it. if people want to look at mountain hairy men, this is the movie for them.Stop the beards and grizzle on men's faces, and I might watch the movie and consider buying something the ads are selling. Waste of time.

The Legend of Tarzan

This Movie Is A Joke
Who are these people who think this was a good movie. This is just a fashion show, plus showing nothing but a ridiculous plot and terrible clothing choices. The sensitive lollipop kids got this movie so politically correct, it is a horrible and painful movie to watch. As for Tarzan, he even looks laughable in those pants swinging from vines. For over 100 years Tarzan wore a loin cloth. Not this time, the lollipop kids saw to that. A horrible movie on so many levels.What the heck are these positive reviews for.Terrible terrible plot as well.Tarzan is the king of the jungle. Who really cares if he is the hope and ruler of the people in the jungle. I don't. Those animals don't look real. They looked unreal.


Terrible Waste Of Time After Original Cast Mostly Left The Show
The original wonderful and convincing actors were replaced by a candy cane and over sweet new cast. I find this abominable expression by actors who are so cute, trying so hard to be misfits,a sickening aftertaste of too much candy eaten all at once, so to speak. The target audience must be cutesy types wanting to be misfits so people will see them, as they are generally invisible in real life.The ratings are good, so there must be a lot of these candy cane types watching this show, and taking their piggy bank money to buys things that remind them of it, at toys are us. It is sad to see such an original show as this one, turned over to the gold fish, cute doggy owner types out there, and their dogs named spot. I am so disappointed at this new rendition of terrible trash that is supposed to look real and inviting, only to come out looking sad and shabby. It's like turning the Munsters into Hansel and Gretal.Any moment I expect a loving grandmother come on the show with a baking pan disguised as a lethal weapon. Terrible terrible show these days. Maybe the writers will try and get people out there like me who don't own piggy banks to watch this again. I doubt that, but they do say pigs fly sometimes when you're not looking.

El Gringo

Worst film ever.
Giving this film even a 1 makes me shudder. I have never seen such bad acting, heard such cheesy lines, looked at so many ugly people, sweaty boobs, or stupid townspeople on film. And that's just the OK folks. Even the dog was a loser. I want my thinking cap back, I lost it somewhere in this terrible mess of a movie. If there is a bath to be had in town, it's somewhere over the horizon that no one attempts to locate. And who wants to take a bath next to animal bones anyway. Wait, those ugly, dirty, sweaty boobs people, and their loser dog just might.Nasty, grimy, horrible, just awful, and those are the good points of this film.

Sin nombre

Terrible Terrible Film
I cannot understand the positive reviews for this movie. The story is bleak, sad, violent, unforgiving. What was the message for this film I wonder. Perhaps that their is no happy ending for illegal emigrants seeking entry from South America to the U.S. via Mexico. Especially gang members heaven forbid.There is no hope in this film for anybody. I can't understand why so much effort was used to get the audience close to the protagonist, then have such a sad, hopeless ending to this film. A violent one at that. This film is nothing short of a lesson to those south of the border, to beware of coming to the U.S. To do so might cause them much grief and ugliness, so this film seems to say.

Jin ling shi san chai

This Confusing Movie
This movie would have been OK had the people who financed it been aware or cared about the fact that a great deal of the audience would be English speakers. I did not understand half the movie, so for me it was a waste of time to watch this perhaps good movie. I simply out of frustration had to stop watching this film, and I turned it off. I would love to give it a good review, however how can I when I cannot review a half understood film. I think Christian Bale is a wonderful actor, so I think this half baked loaf of bread so to speak was a waste of his talent and experience. It amazes me that so many good reviews were posted about this film. I have to guess that the main audience who watched it were Chinese speakers. I am so unhappy I even bothered to watch this movie, I could have been watching reruns on TV if I had stopped viewing it after a half hour. I think it might have maybe been a good film, but I'll never really know without an interpreter. Subtitles, so wonderful, Ill never complain about them again.

Anonyma - Eine Frau in Berlin

This Horrible Movie
I sat through this movie for almost 1 hour watching filthy soldiers rape rape rape rape. This must be some sort of fetish film, for strange people to get off on.I found this movie totally useless. I know the strong have power over the weak, but this movie pushes the envelope over the hill and beyond.As a man, I do Not have to force myself on anyone, nor do I. I get it, Berlin was mostly taken over by Russian soldiers, mean rotten ones, using woman as sex objects. It's horrible, and I feel sick watching the implication of it in the shadows and behind closed doors. There should have been so much more subject matter to this film, but no, for those who are excited by this trash, the directors decided to keep it centered only on the forced sexual advances on women. Worst titillation film ever. The producers,directors and those who payed to have this film made, should feel very badly about themselves. I am so mad I watched this rotten movie for as long as I did.

Le chiavi di casa

Wonderful And Insightful Film
This movie is a masterpiece of human emotion, thought, and relationships. For me the best moment of the movie was when the Father looked down on his sleeping child on the train to Berlin. At that moment, his heart was lost to the boy whether he wanted it to be or not. The Dad showed much love for his boy through-out the film, and made sure the boy knew it. He gave him many treats and acts of love such as hugs and kisses on his cheeks. A truly moving scene was when he wiped his Sons face and hands with the towel after the boy made a run for it in the hallway. The Father made sure his Son knew who was boss when the remote control scene took place. All police tell parents to stay put when their child is missing so updates can be given to them. Trying to find anybody in a big city, one is not familiar with, is not the best idea. He showed his Son great compassion when he took him to see his love interest, knowing the boy might be made fun of or rebuffed in an unkind way. This shows a wonderful understanding of being a parent, letting your children get hurt emotionally so they can grow emotionally in their lives. Throwing the cane into the sea was a profound act of love and understanding that this one thing to protect his Son from ridicule was all he could do for him on his journey to meet the girl of his dreams without embarrassment. My thoughts on the boy going to live with his Father, it was never going to happen. It was a fantasy of the Father wanting to make everything OK between him and his Son. When the Father broke down and cried, he knew when the boy acted up, that this trip together was all they would have, maybe for a long time. The Father understood his wife could not and probably would not be able to meet the demands of the boys needs and take care of their baby. The Father had to work, so this was the way it had to be. When the boy said I am here with you and you cry, the Father knew when they were together, that is all that counted at that time. There was great love shown by the Father throughout the movie, and it was was a perfect showing of his affection for his Son. Wonderful wonderful film.

Otets i syn

A wonderful Film
For me, I had to watch this movie several times to understand what I was seeing, and what I personally was feeling also. Such a wonderful film visually, emotionally. So dream-like,with a hazy golden light I found very soothing and comforting as well. The men, especially the Father are so handsome, even beautiful, so much so it is hard to concentrate on everything going on with them and around them. What I saw was interdependence, profound love, duty, and the desire to hold on to each other at all costs if possible. The father going to the boys school, just to see him, was an excuse to let his son know he was still around and wanting his son not to forget him.The girlfriend knew, just as the boys mother did, that this young man would let no one come between his father and him, not even her. So she quit him. To save face, and not acknowledge publicly what she said, he accuses her of having another man in her life. She has had enough, and will not fight for his love anymore. What I saw with the young man who came to inquire about his missing father, was a threat to the movie fathers son emotionally,in the sons mind, so much so, the son made it very clear to this visiting boy he would not tolerate it, and made physical and veiled threats to him. The son even went with this boy to make sure he left until next summer, even taking him to a strange part of town to confuse him as to where he lived.Sasha meant nothing to the son, just an excuse to the make the father jealous. The sons stare at his father told his father that the missing boys father would not be a long staying guest. Not if he could help it. His dad was going no where, that was the message on the bed while talking with his dad. I believe for the son, he was profoundly aware of, and accepting of his lust for his father. It's clear to me that's what I saw. Is he in love with his father, who knows. His lust, his desire, his possession of his father, will as alluded to at the end of the movie make his heart break all his life. He finally understood this, as the father did as well. As for the father, I think he has a profound love for his son, nothing more. He would keep his son forever with him if he could. I believe physically living together or emotionally in their hearts, no one will ever separate the two. They are forever together, never truly apart.

Into the Wild

A very sad romanticized movie of a bad decision maker
As far as I can see, this movie was and is pandering to people with their heads in the clouds, who will think movie is great, and that Christopher McCandless is some sort of idealized, wilderness casualty. Christopher was a bad planner, a bad organizer, a bad hunter, and a really bad navigator. I almost believe he had a suicide mission, (which later I believe he changed his mind about, but it simply was too late, and he knew this fact with desperation), doing this trip without any of the things he needed. Christopher was educated, smart, so there is no excuse for his actions concerning this venture of his into the wilderness. Delirious starvation, led to not finding a river crossing. Bad circumstances made food in cabins nearby not edible. One of his last entries in his diary made it clear he was afraid to die, to die alone, and that he was desperate to live, but hopeless at the same time. He should have had a compass in his travels, but he did not have one at the time of his death in his possession, which does puzzle me. People will always go where angels fear to tread. One can only hope other people won't make bad decisions to go on trips unprepared, but some people always will, so one can only hope the best for those people, and hope no one follows their footsteps to their death also.

The Northern Kingdom

Thoughts on this movie.
I loved this movie. I felt as though I was watching real people, the acting was excellent. The theme was strange, but in the end things worked out fine for everyone concerned. Thought, introspection, self worth of ones family and oneself, these things and more are observed and worked out by each person in this movie. Plain and simple, I really liked this movie, it touched me deeply, and made me think on my own life.Things don't always work out in our lives. It takes a movie like this to make us reflect on what we did with our life, how we live it, and who we choose to live it with. It's interesting after watching this film, how I finally understand what it means to quietly accept someone else and their sexual identity. We must all be happy with our decisions and make the best in our lives with the final outcome of those decisions. This film has made me reflect on my own life, I hope for the better.


OK Film For The Most Part
I actually liked this film. Most people I know really do argue like these two people did. They also showed how little any of us know about survival. Turning on and off flashlights, not using the wood on the fire to cook with. Ignoring the leach at the hotel was very stupid. The only problem I have with this film, is just after the half way point, that shot of the summer cabin at night showed electric porch lights on after the power was off. Wasting food, not taking into account things might disappear for a while, is something most of us do every day, so it's not unreasonable to see they might do the same. Flashing cash when the hotel desk clerk said he took credit, is just plain dumb.The guy carjacking and wanting some sex in the process is very believable. It's just those lights that get me, that made me laugh, and after that I took the movie with a pinch of salt.

After the Waterfall

What was the point.
The whole movie was just about the main characters wife cheating on him with the cop who investigated his daughters disappearance. Yes his daughter did disappear at the waterfall, got that, but the rest of the movie was it seemed just about the cheating that went on. This movie was a waste of time as far as I am concerned, sorry I watched it. It left a bad after-taste so to speak in my viewing experience of it. Kind of like when milk looks good, but is rotten when you drink it. The only thing I really did like about this movie was the new baby that was born. She gets 10 stars, the movie itself, minus 20.I am also sorry the first daughter disappeared. I actually liked her Dad, but the other two just didn't make me happy to look at them.


My thoughts on this movie
I don't know what to think about this movie. It has many many life learning lessons in it. Cops should alway keep several feet between themselves and the people in cars they stop. Never never never go to an ATM at night, and no matter what, never wear anything over your ears while doing so. Women or men can learn something about bosses who might make the move on them. Teachers can hopefully avoid being sexually active with students by watching this film. People who are hurt, or hurt, emotionally other people, might see why there is violence in the end in some way or other. Parents can learn just using their child's name in public and then leaving them alone for any length of time can provide just the right opportunity for bad people to leave with their children. Yes some of these things are indeed disturbing, however the lessons learned from this film make it worth watching. I gave it only a 5 because of this disturbing content. I do think though, people should watch this film, it really is pretty good. I am confused though as to why some people are calling it a guilty pleasure. I don't get that. What pleasure can be found, in most of the scenes in this film I wonder. Watching a child abducted, someone shot dead, or someone kidnapped and left to die. How can that cause pleasure. If though it is looked at as it is, this film is a good one, and should be watched by as many people who find the title interesting enough to "Look" at.

The Gambler, the Girl and the Gunslinger

Oh This Movie
This movie was horrible. I felt like I was watching a bunch of people playing dress up. Plus the fighting, shooting, blowing up of things, was laughable. The "acting" was like students at a community college were at their first week of training. Horrible horrible "acting" on everyones part. The main "actors" had so many cloths on, it made me sweat to look at them. So much cloth, the horses were about half seen most of the time. I hated this turkey. Speaking of which, the ending of the movie summed up for me how I felt about it. Laughable ending, but right on target so to speak.It was one of those movies I watched hoping it would get better, but it never did. This movie deserves -10 lemons.

Lewis: Old School Ties
Episode 2, Season 1

Lewis-Old School Ties
I love this show. It Is rather plodding sometimes.However, it makes up for it in detail of the subject of the plot.I found this story quite interesting and enjoyable, with all the plot twists and guessing. All the actors are pleasing to the eye too. As for Laurence Fox, he seems to have some sort of problem with how he talks. After pondering on this, I think the problem is too many teeth packed into his mouth. If he were to remove the back tooth, last ones at the back of his mouth, upper and lower ones on each side, it would give his other teeth room to spread out, and the tightness would disappear. Then I am sure he would speak quite evenly and more under-standarbly.


Threads-My thoughts
I saw this movie in the 80's, and I just have not been able to watch it again. This movie will forever be burned into my mind. I have never gotten over my fear after watching this movie of nuclear war. So many things have happened since then. People think there is no threat out there anymore since Russia collapsed. How untrue that is. Now there are nuclear bombs out there no one can track anymore. In the last few years Pakistan and India were hours away from firing their missiles at each other. China has tested their weapons against U.S.A. interference in Taiwan in their mountains. North Koria fired missiles at three targets, of which all supposedly went down because of mechanical failor. Israel is saying should one nuclear power plant open in Iran it will use small nuclear weapons to destroy those plants outright. France said recently it will use its nuclear weapons should one act of terrorism be used against it no matter who does it. Things look bleak out there, lets hope all stays peaceful. All these countries should be forced to watch the movie Threads, with the hope they will come to their senses and avoid war. One thing I did get out of this film is, that life does go on no matter the circumstances for better or worse. This is a must see movie,and a realistic one.

Little House on the Prairie: Little House on the Prairie
Episode 0, Season 1

I love little house on the prairie. I watch it every day. Looking at the show, it is impossible to date it in TV decade time. I find this show so much better than the awful shows full of violence and vulgarity on TV today. Sappy? Yes, but it is sure nice to have some cotton candy every now and then. Each time I watch this show, I go back to better days and happy thoughts. There really was a time of innocence and moral values. Hard to believe today. I have given up on todays TV, and I do not allow my children to watch todays TV shows full of demeaning bad behavior and put downs. It seems todays TV is full of bickering, one up-man-ship, and getting over someone else, especially ones own family and friends. Were there a time machine, I would go back to the happy and safe days of my childhood that this TV show was so much a part of. Great TV show!

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