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Great Film ~ Beautifully Made
This is how Sci-fi shorts should be done. Why? Because the special effects where not overly complex or in your face. They just blended seemlessly.

0.50 that was a clever camera shot and the drone footage was absolutely beautiful

Sound and the lighting is gorgeous! Well done everyone

I enjoyed the plot unfolding.

Marek Majeský (Father) and Lea Mracková (Older Daughter) combo, was played with care and attention. Would like to see more of these actors. More acting roles for them would be good.

I found the family scenes especially moving. Carrying the essence of family life, nurture and protectiveness, shot with warm colours. It had good progression and made you care about the characters very quickly (something that's hard to do with a short). And that "intense scene", yes that felt scary.

Your main character played by Peter Hudec was great acting, showing the emotions of someone caught in a dire situation trying to survive. Well done.

Oh and his "Pet" was a nice touch, the human and digital relationship dynamic was interesting one to explore.

This short movie ultimately proves to anyone that you don't need much dialog to convey a good story. Just show and tell.

Thank you everyone.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Subspace Rhapsody
Episode 9, Season 2

Omfg! This was beautiful - shout out to cast members
~ Christina Chong & Celia Rose Gooding sing so beautifully ~

Loved every minute of this one, bit of romance, bit of fun, and very emotional in places.

I really like how "La'an Noonien-Singh" charaxcter is developing. Shes my favourate. Powerful woman (Ands thats coming from a bloke saying that). The story line with her and Kirk in the timeline stuff is just perfect. She reminds me of Malcolm Reed of Enterprise. = I see youve created an EP titled "Twin Flames". Thats awesome, well done lov! Nice one

Celia Rose Gooding wow!, you can really sing. I wonder if youve record an album? Would be interested in hearing you sing again, please record some.

Thank you to ALL the cast and crew for having fun with this one and for singing your hearts out! Well done! Blessings Kieron.

P.s. Trippin Klingons!! Hahahaha.

The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM

First Class Reporting
What happened to George and Derek is tragic in equal messure. The media has a lot to answer for, for manipulating the narrative.

Candice Owen and her crew are courageous. Anyone who stands up to the herd, speaks their truth with integrity is worthy of respect. Thank you Candice for all your great work. Stay strong, the people are with you.

From figures ive seen 84 Billion Raised world wide, i wonder where thats gone? The documentary highlights some of it. There needs to be an investigation by USA at the higest level and reveal the truth. Otherwise this could be viewed as a money laundering outfit.

BLM started by three female marxists whos manifesto included the intent to "Disrupt the Nuclear Family" getting rid of the terms father, mother, sister brother, daughter and son.

I'm Not Apologising for Anything You Dirty, Dirty Smear Merchants

Awesome Film Everyone Should Watch it
This film is intense! You really get emotional from watching it. If Sargon's speach makes you feel moved, I wonder what the "press" in the film must be feeling!

Sargon in his Enigmatic, Honourable Charm confiscates any shred of decency the "Press" ever had, in a true display of awesome truth!

Well done :)

Vikings: Valhalla

Ragnor would be turning in his grave
Unfortunately progressive ideology has infultrated a beautiful and captivating franchise. Why do they have the destory something that was good, that we all loved, with fictional charatcers not based on reality? Jarl Estrid Haakon has not place in this story in my opinion. Ragnor Luthbrook would be turning in his grave.


This is the most beautiful and in depth show ive ever seen. Very powerful, heart felt and meaningful.

I want to thank the cast for there acting, thank you to the script writers and the all production team. Youre care and delivery of the story is amazing.

I will think on this one and revisit it. Live a life worth living and meet you on the beach when time is done.

Thank you so much xXx.


Good film and then > > >
Storyline is good, with plenty of action. Liam Neesons one of my favourate actios BUT then the arse drops out of it with a crappy ending. All that suspense and for nothing!

Don't Look Up

OMG! what are we doing?
Profound film, leaving me in tears...

What are we doing to each other? Wheres the kindness - weres unity? Why are we in so much pain, FEAR, anger?. Whos dream is this? Who story are we following? The media?

Its now time to dream the world back into being... and YOU dear reader and me.... it all starts with us. Together, each day, trying our best to be kind, loving and happy.

I wish for you bliss, i wish for you joy, and stillness in the arms of nature.

Awesome acting, Thank you everyone Directed Beautifully, thank you Adam Mckey Profound story, David Sirota ... be proud of yourselves!

Santa Inc.

Degraded Mental Condition
This is nothing more than a "progressive" takeover of our hero narratives. Children need role models, even if they are fictional as a framework to form their personality.

Mucking with well established role models will do more harm than good I disapprove and am appauled.

Low-quality acting and production Low-quality story line Political nonse


Begin Again

Beautiful ~ feel good movie
What a lovely film. ALL the actors were excellent in this one. The characters flowed, the story had emotional depths. Flippin good music too.

Keira Knightley is beautiful as always, nice to see her gentle side in the video. Director left room for hers and Mark Ruffalo's characters to develope gracefully. Was touching.

Thanks everyone for a lovely film. Definately going in my favourates list. Would like a part 2 if youre up for it.

Japanese Story

Beautiful & Sincere
Very well acted by all cast members, especially Toni Collette and Gotaro Tsunashima

Toni Collette is absolutely beautiful ~ showing us that acting can be subtle and passionate.

Thank to all who made this film.

The Spitfire Grill

Unexpected pleasure
Oh man... talk about tears. This is a beautiful story

Allison Elliots character, Percey was delicate, very well acted.

The other characters where great! All fleshed out and all had thier own reasons. The film will lead you through all of them. Its an emotional ride.

Evening watch, cuddle up, hot chocolate kind of film. Thank you, definately on my favourates list.

Death of a Fool

Unexpected Treat
Entertaining mystery which will keep to wanting to know more. Nothing is explained, and you have to watch it to understand whats going on. Not like Hollywood films where you can predict the outcomes of everything before its even started. Good romp through emotions and the cast acted thier characters really well.

Just put your critical hat on the shelf, open a beer and sit relax into this one.

Well done everyone involved

The Kings of Summer

Hmm Bland
Well shot, good acting and interesting storyline though out

However... had a really bland ending. Would rather watch mold grow on the wall next time. Whats the point


Meh and double Meh
Livi Birch is the real star of this film.... hope she does well in life as an actress. Unfortunately the rest of this film leaves me feeling bland and unresolved. I know its based on a true story and this is admirable, but this film ... stinks

Scott Pryor never gets the chance to give us his full acting ability with a such a restricted unlovable wooden character.

In fact the only ones i felt for were the bikers and the nice nurse.

Story is ok if you want to get inspired by the "christian faith" but for me it rather did the opposite. Made me feel like God was vindictive and no matter how many times you say "Jesus died for our sins" when its out of context, doesnt make me immediately want to grab the bible... so that was Boring

Gripped: Climbing the Killer Pillar

Meh - Read on why
The characters were likable and you got a sense of romance developing here. Would of liked the storyline to include the other characters and what they got up to. Could have made a series out of this easy.

Pitty that the overuse of the same footage of the rock dominated the half the film. hmm... i thought they just did that bit etc.

If youre looking for something like the gritty thrills of "Everest" and "oh my god!" then this isnt it. Darn shame there wasnt enough danger, otherwise this film would have been great. Also hero guy was bit of a wuss and felt like giving him a slap in the end lol. Should have fallen off, had dilema and have her lose a finger or something.

Anyway, lovely scenery... expansive.

p.s. film producers, make this into a series with the same actors and start again!


WOW! awesome sci fi
If you need to immerse yourself in space ships, action and drama ... then this is for you. Great film that had me wanting to be out in space and join them.

Story was deep enough at you cared about the characters, and each one was a strong as the other - creating a well thought out team.

Reminded me of "The Wandering Earth" and "Space Sweepers" is just as good, sci fi really is hard core!

Acting was natural, to the point and Kim Tae-ri is just gorgeous!

Well done everyone involved. Can we have film v2 please


Cool Film
Cute in a grisly sort of way. Fun rump on giving aliens a good kicking. Enjoyed the Irish setting, not enough films come from there. I liked to characters, and Ruth Bradley her character was lovable. The monsters ace!!! Not too over the top and just right. Tension was great. Well done everyone.

We need a no:2 (2weeks later) where they take over the island. Bringing down ships and stopping people from escaping. More funny deaths, over the top challenges and Bottle drops.

Nina of the Woods

Wierd & Captivating
This film will keep you watching for more. Many layers of meaning. Will definitely need to watch this again to see things ive missed first time round.

When you step towards the magic of nature - it comes closer

Impressive acting from all the cast. Megan Hensley has beautiful eyes, and holds a strong position throughout. Also Daniel Bielinski does well at playing a scumbag lol.

You can tell when you have a good film because you care about the characters.

Well done all.

Enola Holmes

Great acting from Millie Bobby Brown
I enjoyed the film, great for family viewing in my opinion.

Millie Bobby Brown's acting in this was wonderful. Her funny commentary to camera kept me engaged and actually showed a side of herself that isnt present in stranger things. More like her real life self, fun to be with

All the best Mille, youre doing great and cant wait to see more films from you.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters

The special effects are awesome & the actors were good however... when films intentionally destroy the fundamentals of a genre in favour of their woke agenda then things go terribly wrong. Just think of all female "ghost busters"

Sick of the film industry putting inappropriate characters in place, with traditional roles being reversed - not because it makes sense, but because they have to fill their woke score

Watch it for the sci-fi but cringe at the nonsensical characters

Kyle Chandler really great acting Millie Bobby Brown, any film with her in its great, shes wonderful Ziyi Zhang absolutely beautiful as always

Star Trek: Discovery: That Hope Is You, Part 1
Episode 1, Season 3

Star Trek Discovery has good special effects, but its overt progressive stance tends to leave a feeling like youre being lectured to.

Ensign Sylvia Tilly in season 1&2 was plain annoying, but the storyline was good.

Season 3, starts off promising but has too much "Wauconda" for me AND WHY show the whole season in a trailer at the end episode 1 ~ IDIOTS

Save Yourselves!

Angry Fluffy Balls!
This is an awesome movie, its subtle, funny, and goes places. You get to care about these characters a whole lot, and some of it might resonate with you own relationships. MUST HAVE A PART 2! ~ Alex & Eleanor pleasepleaseplease

Time Loop

Great if you Time Films like Back to the future
Theres some cringes moments that jar, but all in all its a solid film with interesting story line. Kept me guessing whats going on. Good work folks.


If youd like to feel drained of all life and at the same time have someone poke you in the eye consistently... then this film is for you. Thats two hrs of my life i wont get back.

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