
IMDb member since May 2001
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    23 years


Special Unit 2

Another great show gets the axe.
Well, Special Unit 2 was canceled in 02/2002. It's a shame. It was one of the most creative and funny shows to come across the small screen in some time. The quick witted, sharp tongued characters were the perfect match for the utter "campy-ness" of the show's premise. Sheer genius. Let's hope UPN decides to bring this one back.

Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force

Best Star Trek game to come down the pike
First things first.

Are you going to like this game more if you are a Trekkie? Of course.

Can it stand on its own merits and be enjoyable for those not indoctrinated by the Federation? Absolutely.

Elite Force has amazing graphics(no hiccups or hitches on a PIII 900), great musical score (reminiscent in places of the DS9 opening music) and a tight knit story. As a FPS it has both challenging exploration puzzles and fast and furious shoot 'em ups. For the Trekkies in the crowd it has the added bonus of being able to interact with Voyager regulars. The Bonus pack add-on only enhances this by adding the exploration mode, which lets you roam freely on 11 decks of Voyager.

The only severe drawback the game has is its length. Put bluntly, its way too short. For gamers used to Halflife it will seem like your just warming up by the time you finish off the final boss. It's a shame because there is a lot more potential here that goes untapped.

This drawback, however, is not enough to pull the game off your purchase list. This is especially true since it has by now made its way to the discount bins. (I picked up my copy for $9 US.) For all those who feel that there haven't been enough people reduced to orange light in recent Star Trek episodes, this games for you.

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