
IMDb member since August 2006
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    IMDb Member
    17 years


The Secret

Rip off?
Some would say this is a direct rip off of the Norman Vincent Peale book, copyright 1952 with lots of reprinting: "The Power of Positive Thinking". I could actually find some quotes and ideas from the book in this movie. I have a friend who initially told me about it and was so THRILLED to find how easy it seemed. I mentioned this "rip off" theory and that all self-help books are like this - it just takes the will to implement what they are saying. How many people were taken in by "The Celestine Prophecy" before they found out that it was fiction? While the premise is very different than that of "The Secret" - it seems to have the same "religious" following with the same promise of some kind of answer to life and how to live it. Maybe I am off my rocker, but it's my rocker, thank you, and this is how I see it. Strictly a money making rip off. Tom Cruise should have starred in it.

Daughter of the Mind

If you see it as a kid, it stays with you....
That is what everyone seems to say that I know. We even brought it up at my 30th class reunion! I remember watching it (10 yrs old) and being petrified! But it's all relative. What was scary back then might be cheesy now. But I sure would love to see it again! I found a site called that claims to have it but you have to write a request and leave your email, and someone will get back to you. Anyone ever hear of that site and if they are legit? Thank you to all who critiqued it and gave it high ratings. I think the Baby Boomer crowd appreciates this kind of stuff far more than the younger ones. Made for TV movies are sometimes the best, but the hardest to get a copy of!

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