
IMDb member since June 2020
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The Great Gatsby

Entertaining but NOT faithful to the novel - read the novel if you don't believe me!
When people give an opinion - if it's positive - it's voted helpful. Most of the helpful reviews for this film are erroneous. This film is true to the classic novel it is based on? Really? No actually it's not! Also just because you do not like a particular actor or director's interpretation does not mean it is an inadequate performance or an inferior film.

This film is very much of it's time. Under the production code changes have been made to appease the censors and please the audience. For example, Gatsby's dubious past is not just hinted at but explained in flashbacks. He retains more of a mystery in the book and other film versions because you don't know exactly what happened in his past.

Jordan Baker is given a redemptive role as stated in the trivia section - as a love interest to Nick Carraway. She is the loyal wise cracking friend - a familiar character in 1940's American film. Entertaining but not really authentic to Fitzgerald's novel.

The most obvious correction is with Tom and Daisy Buchanan who are humanized when they attempt to save Gatsby from being murdered. Suddenly they see the error of their ways. Also unfortunately, many of the great lines in the book are left out.

However it is entertaining and there are glimpsed of Fitzgerald's world of a lost generation. I suggest the reviewers that say this version is true to the book - go and read the book!

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